Gift Ideas: How to make a nest with your own hands?

As you know, the perfect gift is one in which love and a piece of the soul of its creator are embedded. Any thing made by yourself is unique, which means that a birthday person must like it. The article will focus on the manufacture of the nest. Of course, this is not a hornet or even a crow's nest. We’ll talk about the option of a cute gift that can become a real decorative product. You can give a beautiful little thing to a girl for her birthday or March 8th. Let's see how to make a nest with your own hands?

How to make a nest with your own hands

What do you need?

To make an original nest with funny chicks, you should prepare a wire, a washcloth, pliers, a spruce (or pussy willow) branch and beautiful artificial feathers.

How to make a nest with your own hands?

1. So, to make a decorative nest, you need to be patient. Let's start by creating the foundation for future crafts. Using pliers made of wire, you need to make a cross-shaped design, fitting its ends to the desired size. You should take a thick wire to make the craft durable.

2. Then with a thinner wire you need to braid the entire basket, imitating a cuckoo's nest. Do not overdo it with the amount of wire. Remember that this is just the foundation. Next, we begin to weave twigs of spruce or willow into our frame, doing this according to the principle of an ordinary basket: weave each twig, threading in a circle.

Cuckoo's nest

3. It is not at all necessary to do everything very carefully, because the protruding elements will create the illusion of similarity with a real bird's nest. However, to make the construction durable, it will be better to fix the willow twigs with a thin wire. Let the branches be of different lengths, this will give the craft a special charm, reminiscent of an explosion of creative imagination.

4. Now you know how to make a nest with your own hands. But that is not all. In order for it to become a work of art, it must be beautifully designed. Beads should be planted on a thin wire, and then this decorative element should be fixed on branches of an impromptu nest. It is better to carefully distribute them throughout the design so that everything looks as natural as possible.

5. Also, the nest can be decorated with feathers. Simply lay the colorful feathers at the bottom of the craft. You can also decorate the edges of the nest with them, after adding a little glue. This should be done very carefully so as not to spoil the craft.

6. To create a beautiful effect, try pouring sparkles on your nest, fixing them with hairspray. Shine will give homemade nest notes of mystery and charm.

7. You can create a variety of, dissimilar crafts, placing in the nest eggs or chicks made of ordinary foam rubber, painted with gouache. In general, what is enough for your creativity.

Crow's nest

Thus, your craft can be an original gift to friends for a birthday or any other holiday. Knowing how to make a nest with your own hands, You don’t have to worry about the present or create amazing designer pieces for sale.


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