Which state has a white crescent on its flag and what does it mean?

The white crescent is almost as common a sign of state symbolism as the five-pointed star. He is present at the banners of different states in all parts of the world. What does the crescent moon mean in each country?


On the flag of which state is there a white crescent?

Officially, the panel was approved in August 1947. It has a rectangular shape with sides relative to each other in a proportion of three to two. The main field is dark green. This is the color characteristic of most Muslim states. Along the shaft there is a white strip occupying a quarter of the length. The white crescent on the flag is located exactly in the center of the green field and covers a five-pointed star, the same image is present on the coat of arms. An interesting fact is connected with the flag of Pakistan . Residents who love and value their symbol have demonstrated their feelings in a beautiful ceremony. In October 2012, more than twenty thousand people gathered in the city of Lahore to form a vibrant flag. They broke a record formerly held by Hong Kong residents and entered the Guinness Book. The authorities noted that such an achievement can be considered universal for all citizens of the country.


White crescent moon on the flag of Sudan

Thinking about which state the white crescent is on the flag of, one cannot but recall Turkey. Her red banner goes back centuries. In the center is a white crescent moon, covering a five-pointed star of the same color. Interestingly, the Turks began to use such an image before the adoption of Islam. It is believed that the symbol was created after the victory in the Kosovo field or connected with the Sultan Osman. According to legend, during the attack on Istanbul, the Macedonians shed a lot of blood, in the puddles of which a crescent moon with stars was reflected. Thanks to their light, the Turks managed to win. The white crescent on the flag of Sudan and other Muslim countries was depicted before and now precisely as a sign of Islam, but only Turkey connects it with its history. The color of the flag is also unusual for a state with such a religion - green is usually used instead of red. The Turks associate the scarlet with the times of the Ottoman Empire, which is another reference to the past. That is why Turkey will be the simplest answer to the question of which state has the white crescent on its flag.


White crescent on the flag

It is not surprising that the answer to the question of which state has the white crescent on the flag is the answer: the countries of the East. So the Republic of Azerbaijan was included in the list of possible options. The flag with the white crescent was adopted back in 1918 by the Democrats. After their overthrow, it was banned, but in 1991 he returned again, and since 2009, the day associated with the symbol of statehood is annually celebrated. The flag of this country is a tricolor. There is a blue stripe above, a red stripe in the center, a green stripe at the bottom, and they are all arranged horizontally. In the center is an eight-pointed star with a crescent; for them, white is chosen. Blue serves as a symbol of the Turks, red represents democracy, and green means the Islamic religion. The crescent is also associated with faith, and the number of rays of the star indicates the letters of the word "Azerbaijan", written in Arabic.


White Crescent Flag

State symbols were adopted in the country in December 1962. So Nepal was another answer to the question: "On the flag of which state is the white crescent?" In addition, the standard itself has an unusual shape. It consists of two triangular pennants of red, outlined in blue. On the top is a horizontal crescent with a star. They are made in white. At the bottom is a star with twelve rays, symbolizing the sun. She is also white. These symbols mean the hope of a long existence, because the two main luminaries, according to the Nepalese, will always be in heaven. The same image is used for the national coat of arms. In addition, he is crowned with a crown, a symbol of the monarchy, and under it are the footprints of the god Goraknath. On the sides are crossed state flags and local kukri knives, which mean courage. On the coat of arms you can also see stylized drawings of a cow, a pheasant, the Himalayas and the geographical contours of the state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14683/

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