How to remove a friend from private in Minecraft?

The word "private" can be interpreted in different ways. These are private forum posts and a private lobby in a multiplayer game. However, it was Minecraft that gave this word another shade of meaning, which is now very often used. In this game in multiplayer mode, you can lock your property, thereby prohibiting other players from visiting it and using items that are there. This function was introduced for the reason that the game does not have the most honest participants who can just destroy a building that another gamer worked on for a very long time. Accordingly, to avoid this, it was decided to add a private function. Naturally, she has her own characteristics, which everyone should know about. For example, many do not know how to remove a friend from a private, and this action is sometimes simply vital.

Private installation

how to remove a friend from private

If you want to learn all about this action: how to add friends to exceptions, how to remove a friend from a private, and so on, then you first need to learn the basic basics, and it’s worth starting with how, in fact, the functions of the private are established. This is done quite simply - using console commands. However, it is worth noting here that if you privatize an item that will be denied access to other players, then the console is quite enough for you. However, if your goal is the privat of the region, then auxiliary devices will be needed here, specifically a wooden ax. It must be used to mark the territory that you want to include in your region by setting two diagonally opposite points in space, which ultimately form a box. All the blocks contained inside it will become yours personally: other players will not be able to enter your region. After that, you need to use the region claim command, which should also contain the name of your region.

With items such as doors or chests, things are a little easier. You only need to know the desired console command, and auxiliary items are not required. Cprivate is the very combination that will allow you to set the private functions on the selected item. When you learn all this, you can already think about more serious issues, such as how to add or how to remove a friend from a private.

Add friends

how to remove friend from private

If you have already learned to add privat for regions and objects, then you may have a very logical question: "What if you want a certain circle of people to have access to your objects?" Is it really necessary to close access from absolutely everyone? In fact, there is a way out of this situation, and it is quite simple and convenient. If you want to add a person who could visit your territory, then you need to use the region addmember command. This will allow the gamer with the nickname indicated in the team to visit your region as if there were no blocking on it. If you want more, then you need the region addowner command. Then the person indicated in the team will receive the same rights in the specific region that you have, that is, he will be able to add other friends to the region, delete them if necessary, and so on. Well, for objects, a completely different command acts - cmodify. Naturally, you can register the nicknames of those to whom the item will be available, even at that moment when you set the private functions, but if you forgot to do this, this command will save you.

Removing Friends

how to remove a friend from a private

How to remove a friend from private? It would seem, why remove them? And there are a variety of reasons for this. It may not justify your trust or even specifically ruin your designs, steal objects. Then you will have to think about how to remove a friend from the private.

Command to delete

So, if you decide to clean the whitelist, you need to learn how to remove a friend from the private list. To do this, there is a fairly simple command - region removemember. With it, you can clear your list of unfulfilled characters.


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