Pelargonium pelargonium: varieties and features of cultivation

Pelargonium pelargonium - a flower that looks very decorative in hanging flowerpots and containers. This perennial plant feels great outdoors, and does not tolerate winter indoors. For this reason, the species has become more widespread in European countries with milder winters.

Pelargonium pelvic
Pelargonium pelargonium can have whips up to 2-3 meters long, but there are also compact plants. In total, today there are more than 70 varieties that have different shapes of flowers and leaves, differ in color and type of bushes. Most of them reproduce by dividing the root. Plants take root well in moist, well-drained, porous soil.

Look great in Balcon or Balcon-type hanging containers. They belong to small-cascade varieties, but form a dense, hanging waterfall of leaves and flowers, which can reach a length of 60-90 centimeters. These species are widespread in Switzerland. You can try in our conditions to grow Sybil Holmes, Beauty of Eastbourne, King of Balcon, Amethyst, Cornell, Salmon Queen and Mexicana. White Mesh and Crocodile look very unusual - they have bright white stripes on the leaves that are caused by a specific virus. He apparently does not have any negative effects on the plant. Veins disappear in the heat - high temperature negatively affects the microorganism. With the onset of cooler weather, the color is restored.

pelargonium ivy photo

All these varieties can be grown not only in containers or pots. They feel great on flower beds or slides, creating islands of bright saturated color. If you want to achieve special attractiveness of your balcony or site - you need pelargonium peliconium. Photos of these plants speak for themselves - very beautiful.

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Growing Features

If you want to beautifully decorate your window, balcony, plot, pelargonium is suitable for you. Buying is not everything. This type of geranium has its own preferences, which must be taken into account when growing. Pelargonium pelargonium loves moderate temperature (in the range from 15 to 27 ยฐ C), it can be kept in the open sun, and if the thermometer rises above 30 ยฐ C, it must be moved to the shade. An excess of the sun can lead to the formation of small flowers and leaves.

Pelargonium pelvic

The greatest difficulty in growing these flowers is watering. They are sick both with a deficiency and with an excess of water. In case of irrigation violations, cork spots or scars appear on the back of the sheet. So try to moisten the soil evenly: it should be neither dry nor too wet.

Of the pests that can attack these plants, it is worth highlighting mealybugs, red spider mites and thrips. Pelargonium is not so often sick. If you bought a healthy plant, then it is likely that not one of the pests will disturb it. These flowers need to be fertilized like all others: once every two weeks, water with an aqueous solution of fertilizers.

Here, perhaps, is all the wisdom. If you handle watering, then there should be no problems.


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