Tomato Volgograd precocious 323: reviews, description

Almost everyone likes tomatoes. Therefore, those who have a garden plot, be sure to grow them. This is a whole ritual. They look forward to the time when you can already sow the seeds. And what a blessing to see the little green little spouts of hatching seedlings! The most delicious tomato is self-grown.

Grade selection

Of great importance is the choice of varieties. It takes into account the place where the tomatoes will grow, area, airing and shading, soil. Even how often you are in your garden.

If the site is small, near the house, it is poorly ventilated, then tall varieties will normally grow and bear fruit (subject to regular tying, pinching, processing). In a large garden where tomatoes are spacious, they are well ventilated, which means they are less damaged by diseases. Here you can place determinant varieties. These are stunted plants that do not require garter. Such a tomato will grow even without much care.

tomato volgograd precocious 323 reviews

To get ripe tomatoes at the end of June, you need to plant early varieties. Their ripening period is about 100 days. Another point is a hybrid or an old proven variety. Farmers and wholesalers prefer to grow hybrids. They give a guaranteed harvest, are not damaged by diseases. But collecting seeds from them is not worth it. To grow delicious tomatoes from them next year will not work.

Many gardeners continue to grow tomatoes of old and relatively old varieties. One of them is Volgograd tomato (an old variety) and a relatively old tomato Volgograd early ripening 323. Reviews of people growing these tomatoes indicate that they are worthy of attention.

Tomato Volgograd

The variety is early. Fruits ripen in 105 days from the moment of emergence of shoots. Also a high-yielding variety. The bush is compact, low (determinant type). Fruits are round, slightly flattened, the weight of one is approximately 90 g. From 5 to 9 fruits are formed on each brush. The variety has medium disease resistance. The fruits are consumed raw, canned, salted, prepared pasta, mashed potatoes, juice.

Tomato Volgograd precocious 323 description

Tomato Volgograd precocious 323: description

Created in the seventies of the last century. Relatively old variety, non-hybrid. The height of the plant is from 18 to 45 cm. The vegetable is round-round, sometimes ribbed. Color is red, with an orange tint. One tomato weighs about 70 g. Some reach 100 g. It has stable fruiting. There are many branches and leaves on the bush. Above the fifth leaf the first bunch is formed. Above they are formed above each leaf. Tomato Volgograd early ripening 323 has such a look. Reviews, photographs indicate that on one cluster the fruits grow approximately the same size.

The tomato is very tasty. Suitable in a salad. Can be salted, canned. Good for carriage.

Tomato Volgograd precocious 323 is not much damaged by disease. Suitable for permanent agriculture, which works in harmony with nature, without requiring much effort and without harming the environment. Suitable for gardeners who are just starting to grow tomatoes, or for those who do not have the opportunity to often visit the garden.

The average yield per square meter is 4-4.2 kg, but can reach 7 kg.


Sowing dates are determined by the intended planting location. Tomato seeds are sold in all stores. It is possible to order Volgograd precocious tomato 323 via the Internet. Aelita is one of the agricultural companies specializing in seed production.

Tomato Volgograd precocious 323 leader

If you grow tomatoes in a partially heated greenhouse, this should be done in February. For film greenhouses - in the third decade of March. In this case, the seedlings will be ready in May.

When the plant has a pair of real leaves, it is dived - transplanted into separate cups or wooden boxes. This helps strengthen the root system. You can plant in pots of peat. This will allow less damage to the roots during transplantation.

tomato Volgograd precocious 323 reviews photos

In mid-May, planted under the film. In areas where the risk of frost is minimal, you can immediately - in open soil. Landing at a permanent place is held in early June.

Landing in a permanent place

Tomatoes love loam or sandy soil. But they feel good on other soils. Bean, various varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, carrots can be predecessors. It is advisable to prepare the soil before the onset of winter. Fertilize humus, dig the site. In the spring, after the soil has dried, it is harrowed and ammonium nitrate is introduced .

tomato Volgograd precocious 323

Seedlings are planted 60 days old when the bush is formed and has 7-9 real leaves and several inflorescences. 70 Γ— 50 - this is the scheme by which the Volgograd precocious tomato 323 is usually planted. The reviews of gardeners indicate that they often plant seedlings according to the 50 Γ— 40 pattern.

Often lovers buy more seedlings in the market, already with flowers. But it takes root much worse than small but strong plants.

Wells for planting need to dig large. A seedling should fit in them until the first true leaves. You can lay it on its side, pointing the tops to the north. So the plant will be easier to adapt when transplanted and tolerate heat. If the temperature has risen very much, then it is better to obscure the plants. This can be done with burdock leaves or other plants. So the Volgograd precocious tomato 32 will take root faster and take root. The reviews of gardeners advise mulching the ground near the hay tomatoes.

Shelter from sunlight can be agrotex. It is fixed on pegs placed at the corners of the beds. Instead of agrotex, any piece of cotton can be used.

It is better not to fill the pits completely, leaving room for water when watering. If the site is mulched with a thick layer, moisture is retained for a long time near the plant. After the plants take root, the shelters are removed.


Tomatoes need to be watered every two weeks.

It is believed that the tomato Volgograd precocious 323 does not need to be stepson, because it is stunted. But it is advisable to carry out this procedure. It is better to do this in the morning, to tear off not the entire stepson, so that he does not grow up later.

The soil between plants must be kept clean from weeds. If the bed is not mulched, then you need to loosen the earth as necessary. This will allow air to pass between plants and protect against late blight disease. If the weather is rainy, then it is necessary to treat this disease after every rain.


Dangling parts of the plant are not thrown away. Prepare a good fertilizer. Stepsons with water are placed in a container and left to ferment for several weeks. Before use, dilute in the ratio of a liter per bucket of water. This composition can be watered tomatoes before flowering.

If there is not enough fruit set up, Volgograd early ripe tomato is treated with urea and boric acid 323. Reviews of gardeners indicate that it responds well to fertilizer with humus or compost.


Soon the time will come to harvest, which the Volgograd premature tomato 323 will delight you with. Reviews indicate that many gardeners give it preference or grow on their beds along with other tomatoes.

tomato Volgograd precocious 323 aelita

To accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, do not wait until they ripen completely. As soon as they turn brown, they are torn off the bush and laid out in a sunny place. In a week, the tomatoes will be ripe and tasty. Like those that have matured on the bush. But with green tomatoes, this is not worth it. Such fruits will be tasteless, even if they turn red.

Tomato Volgograd precocious 323 is the leader among non-hybrid varieties.


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