Red Eagle in Skyrim: How to Win

In The Elder Scrolls V, players encounter tons of enemies, allies, and NPCs. Among them, some help you complete tasks. This article provides information about the Red Eagle in Skyrim. Who is that? Where is this character located? What characteristics does he have?


The Red Eagle in Skyrim is one of the many game bosses. This is the name of the undead, who ruled the Reach during the conquest of the Alessian Empire. Red Eagle was the only one who could fight with Cyrodiil and give him a rebuff. The Red Eagle in Skyrim was expelled when he did not want to submit to Hester's army. The king went to the mountains with a group of his supporters - this is how the Outcasts appeared. At night, they attacked the invaders and killed traitors.

Red Eagle in Skyrim

Folan (that was the name of the Red Eagle) agreed to conclude an agreement with the fortune teller to help him cope with his opponents. The witch demanded the king’s soul in return for great power. So Folan lost power over his mind and began to fight with the Imperials. There is a version that, before his death, the Red Eagle regained consciousness and left his sword to the followers, who were to fight the Imperials and liberate the Reach. After this, the king promised to revolt and again become the ruler of the lands.

The characteristics of the Red Eagle depend on the level of the character. Here is a range of its features:

  • life - 214-1,490 units;
  • magic - up to 545;
  • power reserve - up to 700.

The passage of the task

The Red Eagle in Skyrim is the enemy you need to defeat at the end of The Legend of the Red Eagle. Therefore, it is important to know how to complete the appropriate task.

You can take the quest at level 14. To do this, the player needs to either read the book "The Legend of the Red Eagle", or to clean the stronghold of the Red Eagle with the receipt of the sword "Rage ...". In the second case, the task is activated after reading the diary "Rite of the Red Eagle". So the next journey of Dovakin will begin.

Where to find the Red Eagle

Where to find the Red Eagle in Skyrim? After activating the quest you will need:

  1. Reach the divided towers.
  2. Find Outcast-Heather Heart.
  3. Defeat the enemy and get the "Fury of the Red Eagle".
  4. Visit the Cairn of the Rebel.
  5. Apply the sword "Rage ..." to the well in the pedestal.
  6. Go to the rebel tomb in Cairn and fight with the Red Eagle.
  7. Take the blade that appears from the pedestal. It will be called the Curse of the Red Eagle.

That's all. The enemy is in the tomb of Cairn the Rebel. Nowhere else can you meet the Red Eagle.

How to beat him

Sometimes players experience difficulties in the battle with Folan. This adversary can be very strong. In order to pass it, inexperienced players are recommended to turn on the "god" or "demigod" mode. In the first case, you need to write TGM in the game console, in the second - TIM.


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