Apple tree "hero of the day": description of the variety, growing characteristics, reviews

The apple tree is one of the most beloved garden trees. It can be found on every household plot. Unlike other fruit crops, the apple tree is quite unpretentious in care. Apple trees are grown not only in the south, but also in Siberia, in the Urals, because breeders have bred many varieties for different regions. Apples contain a large amount of vitamins, they are tasty in fresh form, they also make stewed fruit, preserves, jams, confit. In the article below, we learn more about the apple "jubilee" - a description of the variety, the rules of planting and care.

apple tree jubilee


Variety "hero of the day" was obtained at the Research Institute of Breeding Crops of Russia through sowing seeds in 1982. The basis was taken the genetic material of such a variety of apples as Golden Delicious, as well as the hybrid form 814. The first fruits from the trees were obtained only after 8 years - in 1989. In the elite, the variety was isolated in 1990. Since the mid-nineties of the last century, the variety was sent for testing in the Central, Lower Volga, Central Black Earth regions. He entered the State Register in 2002. It is recommended to cultivate the “jubilee” variety in intensive type gardens .

Apple tree "hero of the day": description, reviews

The apple-tree variety "hero of the day" belongs to late summer varieties by maturity. The tree is compact, medium-sized, the crown has a rounded shape. The trunk is smooth, the bark is gray. According to gardeners, almost all apples have the same weight - 130 grams. The surface of the fruit is smooth and shiny. By the time of collection, the apples acquire a greenish-yellow hue with small touches and dots of raspberry color. The pulp with abundant secretion of juice, has an average density, it is light cream in color. The taste is sweet with a slight acidity.

apple tree jubilee description

Landing and care

Experienced gardeners recommend buying seedlings of this variety in nurseries or special farms, where specialists can be asked about the characteristics of this culture.

The timing

Variety of apple trees "hero of the day" can be planted in autumn or spring, the main thing is to choose the optimal planting dates. The most suitable time is the end of September and the beginning of October: usually at this time the tree is already at rest and will be less stressed. In addition, before the start of frosts, the plant will be able to well strengthen in the soil. In spring, apple trees must be planted before the buds awaken, in late March or early April.

apple tree jubilee reviews

Basic landing rules

A landing pit is best prepared two weeks before the intended landing. It should be at least 1 meter in diameter and 70 centimeters in depth. Before planting, the hole must be well poured with water (about two buckets in one pit). At the bottom of the prepared hole should be put humus, ash and superphosphate in equal proportions. Before planting, the roots of the seedling should be well spread, make sure that they are located freely, too long can be trimmed a little. Do not allow the root collar and the site of inoculation to be deepened into the ground. It is recommended to tie the seedling to the support. After the planting has been completed, the apple tree must once again be abundantly watered.


Amateur cultivators cultivate the jubilee variety, amateur gardeners, farmers, agricultural holdings.

Plants on mid-root stocks are planted at a distance of at least 3.5 meters from each other, a distance of about 5 meters should be maintained between the rows. For seedlings on a dwarf stock - 2.5 and 4 meters, respectively.

apple tree jubilee description reviews


The main care for apple trees "jubilee" is regular watering, top dressing, weeding. It is recommended to carry out preventive spraying from pests and diseases. This variety of apple trees is resistant to scab and other diseases, so chemicals are used in minimal quantities. To protect against pests, the following products should be used:

  • decis;
  • spark;
  • topaz;
  • chlorophos.

Fertilizing alone is enough, it is carried out in the spring. For digging in the fall, it is good to introduce manure (rotted) or humus.

The formation of the crown of the apple "jubilee": description

Damaged and underdeveloped branches, as well as those with signs of disease, are cut off in the fall, after the leaves have fallen. Spring pruning must be completed before the sap flow begins. The formation of the crown is carried out from the first year - the trunk of the apple tree is shortened to 80-90 centimeters. This procedure promotes the growth of lateral shoots, which are shortened next year according to the same principle, so that the next tier is 40-50 cm higher. Such pruning is carried out in subsequent years.


Variety "jubilee" self-fertile, therefore, to improve the conditions for fruiting in the garden, you should plant different apple trees with the same flowering time.


The only drawback, according to reviews of the apple "jubilee", is the late maturity, which is more than offset by a high and high-quality crop. Crops begin to be harvested at the end of August and until the beginning of September, it depends on the place of growth and climate. The apple tree enters full-fledged fruiting in the eighth year.

apple tree jubilee variety description


“Jubilee” apples are not intended for long-term storage; their shelf life is no more than one month in a cool place.

Dwarf apple tree

Scientist breeders have created dwarf varieties of this variety. The growth of trees is about 2.5 meters. In the period of fruiting, they enter for 2-3 years after planting. They have good productivity and are immune to scab.

Cultivation area

The apple trees of the jubilee cultivar are grown in the Moscow Region, where the climate is very favorable for this crop. Growing agricultural technology in this climate zone does not require any additional measures.

High winter hardiness of the jubilee cultivar makes it possible to grow it in the north-west of our country. In the first winter young seedlings should be covered with spruce branches or covering material. In order to prevent freezing of the roots, the soil must be mulched near the trunks - wood sawdust, humus or peat.


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