Large-leaf Rogers: planting and care

Thanks to the expedition of Admiral Rogers to China, the world learned about such a beautiful garden plant as Rogers. Planting and caring for it does not cause any problems, so the bushes are very popular in America, Europe and many Russian flower growers have already liked it. Plants grow up to a meter in height. Depending on the variety, flower stalks can reach 1.5 m with inflorescences painted in pink or white. Rogersia is attractive for its huge leaves, whose diameter reaches half a meter, in shape they resemble chestnut foliage.

rogeria landing and care

Such bushes are a real decoration of any homestead. If you make a list of the most attractive garden centenarians, then among them, of course, will be Rogers. Planting and care (a photo will help novice gardeners figure out what's what) will not take much time, you just need to know some of the plant's features. The fact is that every year the bush takes up more and more space, therefore, when planting a small shoot, it is necessary for it to leave a place "for growth", there should not be undersized flowers near it.

Rogers is very supportive of moisture. Planting and care require regular watering and mulching of the soil. A lack of moisture during severe drought leads to yellowing of the leaves, their edges turn brown and lose their natural beauty. Rogersia in one place can grow more than one decade, while it forms a dense colony. For this reason, the plant negatively refers to permanent transplants, for it you should immediately determine the place and do not touch it in the future.

In sunny areas, in partial shade, in shady territories, Rogersia feels good everywhere. Landing and care require a choice of place depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. The bush is very afraid of spring frosts that spoil the leaves, so it should be planted in the shade, then it will grow later and avoid low temperatures. In sunny areas, you can place Rogersia if it is possible to constantly water it, on swampy, wet soil, it will grow luxurious foliage even in the tropics.

Rogers landing and care photo

This is a very gluttonous plant that needs fertile land. The soil should be loose, deeply processed and, if possible, diluted with peat. From a well-prepared soil, Rogersia receives the maximum amount of nutrients. Planting and care also involve the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers in spring, which have a good effect on foliage growth. Nearby you can plant only the same bushes, different varieties must be planted in the farthest corners of the garden. Plants are prone to hybridization, so after a few years in the garden there will be no pure Rogers, instead of them there will be impostors.

Nevertheless, many hybrids are in no way inferior to real varieties in beauty and decorativeness. The Rogersia plant is replete with various shades of foliage, it is simply impossible to stop looking at them. Especially successful hybrids can even be given a name. Of the pests, the plant is afraid of only snails and slugs that eat leaves, sometimes powdery mildew attacks on the bushes , but this happens very rarely.


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