High nose: photo. Nose size. Nose shape character

A person’s face is a kind of open book. It says literally everything - the mouth and eyes, eyebrows and forehead, nose and any of the wrinkles. Of course, with each of us, the face always changes with age. However, its most basic features remain unchanged. According to them, according to Chinese physiognomists, one can always read even the fate of a person. However, they highlight the five most important features. These include eyebrows and eyes, nose and mouth. Ears are also included in this list.

But nevertheless the physiognomists play a special role in the nose. This part of the face is in its central place and is a certain fulcrum in assessing the balance of symmetry and proportionality of all features.

sharp nose
Specialists who are able to determine the nature of a person by their appearance, argue that it is the nose that is the main source of information about its owner. After all, this is one of the most expressive characteristic features of the face, which indicates the belonging of its owner to a particular type of personality.


Looking at himself in the mirror, a person sees only the outer nose, which can have a different external shape. However, inside this part of the body has the same structure for all people.

Due to what are the differences in the shape of the external nose? The appearance of this part protruding above the face depends on the location of the cartilage and soft tissue, as well as the bones. At the same time, they distinguish:

1. The nose bridge, which is the root of the nose. This is the outer section between the eyebrows. The nose can be of two types: wide and narrow.
2. The back of the nose. This part is formed by two side surfaces. These are the faces of the nose converging with each other.
3. Lateral surfaces. These are the parts of the back of the nose that pass into the wings and form the nostrils.
4. The tip or tip of the nose. This is the part located between the nostrils, that is, the place where the back begins.

Perfect nose

How does modern physiognomy relate to this part of the human face? Experts in this area believe that the nose is at the epicenter of the three zones, serving as a fulcrum in assessing balance. That is why this parameter is of particular importance when reading a face.

The ideal nose (see photo below) is described in ancient Chinese manuscripts. According to ancient physiognomists, this beautiful detail of the face should be distinguished by beautiful wings and a straight back.

high nose

An ideal nose is impossible without a well-rounded, that is, not particularly upturned tip that closes the openings of the nostrils. And what should be the height and length of this parameter? Ancient Chinese manuscripts claim that the perfect nose has a streamlined shape along the entire length, from the nose to the tip. Moreover, he has no inclination to either the left or right side of the face. In addition, the perfect nose is in perfect harmony with other features. In addition, the perfect respiratory and olfactory organ is well rooted in its core, that is, it has a small area between the eyes and eyebrows. This is only possible with a strong bone base.

By its nature, the owner of an ideal, or “lion”, nose is a man of unrivaled courage and passionate strong nature. He easily succeeds in many endeavors, being a very gifted person. Such people are more likely to occupy a high and responsible position in society.

However, physiognomists emphasize that the fate of a person and his character cannot be definitively determined only by the nose. This face detail should be studied in conjunction with other features. But it is interesting that out of all the five most important parameters, the nose has the largest list of deviations from the ideal form described above. After all, there are few perfect in the world. In addition, the perfect nose is not suitable for every person. The beauty of the face does not depend on each individual part of it, but on their harmonious combination with each other. For example, short women will find a slightly upturned nose. And in the tall case, the nostrils will be too visible, which will not give the lady an attractiveness. On a large face, a large nose will look good. With small features, everything should be the other way around.

Feature Caucasians

Surely many of you know that, as a rule, residents of mountainous areas have a very outstanding sense of smell. They have high noses with a prominent hump. On flat terrain, the picture is completely different. Most of the population here are snub-nosed and flat-nosed.

There is a theory according to which, a high nose is formed in people living high above sea level. Here, with discharged air, it is convenient to have such a respiratory organ.

Greece and Rome

The difference between many of the indigenous people of these two countries also lies in the shape of the nose. This detail rises high above the face and has a piquant hump. For example, a Roman nose. In addition to its inherent elevation, it has a sophisticated and elongated shape, ending with a curved tip. Such a nose symbolizes militancy and courage, the ability to attack and repel attacks. No wonder the Roman soldiers were considered very brave. They always bravely defended their possessions. We can see the Roman face in profile on the bas-reliefs of that time. They depict men who are clearly ready to answer the challenge that he has been challenged, to engage in a fierce battle and become conquerors of enemy territories.

High noses are distinguished by the Greeks. However, unlike the Roman ones, they have an almost straight or slightly curved transition line between the forehead and nose. In other words, the Greeks have almost no bridge of nose. Unlike the Roman one, such a nose (see photo below) looks good on a woman's face.

upturned nose

Confirmation of this is the sculpture of Aphrodite, created back in the days of the ancient Hellenes. Her graceful face to this day serves as a model of harmony and beauty.

Despite the fact that the Greek nose is often compared with a standard, physiognomists believe that the owners of such an organ of smell often become gigolos, like to cheat, lie and cheat. Moreover, they are distinguished by arrogant cowardice.

Types of Tall Noses

What does bulge on the nose mean? You can talk about this based on its type, namely:

- small, with a high bulge;
- sloping;
- elongated.

The first of these types of noses is similar in shape to a parrot's beak. This is especially noticeable if you consider such a person in profile. A striking example is Gennady Khazanov.

the back of the nose

A high nose with a protruding back belongs, as a rule, to people with an artistic nature. They have all the necessary inclinations for occupying managerial positions in which they will demand from their subordinates the perfect fulfillment of their duties. However, the leaders themselves will not be able to boast of outstanding results. People with such noses prefer to lead a closed lifestyle. Moreover, they never have a strong desire to start a family. In addition, a person’s high and sharp nose can mean that when his lover appears, his wife and children will go by the wayside.

The second type of noses has a sloping mound and medium size. It is noted that people with such an organ of smell are distinguished by a high voice. The sloping of a high nose indicates the sentimentality of its owner, but one can not expect special tenderness from it.

The one whom nature has endowed with a high, long nose always remains a child in the soul. Such people are very constrained in the new team and are very critical when choosing friends. A person with a high long nose constantly has a fear of being deceived. In addition, it is always difficult for him to part with his savings.

High noses can differ in many other ways, which will also indicate to us the nature of their master. And in this case, physiognomists carefully consider the length of the respiratory and olfactory organ, its shape, etc. All these details will allow the specialist to draw up a clear picture of human life and behavior.


The size of the nose, that is, the distance from the nose to its tip, does not always approach the ideal.

face in profile

This determines the type of this face detail. So, physiognomists distinguish:

1. A long nose. This part of the face is characteristic of a conservative person, often arrogant and capable of technical, artistic or intellectual achievements. These people cannot make a career in the commercial world.
2. Extra long nose. A person who has it is endowed with all the above traits of character, but most likely has a more spiritual nature. People with very long noses are often speculative, moody, and unrealistic. However, in this case, you should carefully study other parameters. So, if the length of the nasal bone is large, but it is wide, this indicates a calm person with a stable character and a very calm temperament. Such people are able to live a good life.
3. A rather long nose. If it is remarkably balanced with the chin and eyes, and the proportion with the mouth is observed, on both sides of which there are two deep lines, then it can be safely classified as ideal. People with a similar combination of elements are honest, have good temperament and great authority. In addition, they are active, active and proud.
4. Short nose. This detail indicates a friendly and optimistic person with an open character. These people are not exchanged for trifles and do the work entrusted to them thanks to their own emotional impulses.

The form

What can this parameter of the most important face detail tell about a person? Determining the nature of the shape of the nose is also not a problem for physiognomists. For example, what about the owner of a skinny and bony nose? This person has a low ability to concentrate. A high nose of this type speaks of its owner as a proud and arrogant person who is quite difficult to communicate with. Such a person, if he is in power, has constant problems with his subordinates. Most often these people are lonely. But in any case, a bony high nose belongs to a proud and stubborn person. In addition, this individual can be very decisive and aggressive.

What else can you tell about a man who has a very bony high nose on his face? Such people most often lead a secluded life. But if a high nose is only slightly bony, it has a pointed tip and looks quite flat and full, then it can belong to a very enterprising person. Another character trait of such a person is explosive impulsiveness that can push close friends and relatives.

"The root of the mountain"

This name has a small area located between the eyes. She is the root of the nose. When reading facial features on this site physiognomists pay special attention. The fact is that the "root of the mountain" is associated with the possibility of life success of its owner. If the site is high enough, then it indicates the loyal nature of a person with close family ties. Also, this type of nose root speaks of the long life of its owner. A flat and at the same time full platform indicates a spiritual person who has a warm heart and a happy marriage.

Well, if the “mountain root” has a kink with a hollow and horizontal lines line from it, crossing the back of the nose, then this indicates the poor state of health of its owner and his possible early death. A low platform, combined with eyebrows overhanging the eyes and the back of the nose deflected to the side, indicates either a deterioration in health in the middle years or an individual being involved in criminal activity.

However, the effect of a depression or kink must be compared with other parameters. So, if common features have straight and long contours, and the person’s internal energy is strong enough, then the difficulties described above will not be too serious.


This parameter is important in determining the artistry of a person. Ideally, this should be a high nose with a straight and smooth back. In addition, such parameters portend a long life.

If the back of a person’s nose is full and well rounded, then he is very artistic. In addition, his marriage will certainly be happy.

If a person has a tall, but at the same time narrow nose that looks like a meat edge, then his life is likely to be filled with hard, grueling labor. With a large and flat back of this respiratory organ, we can talk about a cold, prudent nature.

high nose with protruding back
When you meet a person who has a high back of the nose, but at the same time low and weak cheekbones, know that he must have been born in a family with a high social status. However, in middle age, such people often face disasters, and in later years, with hardships.

Nose tip

This detail of the respiratory and olfactory organ can also have a different shape, and therefore physiognomists carefully look at it. So, experts call the most favorable tip of the nose “hanging gall”. It hangs like an ink nut (gall). If such a tip is round, then it indicates a prosperous personality, firmly occupying a high position in society. Well, if this detail hangs like a piece of meat? For a specialist, this means that the owner of such a respiratory organ is super-sexual in nature. The tip of the nose may be slightly pointed. Such a person should beware. Physionists claim that he has a treacherous and treacherous nature. But a sharp nose, like an eagle's beak, speaks of a vengeful personality. This type of people manic believes that all people are getting across their path.

The shape of the tip of the nose can be convex and have a sufficiently large size. This speaks of a kind, warm and sincere person, ready for self-sacrifice.
A drooping nose covering part of the upper lip speaks of a person who is ready for betrayal. But this is only if the tip of this part of the face is skinny and pointed.

An upturned nose, due to its position even the opening of the nostrils is visible, belongs to a person who, as a rule, is not able to keep secrets. In addition, one can say about such an individual that he prefers wealth and does not think about what awaits him in front, thoughtlessly spending his existing financial savings. An upturned nose speaks of a loving nature that does not count on a stable relationship. According to physiognomists, such a person will marry more than once, if he considers it necessary to bind himself with family ties.

Nostril wings

These parts of the nose support and balance the tip, located on the right and left. If the wings of the nostrils are proportional and devoid of defects, then they indicate a person who succeeds in life. And if they are flat or are too close to the back of the respiratory organ? Then physiognomists argue that their owner is not able to make money or save what they have gained.

Wings diverging at the tip of the nose indicate a strong person who can part with poverty and ascend to wealth. Such facial features are also a sign of sensitivity.

Female character

Physiologists can tell a lot when reading the faces of the weak half of humanity. So, a high nose in women, which is not balanced by low cheekbones, indicates a period of need lasting up to thirty years.

nose photo

Such a lady is able to compete with a strong half of humanity for a high position. The high nose of the girl suggests that her owner will get married very early. However, if this does not happen, then the creation of a family will have to be postponed for a period after thirty-five years. But at the same time, it is unlikely that the marriage will be happy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14711/

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