Far Cry 4: review of the game in Russian

The game Far Cry 4, the review of which this article offers, became the fourth part in the line of legendary shooters. She received gameplay from the last part and still pleases players with charismatic personalities and an incredible world full of adventure.

But this time the protagonist goes to the Himalayas to fulfill his mother’s last wish. In the fictional country of Kirat, a civil war lasts. The main character Ajay will face difficulties and find new allies. Now the variability of the endings allows you to make a choice that is acceptable for each player. The rap game review Far Cry 4 has already become popular on the Internet.

General review of the game

The originality of the plot of the last Far Cry, as well as the younger "brothers", does not stand out. The main character is again recovering in a hot spot to confront tyrants and fight injustice. And the name of the new hero is Ajay Gale. He goes to Kirat to fulfill the last request of the deceased mother and dispel her ashes in a special place.

far cry 4 review

But upon arrival, he is "hospitably" met by the local leader and dictator - Peygan Ming. The hero is made to understand that he is nobody here, and they begin to torture his guide, who later turns out to be a member of the rebel organization called the Golden Way. The hero arranges an escape from Ming. When it turns out that Ajay is the son of Peygan, he instantly becomes the face and leader of the rebel movement.

The innovation is pleasing - the plot is non-linear. The player himself chooses how to act, whom to kill or leave to live. The fate of Kirat really rests on the shoulders of the hero.

It is also nice to see the DLC package for FC 4. You can get acquainted separately with each add-on by reading the game review. Far Cry 4 gold edition contains season pass and special edition.

System requirements

The new Far Cry 4 will be interesting to users with at least mid-level consoles. And to see the maximum capabilities of Ubisoft, you will have to raise the settings higher.

The jester will run on a PC with Windows operating system version 7/8 / 8.1 of 64-bit resolution.

Recommended hardware: Intel Core i5-750 series processor or AMD Phenom II II X4 955 series, 4 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 460 graphics card or Radeon HD 5850 with 1 GB memory, sound devices should work with DirectX 9.0s.

Free space on your hard drive must be at least 27 GB.

Main characters

game review far cry 4

On the way of the protagonist there are many personalities.

Far Cry 4 - Review of the cast:

• Ajay Gale - the central face of Far Cry 4. He was originally from Kirat, but by the will of his mother he grew up in the USA;

• Bhadra - a little girl, in the future a symbol of the rebirth of the culture of Kirat;

• Ishwari is the mother of Ajay, the wife of Mohan Gale. Was in a relationship with P. Min;

• Pagan Min - the main psychopath villain Far Cry 4. He is the dictator of the region in the Himalayas and keeps everyone in the sandbox gloves. A person who resembles Vaasa Monetnegro;

• Amita - one of the leaders of the Golden Way. He competes for power with Sabal and holds different views on the life of Kirat;

• Sabal - is the second leader of the rebel movement, conservative in nature and wants to return Kirat to its very roots;

• Darpan - one of the Golden Way warriors, fought under the leadership of the father of the protagonist;

• Longin - an assistant to the rebel movement in the supply of weapons, the hero is saved from the second part of the series;

• Herk - another character left with Far Cry 3, he helps fight the tyrant;

• Yuma Low - manages the prison and helps P. Min;

• Paul Harmon - has long been working for the head of Ming, while helping him crush the rebels. Psychopath specializing in interrogations and torture;

• Nur Najjar - manages the bloody battles in the arena;

• Yogis and Reggie - local drug addicts who work and help Nur Najar;

• Mohan Gale - Mina's former ally, Ajay's late father.

Shooter interface

In the new Far Cry 4, users will play in the first person. This is a shooter with stealth elements, a huge open game world and, of course, partial freedom of action. The gameplay does not imply drastic changes. The action takes place again in a large and accessible to study large-scale game world, which is full of diverse wild beasts and more.


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Far Cry 4 - an overview of the innovations in the game:

• Climbing. Due to the terrain, many missions involve climbing steep cliffs.

• Cooperative game for 4 people.

• Calling mercenaries. When collecting and buying soldier tokens, the main character has the ability to summon mercenaries as reinforcements.

• Shaman hunters. The jungle warriors in the game act as an adversary. Identification badges above them only burn for a few seconds and disappear. This makes it difficult to determine their location.

• Radio Kirata. During trips in the passenger compartment, propaganda broadcasting of the Royal Army is working. After capturing stations and redirecting the signal, the Golden Way propaganda continues to broadcast.

• Transport. A light cargo scooter and gyrocopter appeared in the shooter. You can also use an elephant as a means of transportation. An animal, like a combat unit, can ram, scatter things and enemies.

• Select a storyline. When passing the game from time to time, the hero has to choose whose tasks to give priority. What determines the further storyline.

Features Far Cry 4

Although Far Cry 4 is not particularly different from its predecessor, some features specific to the game can be highlighted.

game review far cry 4 gold edition

Features Far Cry 4 (review in Russian):

• The multifaceted and bewitching game world of Far Cry 4. Here the player will see not only dense forests, but also the unusual snow-covered slopes of the Himalayas. The local jungle is rich in animals: leopards, rhinos, egg eagles, bald badgers and many others.

• Using a wing suit, you need to constantly conduct reconnaissance on enemy territory, as well as carry out airborne sorties.

• The player will have to show his strength and skill, fight for life and glory in the arena, as well as earn the favor of the crowd.

• The history of Kirat is based on wars. The player will be able to enter his name in it in the new multiplayer mode.

• In the map editor, you can create your own sites.

Far Cry 4 ps4: review - co-op walkthrough

Unfortunately, in Far Cry 4, as in its predecessor, the joint game consists of session tasks that are not related to the main plot. Cooperative missions, an overview of which is available on the Internet, enables the team to jointly explore the dangerous world, drive cars, hunt. The main plot still remains within the single player game.

rap game review far cry 4

But so that players in the company do not get bored, the developers raised the level of complexity of what is happening: the number of enemies increased, they became more violent, learned how to shoot and storm troops more accurately. Added the ability to call reinforcements (allies from resistance) for single players.

An interesting fact: for the players who bought the license, the developers give some keys / codes that download a free stripped-down copy of the game, which allows you to play Far Cry 4 for free on the network.

Game world and nature

Players in Far Cry 4 are pleased with the fictional state of Kirat, in which elephants live with snow leopards. For the first time, the action of the game does not take place in the jungle or on the beach. Now the hero will face such dangers as honey badgers, elephants, yaks, and instead of sharks, huge crucian killers will attack.

far cry 4 weapon review

Nature has become more vibrant, believable and harsh. Animals act as ceoyjcnm commanded them. Wolves hunt prey in packs, and wild dogs have learned to surround, and the giant eagle now carries its prey to the nest. It is also interesting that some animals are not initially aggressive, but if they violate their habitat boundaries or simply provoke they can respond with an attack. It's funny, but sometimes they just try to scare away the protagonist, standing on their hind legs or making warning sounds. It’s not a fact that the tiger will attack as soon as it sees a person, or the friendly yak will not want to fight. This is really impressive and makes the familiar gameplay more entertaining.

Game review Far Cry 4: pumping, weapons and vehicles

Skills: as before, the main character gets the opportunity to improve their skills. In Far Cry 4, leveling is possible in two branches - the elephant (self-healing skill) and the tiger (killing skill). Defense skills are present both here and there, as well as attacking or passive ones. The leveling scheme remains simple: four levels for each skill.

far cry 4 yeti valley review

Pumping and unlocking existing weapons is tied to missions and, of course, to the progress of exploring the world. If the player is not interested in leveling the hero, then the developers allowed to complete the game even with half-open leveling.

Far Cry 4: weapon review. In the new Far Cry, the arsenal of weapons has grown significantly - 64 species. Each hero will be able to choose machine guns, explosives and many other “toys” to his taste and style of play. For close combat, sawn-off shotguns, shotguns and shotguns are provided. For combat at a distance - sniper rifles, crossbows and harpoons. Weapons can be improved, but to get rare items, you have to try.

As for transport and technology: new aircraft appeared in the game, as well as hybrids: equipped jeeps, trucks, a helicopter, ATV, boat and much more. Only 18 new vehicles.

Far Cry 4: DLC Review - Yeti Valley

The main storyline again failed on a solid five. Compared with the previous part, FC4 was distinguished by a large number of characters, secondary missions and a more diverse process of passing them. But at the core of the mission remained the same: chases, walks, captures, operations to abduct and destroy enemies.

Side missions are very similar to the last part of the shooter. They are short and take in quantity, but not quality: capture of towers, turn off transmitters, chase for a while along rivers and bushes, capture checkpoints, collect relics and hunt for rare animals. But the game world is breathtaking in variety, and sometimes you just want to take a walk around Kirat.

For fans of the line to the last part of the add-on. One of the DLC for Far Cry 4 - Yeti Valley, an overview and a way to complete the quest are already available to Internet users.

There are also other additions: Operation "Return of Herka", an exclusive weapon, "Invasion" with PVP mode and new maps, and more.

To see another special addition, you should look at the review of the game Far Cry 4: Escape from Durgesh Prison, on the passage of which there is only one chance (there are no checkpoints and saves).


FC 4 received a new modern graphics. The game is designed for modern PC and nextgen console. On modern devices, the graphic image is really worthy. Amazing detail of the game world, shadows, volumes of objects and other things.

The most striking thing seems to be the detailed background and background, as well as the view from above: majestic mountains, fluffy clouds, sunsets and forests.

The game uses the Dunia 2 engine, modified and more precisely tuned. In addition to the engine, PC owners will be surprised by technologies such as:

• HBAO + - the shadows of the game world - more contrasting and traced;

• PCSS - thanks to technology, shadows become soft and realistic as they move away from the subject;

• TXAA - artifact smoothing technique when changing the viewing angle to an object;

• HairWorks - improving the appearance of hair and hair, the movement of which depends on external influences.

Far Cry 4: game review - shooter ending

Since Far Cry 4 involves several endings, it is worthwhile to dwell on them. To see the results of his actions after the death or escape of the villain Peygan Min, you need to go to the indicated locations: after Amita - in Tirtha, after Sabal - to the temple of Jalendu.

More details:

1. You can stay at the dinner table (or take a walk around the house) at the beginning of the game and wait until Peygan arrives and leads the hero to Lakshmana, after which it will help to fulfill the mother’s desire.

2. The path of Amina - after leaving the table at the beginning you need to join the "Golden Path". In the power contest, support Amita and in the end decide whether to eliminate Sabala. Peygan Ming will be killed, and Bhadra will not go to nuns. Kirat returns to drug trafficking and forced labor.

3. The Sabal Way assumes that the protagonist leaves the table and joins the Golden Way. In leading the resistance movement, it is necessary to support Sabal and eventually Kirat return to tradition. And Amita will die or not die at the hands of the protagonist. Bhadra will go to nuns. Peygan Min Will be killed.

4. If Peygan Ming remains alive, then he leads the main character to Lakshmana. There he will board a helicopter and fly, waving his handkerchief. In the last words, he will leave the country on Ajay.

5. You can knock out Peygan Min's helicopter, which takes about 2-3 seconds. After the explosion, a new location will open and it will be possible to raise a golden hand.


Far Cry 4 has found all the features of the third part. The difference is elephants, snow and Peygan Ming instead of Vaasa. Although the new part contains all the same buildings, quests, villains and a hero who is fighting a tyrannical tyrant, the game turned out to be interesting and exciting. The final review of the game Far Cry 4 on the PC: the plot is pretty good and polished with excellent graphics. Particularly pleased with the possibility of choice and the variability of actions, on which the ending of the shooter depends.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14690/

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