Pear Chizhovskaya: variety description, planting and care

If you ask Russian gardeners what fruit trees they prefer, then all without exception will sound only two names: apple and pear. Among the many varieties and hybrids, each of us is free to choose what is more to his liking, however, there are long-known fruit fruits that are well known and taste good, and you cannot refuse to grow them. One of these garden plants is the Chizhovskaya pear, a description of the variety of which was compiled in the middle of the last century. It gained the greatest distribution in the European part of Russia, however, some qualities of the plant allow it to be grown in Siberia and the Far East.

Pear Chizhovskaya variety description

The main characteristics of the variety

Variety of pears Chizhovskaya reviews gardeners refer to one of the easiest to grow and care. Its most important quality is its high winter hardiness, which is expressed in the ability to bear fruit, even after a snowy and frosty winter. In addition, the Chizhovskaya pear safely grows and bears fruit even in extreme conditions, as it is undemanding to soil and resistant to most diseases affecting other varieties.

Chizhovskaya comes into bearing early - after a maximum of 4 years after the vaccination. The fruits on the tree are formed mainly on the ring, so strong annual pruning of the tree is not required. Pear Chizhovskaya, the description of the variety of which you will find below, despite the small size of the crown, is known for its large regular crops, which reach 50 kg from one plant. The fruits ripen in late summer - early fall. The maximum shelf life of pears in a room with a temperature close to 0 Β° is about 3-4 months.

Appearance of the trunk and branches of the Chizhov pear

Pear Chizhovskaya (this confirms the description of the variety) refers to the medium-tall standard forms, that is, the lower part of its trunk is devoid of branches, while the crown of the tree is dense, medium leafy. The bark on the trunk and large skeletal branches is dark gray, and on smaller ones it is light brown. The growth direction of the skeletal branches is almost vertical, with a slight slope. Young shoots look a little different, the color of which varies from red-brown to brown. The internodes are medium, there is no pubescence. Available lentils are small, sparse and superficial.

pear fret and chizhovskaya

The fruiting pear Chizhovskaya (tree height is about 2.5 m) has the shape of a pyramid or cone, while young seedlings are usually more elongated.

The shape of leaves, inflorescences and flowers

The leaves of a plant of this variety are distinguished by the complete absence of pubescence on the upper and lower parts. Leaf blades serrate, oval, on young shoots lanceolate. Inflorescences of adult fruit-bearing pears of the Chizhovskaya variety are in the form of a corymbose brush, consisting of 5-7 flowers. The buds are light in color, in the blossomed form are white, with whole petals on the edge. Flowers of medium size, almost completely self-pollinated, however, for better productivity, it is recommended to grow other varieties in the immediate vicinity. So, the pear Lada and Chizhovskaya are considered the best pollinators for each other.

pear Chizhovskaya disease

The fruits of Chizhovskaya pear

The fruits at the time of ripening are yellow-green in color with a barely noticeable blurred blush. The peel on the pear is smooth and even, with small subcutaneous dots. The size of the fruit is medium, the shape typical of pears: obovate or pear-shaped. The pulp is white, with weakly expressed yellowness. The fruit is at a medium level, the granulation of the pulp is weak. The seed chamber of the fruits of the Chizhov pear is medium-sized, located in the center of the fruit. The number of medium-sized brown seeds does not exceed 10 pieces. Regarding the taste characteristics of the fruit, the reviews are positive.


Planting seedlings can be carried out in spring or autumn in seedlings filled with a nutritious mixture. Pear Chizhovskaya, the description of the variety which relates it to winter-hardy plants, prefers spring planting, autumn is possible only in the southern regions of Russia. When spring planting, the place must be prepared in the fall. To do this, dig a hole with a side of at least 70 cm, a depth of about 1 m.The upper soil layer, taken out of it, is mixed with 2 buckets of humus and the same amount of coarse calcined sand, add 1 cup of superphosphate and 1/3 cup of potassium sulfate. If the soil in the garden is acidic, you can add 2-3 kg of lime or dolomite flour. After abundant watering, the landing pit is covered and left until spring.

pear Chizhovskaya tree height

It is necessary to arrange the seedling during planting so that the roots are evenly spread in different directions, and the root neck is at the level of the soil. After compaction, the planted plant is watered with 2-3 buckets of water.

Pear Care , Diseases and Pests

The fruiting tree (Chizhovskaya pear), whose diseases are few in number, requires annual sanitary pruning as a care, during which damaged and old branches are cut. Young shoots left for fruiting are shortened by a third.

In contrast to diseases, pests that can be found in the crown of a tree, a great many. Therefore, the gardener should be ready for the entire period of active growth and vegetation of the Chizhov pear to carry out repeated treatments. The first is carried out in April at the time of budding, by special means. Please note that it is necessary to process all plants at the same time so that pests do not wander from tree to tree. So, if the pear Lada and Chizhovskaya are planted nearby, it is necessary to process both varieties. The most effective in the first treatment is considered to be Inta-vir, Kin-mix and others.

pear variety chizhovskaya reviews

In the summer, the plant needs regular abundant watering without waterlogging of the soil, which the pear does not tolerate. In mid-June, siderata can be planted over the area of ​​the trunk circle, which should later be mowed and left there as mulch. With proper preparation of the planting pit, the pear does not need spring and autumn fertilizer applications. Only 5-6 years after the start of fruiting can a tree be fed with complex fertilizer suitable for fruit trees. Other points in preparing the pear for wintering are to whitewash the stem and warm it with burlap or spruce branches, which will also help to avoid damage to the plant by rodents. The protective harness should be removed in the spring before the onset of sap flow.


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