How much does a warm floor consume? Specifications, pros and cons of underfloor heating

If you are soon going to purchase a warm floor system, then you will definitely have a question about how much energy it will consume, because each property owner is trying to save. There is no clear answer to this question - everything will depend on the type of system and the heated room. Approaching the sounded question in more detail, it can be noted that several factors will affect the consumption of the system, among them it should be highlighted:

  • level of thermal insulation of the room;
  • use of the system as a primary or secondary heat source;
  • climate outside;
  • type of flooring;
  • number of people in the room;
  • type of temperature regulator.

For reference

how much does a warm floor consume

Warm floors, the energy consumption of which should be reduced, should be installed only after the insulation of walls, doors and windows. It is important to consider the type of topcoat used. For example, quite often you want to warm up a tile more strongly, because it is cold to the touch.

Electricity consumption indicators

warm floor electricity consumption

If you have a question about how much the underfloor heating consumes, then you should deal with the basic indicators of electricity consumption. Comfortable heating will be provided if the power of the heated floor is equal to the limit of 110 to 160 watts per square meter. If we are talking about the main heating, then the power can reach 200 watts per square meter.

As practice shows, a warm floor, the pros and cons of which will be mentioned below, spends electricity most intensively only at the stage of heating, when the system will try to enter the operating mode. As soon as a certain temperature is reached, the floor reduces energy consumption, and the set value will only be maintained. This goal is achieved by turning the system on and off. In an hour the floor will work for 15 minutes, while in a day - only 6 hours.

Energy consumption calculation

how much electricity does the warm floor consume

If you are interested in the question of how much the warm floor consumes, then you should familiarize yourself with the features of calculating energy consumption. This can be done based on an example. If the system is installed in a room with an area of ​​14 m 2 , then the area of ​​the heated area may be 10 m 2 . The underfloor heating system can only be installed on an area of ​​70%, so it will be possible to provide space heating.

An example is the underfloor heating system , whose power will be 150 V per square meter. In this case, the rated power will be equal to 1.5 kW, this value can be calculated by multiplying the area of ​​the heated area by the system power. If you are interested in the question of how much the underfloor heating consumes, you should consider that the system can be switched on constantly. This indicates that it will work for about 8 hours a day.

Multiplying the maximum value by 1.5 kW, you will get the possible energy consumption per day, it will be 12 kW * h. If you want to know what will be the energy consumption per month, then the value should be multiplied by 30, which will allow you to get 360 kW * h. Quite often, homeowners are interested in the question of how much electricity a warm floor consumes. The above values ​​are maximum. Actual consumption may be lower if the floors are turned off in the summer, and you additionally install a thermostat that will monitor the temperature level. In addition, the system can be turned off when no one is at home, and turned on when you return.

Specifications infrared warm floor

warm floor pros and cons

Before you purchase the system described in the article, you should ask what are the technical characteristics of the underfloor heating. If we are talking about an infrared system, then its power consumption can vary from 150 to 400 W / m 2 . The electromagnetic field is almost absent. The radiation length is equal to the limit of 7-20 microns. The film will begin to melt at a temperature of 264 Β° C.

The main advantages of infrared warm floor

technical characteristics of a heat-insulated floor

After you become aware of how much electricity an infrared warm floor consumes , you can familiarize yourself with its main advantages and disadvantages, among the first it is worth highlighting:

  • easy installation;
  • use of a temperature regulator;
  • lack of influence on humidity of air;
  • therapeutic effect of the system on the human body.

Ease of installation is the main advantage of the described floors. Additional work is not necessary. The systems are installed on any coating, while preparing the base and laying the screed is not necessary.

Quite often, home masters are interested in the question of how much electricity a warm floor consumes. You can find the answer to this question if you familiarize yourself with the information presented above. But if you want to save, then you should use a thermostat.

Infrared warm floors give this opportunity. After switching on, the film heats up instantly, quickly giving off heat to the room. As soon as the temperature level is reached, the system turns off and the power consumption stops. Many consumers are also puzzled by the fact that underfloor heating systems usually work, reducing the humidity of the ambient air in the room. This does not apply to infrared systems. Their work does not affect air humidity.

Cons of infrared warm floor

how much energy does the infrared warm floor consume

Underfloor heating, the energy consumption of which is carried out quite economically, has its drawbacks, among them a significant cost should certainly be highlighted. However, it pays off after a few months of operation. In addition, such films can easily be damaged. Therefore, they must be used with extreme caution. Mechanical stress can damage the system. Some refuse to purchase such floors for the reason that their improper use can cause a fire. When the film is damaged, the risk of fire increases.

The main advantages of electric underfloor heating

Whatever floor heating system you choose, it will have its own advantages and disadvantages. If we are talking about an electric warm field, then among its advantages, consumers distinguish such an arrangement of heating elements that allows for a comfortable distribution of heat. In addition, this floor heats up much faster compared to other heating systems.

According to manufacturers, it is electric underfloor heating that is the most durable. Some companies that have established themselves in the market for relevant products give a 50-year warranty on their products. If you decide to purchase a warm floor, the pros and cons of such a system is certainly worth considering. Among the first, buyers highlight the lack of need to dismantle the old coating. If there is an old tile on the floor, then it will not be necessary to tear it off. In this case, it is better to use electric heating mats, which will raise the floor by only 1.5 cm.


When thinking about how much a warm floor consumes, you should also consider how many people will be in the room at the same time throughout the day. If you are often not at home, then it is better to turn off the system, which will save. But using a temperature controller to achieve this goal will be even easier. Some models of such devices can save up to 30% of heat.


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