Severtsov Nikolay Alekseevich: geography biography, education, contribution to science

Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov is one of the largest Russian traveler-researchers. He is the one our country really should be proud of. Of course, a lot of interesting things can be said about the outstanding zoologist, the founder of Russian zoogeography. But now his biography, life and the contribution made by scientists to science will be briefly examined.


Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov was born in 1827, October 24 (November 5). Where exactly it is difficult to say, the place of its birth for many decades has been a debatable topic. It is believed that in the village of Petrovsky, located in Bobrovsky district. Today it is the village of Yasenki in the Voronezh region.

His father was the son of the Patriotic War of 1812 - Alexei Pavlovich Severtsov, who lived a long life at 82 years old. About the scientist’s mother, Margarita Alexandrovna, almost nothing is known. It is generally accepted that she is a relative of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, a well-known Russian geographer, botanist, economist and statesman.

Nikolai Alekseevich was the first son in a large family. He spent all his childhood and youth in the estates of his father - in the villages of Zemlyansky and Petrovsky. He grew up with a serious, focused, somewhat reserved young man, showed unprecedented inquisitiveness and observation.

The boy fell in love with nature very early; he began to be vividly interested in it. His love of reading, as well as long walks with a tutor and hunting, raised his desire for travel. Nikolai liked to penetrate into the life of nature, hidden from an inexperienced observer. Most of all he liked to study the habits of birds and their manners, especially flights and seasonal changes. Over time, the young man learned to recognize birds by screaming and flying.

northerners nicholas 1827 1885

Nikolai Severtsov received primary and secondary education at home. He achieved impressive success - good teachers, an extensive library and his own outstanding abilities helped him in this. The young man became a well-read person who knows Latin and foreign languages. Most importantly - while studying, he already knew who he wanted to become. Therefore, he was persistently preparing for the life of a natural scientist.

Higher education

Nikolai Severtsov (1827-1885 gg.) At the age of 16 he entered Moscow University, choosing the mathematical department, belonging to the Faculty of Philosophy. In those days, it was in this university that natural sciences were taught.

The young man was quickly noted as a talented student. He became a favorite pupil of Karl Frantsevich Rule himself, an outstanding materialist thinker.

And the young man was greatly impressed by his lectures. In fact, it was Roule who prepared Nicholas for his future activities. In his writings, the adult Severtsov wrote:

“In the course of general zoology, the professor paid special attention to how important modern research is about the relationship between life phenomena, about how their habitat, environment and external conditions strongly affect animals. Since then, this area has finally become the main subject of my knowledge. Curiosity regarding the life of animals has acquired a scientific character. ”

Indeed, the ideas put forward by Karl Rule are further developed by Nikolai Severtsov in his research in the field of geography and ecology of animals.

The student’s interests also attracted the lectures of Mikhail Fedorovich Spassky. He led physical geography at the university. In his ideas, he found a connection with what Ruleier spoke about.

Spassky's lectures aroused in Severtsov the desire to engage in physical geography and climatology; he began to get involved in issues of interaction and the correlation of natural phenomena.

Later he met with Gregory Silych Karelin - a researcher in Central Asia. He spoke so interestingly about Turkestan that Asia became a scientific goal for Nikolai.

Shaping attitudes

Under the influence of Helmets, Karelin and Spassky, Severtsov Nikolai Alekseevich became a traveler geographer and materialist. He graduated in 1847 and after graduation continued his studies, which he began in the Voronezh province while still studying.

Nikolai Severtsov

By the way, the work that was based on them, he presented in the form of a master's thesis. Nikolai successfully defended her in his own university, only in 1855. After that it was published. The work is called as follows: "Periodic phenomena in the life of animals, birds and reptiles of the Voronezh province."

The young scientist quickly gained recognition. His work began to be called a new word in the field of natural science. But, since Severtsov raised the question very widely in his dissertation, it is considered outstanding in the field of geography. And indeed, this work of Nikolai Alekseevich was one of the first works on an environmental topic published in Russia.

The dissertation is interesting. She became a significant contribution to the science of Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov. Here are just some of the aspects that he raised in her attention:

  • The climate and bowels of the territory of the Voronezh province.
  • Three geographical zones of Russia (steppe, forest and tundra).
  • Dividing the territory into small natural areas.
  • The connection of the settlement of living beings with how the steppes and forests alternate.

For this work, the scientist received the prestigious Demidov Prize. And Nikolai himself continued to develop and improve his unique materialistic method of research.

First trip

Continuing to consider a brief biography of Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov, you need to tell about his trips. The scientist’s first journey took place in 1857 - then he went to the lower reaches of the Syr Darya.

Together with him, the botanist Ilya Grigoryevich Borshchov went there, as well as a hunter, a topographer, a preparation, and a whole detachment of Cossacks. The Academy of Sciences itself equipped such an impressive expedition. The study turned out to be fruitful, it was possible to obtain information relating to geography, zoology, climatology and geology. The expedition studied:

  • Northeast coast of the Aral Sea.
  • Delta of the Syr Darya.
  • Northern Kyzylkum.
  • Southern Mugodzhary.
  • Embu Valley.
  • Northern Chink Ustyurt.
  • The steppe region, starting from Orenburg and to Fort Perovsky.
Amu Darya River

As a result, oil yields were discovered, a vast area was laid between Kazalinsk and Orenburg, and a map of changes in the coastline of the sea was compiled. The expedition also devoted much time to observing the molting and seasonal migrations of birds.

Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov brought impressive paleontological, geological and faunistic collections from the trip. And Ilya Grigoryevich collected a fantastic herbarium.

And I must say, the expedition was not trouble-free. The geographer Severtsov was captured by the Kokandans - they cut his neck and face into contractions, cut off his ear almost entirely. It is a lucky accident that he survived. The researcher spent a month in captivity, and then the Russians found and released him. But the scars remained for life.

Trip to the Urals

In the years 1860-1862, Nikolai Severtsov (1827-1885) went to the Caspian steppes. On the same trip, he visited the lower reaches of the Ural River. The scientist went on this journey for a reason. He performed administrative work, as he was a member of the committee involved in the device of the Cossack Ural army.

Nevertheless, Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov made a contribution to science on this trip. Her intellectual results were significant.

The scientist again collected a decent amount of material on ethnography, economics and climate, studied fishing and shipping in this region, and compiled maps (historical, geological and geographical).

After returning, several works were published. Nikolai Alekseevich dedicated them to the climate of the land of the Ural army, the peculiarities of the life of red fish, the beasts of the Ural region, and also released notes on improving communication routes in the Orenburg region. By the way, in the future, the railway that connected its capital with Central Asia was laid along the route that the scientist had outlined.

Tien Shan

Several years have been devoted to the study of this mountain system of Severtsov, on whose biography a lot has been said above. His studies lasted until 1868 with short interruptions. The trip to the Tien Shan was a major step not only in the study of Central Asia, but also in life.

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The information that he obtained turned upside down the idea of ​​these lands of all world authorities, which at that time were Ritter, Humboldt, etc. He completely refuted the assumption regarding the volcanic origin of this mountain system, rejected the hypothesis that there was a certain meridional ridge called Bolor.

N. A. Severtsov made an impressive contribution to ecology. He even penetrated into the depths of the central ridge. Europeans did not visit these areas of the Tien Shan.

Also, the scientist studied in detail the ancient glaciation, minerals, gave a detailed description of altitudinal zoning. He even devoted the last topic to work, which later became one of the best - "Vertical and horizontal distribution of Turkestan animals."

In addition, the scientist paid much attention to geography, as well as ethnography of the economy and population. And those places that he considered suitable for agriculture, Severtsov noted especially. There he conducted an "economic survey." Of course, the researcher brought the richest collections from that expedition.

Continuing Asian Studies

Above, in the story about the education of Nikolai Severtsov, it was said that the study of this area became a scientific goal for him. Of course, he still returned to Central Asia.

Its goal was the Kyzylkum desert, which immediately belonged to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan (Kazaksha). Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov made a true feat, setting off to explore it along unpopulated paths, and even through the summer heat.

This happened in 1874. Then he headed the department of the Amu-Darya expedition, engaged in natural science and history. He was not alone - with several satellites. Riding the camels, they reached the Amu Darya delta. There, the scientist over the next year and a half conducted geographical research.

northerners geographer

He immediately opened up the richest prospects for the economic development of this area, which at that time was impassable and waterless. He was confident that the future lay in developing coastal productivity and irrigation.

The scientist paid much attention to the aspects of paleography, geomorphology, and the issue of the transformation of nature. And he finished the expedition by studying the climate changes that occurred in Central Asia during that time. Having concluded that the Aral Sea is drying up, he, along with the expedition, headed back.

Expedition to the Pamirs

This grandiose plateau of Eurasia became the next target after the desert located in Kazakhstan (Kazaksha). Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov put together an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society in 1877. In those days there was not a single reliable map of the Pamirs.

Once again, the scientist became the first European to reach the central part of this highland. From the trip he brought reliable data on the plant world, geology and orography. Even Semenov-Tian-Shansky said that on that trip, the researcher surpassed himself.

Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov short biography

Nikolai successfully refuted the opinion that it was said that in the Pamirs only plateaus exist. It turned out that the ridge type of the Central Asian type and the raw type alternate there, combining with mountainous multi-peaks. Of course, the scientist brought with him various collections.

After returning, Severtsov also wrote an interesting book, which he called "The Orographic Sketch of the Pamir Mountain System." That's just published it after the death of the researcher.

Last trip

It took place in 1879. And again on the Tien Shan. Severtsov decided to finally check the local orographic features.

But, of course, Nikolai Alekseevich did not stop there. Additionally, he managed to explore the Semirechye, as well as the western and northern Tien Shan arcs. The company was made up of him only one drug.

The main task of that expedition Severtsov determined the control of his personal conclusions and observations regarding the placement and classification of the Turkestan fauna - birds in particular.

The materials obtained during that expedition were not published anywhere. And archival data is rather scarce. In the biography of Nikolai Severtsov, this trip is mentioned, but there is no information either on the routes or on the special directions of the expedition.

Severtsov Nikolai Alekseevich

But there are scientist diaries. According to his personal notes, in the western region of the Tien Shan, he was engaged in geological and general observations. Only at Kastek he began a zoological gathering, and then on the way back. And the diary entries, by the way, begin with the “Foul Slit” located in the same area.

Also, as part of the last expedition, he visited Kopal, in the area of ​​Balkhash sands, crossed the river. Lepsy in Kazakhstan, got to the river. Ayaguz, which went upstream. On August 18, the scientist was in Sergispol. And on the 23rd he arrived in Semipalatinsk. His further route lay to Orenburg, directly through Western Siberia.

This expedition really gave Severtsov the opportunity to summarize all of his observations regarding birds. For a scientist, this was very important. Indeed, as already mentioned in the discussion of the biography of N. A. Severtsov, the topic of ornithology fascinated him as a child. It was she who determined his future professional path.

Results of scientific activity

Of the 57 years of his life, Nikolai Alekseevich spent 23 years on expeditions to the expanses of Central Asia. There were 7 significant trips in total. He managed to study almost the whole of Central Asia, capturing also the southern half of the territory that at that time belonged to the Kazakh SSR.

Of course, the merits of the scientist were appreciated by the Russian Geographical Society, of which he had been a member since 1857. He was awarded three medals - Litka, Konstantinovskaya, as well as Small Gold.

Severtsov also received a doctorate in zoology in 1868. She was awarded to him by Moscow University for the study of the Tien Shan, as well as for travel to Turkestan.

But that is not all. 7 years later, in 1875, he was given a gold medal of class I. She was awarded to the scientist by the Paris Geographic Congress. It was there that the "Map of the Heights of Inner Asia" compiled by Nikolai in 1872 was presented.

Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov Kazaksha

What about the literary heritage? Severtsov published over 100 works. It could have been more, but during the expeditions he had no opportunity to subject the collected material to processing. Then there was no time. And then health and age did not allow Nikolai Alekseevich to go on trips more, and he began to generalize his travels in theory.

But then his life ended abruptly. In 1885 he went to Voronezh from Petrovsky in a carriage. Suddenly, a disaster occurred on the Ikorets river. The crew just fell through the ice. The scientist’s companions pulled him out of the cold water in an instant, but after a few minutes Nikolai Alekseevich lost consciousness. And then he died. The date of his death is January 26, 1885.

The influence of works on the present

The impressive work of Severtsov could not but affect the development of domestic zoology and geography. In his writings, the scientist did not just give valuable information about the most diverse corners of North Asia. He created a full scientific understanding of the nature of these places as a whole.

Nikolai Alekseevich made a special contribution by dividing the Palearctic into zoogeographic regions, taking into account territorial zonality. And he completely divided the map of Turkestan into "zoological" sites. Valuable work to this day are his books on ornithology.

What can be said in conclusion? Severtsov is rightfully considered the founder of domestic zoogeography. The vast majority of his works in the 21st century are significant desktop tools for modern scientists.

In his honor was named the peak in the Pamir-Alai, glaciers in the headwaters of Kashkadarya and Zailiysky Alatau, as well as a flower (buttercup), a breed of jerboa and mouse.

And I would also like to note that Severtsov was never indifferent to the ideas that worried the Russian intelligentsia. He always sympathized with the democratic student body, even participated in the work of the so-called auxiliary box offices in the 60s. And he responded to the dispute between Kostomarov and Pogodin by publishing an emotional article in the St. Petersburg Gazette (1860 issue of March 25).

The only thing Severtsov did not do was teach. The faculty council simply refused him this. Allegedly, no teaching abilities were found. But as you can see, Nikolai Alekseevich did not give up and successfully realized himself in research.


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