How to wean a dog to jump on the owner: tips

Dogs are perhaps the most devoted friends. They are smart and funny, and therefore it is not surprising that these animals liked people so much. Nevertheless, their behavior is not always predictable, and therefore some distance should be observed. In this regard, the question of how to wean the dog to jump on the owner is extremely urgent.

how to wean a dog to jump on the owner

Why do dogs do this?

Before looking for a way to wean a dog to jump on the owner, it should be understood that such a pet’s behavior is absolutely natural. It may be due to such reasons:

  • respect for the owner;
  • the dog may express joy from the meeting;
  • the animal is playfully tuned;
  • in the absence of regular mating, this may be a manifestation of unsatisfied sexual instinct;
  • the dog enjoys direct contact with the owner;
  • sometimes in this way dogs try to dominate the owners;
  • you may have previously encouraged such actions, but because the dog jumps, wanting to earn praise.

how to wean a puppy to jump on the owner

Do not get angry and offended

It should be understood that, jumping on a person, the dog often tries to lick him in the face. This is no accident. In dog packs, this gesture is a kind of symbol of love and respect for the leader. Thus, you should in no case be angry with a dog and react to its behavior with aggression.

However, it is important to understand that for a dog, jumping on a person should not be the norm. At least because it can stain or tear clothes. In addition, strangers as well as children can be very scared. That is why, as soon as a pet has appeared in your house, you need to be puzzled as soon as possible on how to wean the puppy to jump on the owner and other people.

The main mistake

If the dog jumps on you and others - this is not a reason to be angry with the animal. Sometimes the reason for this behavior is errors in education, as well as your own weaknesses. Bringing a little puppy to the house, the owners allow him any pranks, because it is so cute. In addition, during the period of adaptation, he may feel frightened and insecure, and therefore people consider it unacceptable to immediately take up education and training. However, dogs grow incredibly fast. That is why the right habits need to be instilled in the puppy from the very first day, as soon as you become its owner.

how to wean an adult dog to jump on the master

How to prevent the development of a habit?

Any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it later. If you don’t want to wonder in the future about how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner, prevent this habit from happening as soon as a pet appears in your house. So, remember the following:

  • The first step is to train the dog to sit. Whenever the dog wants to jump on you, it is worth stopping him that way. The same command must be given when you open the door, returning home.
  • Stay ahead of the curve. So, for example, returning home, immediately kneel down to be on par with the dog. Thus, she would not have a need to jump to greet you.
  • Whenever the dog tries to jump at you, grab it by the front legs immediately. Animals do not like when they are limited in their movements, and therefore after some time the dog will develop a negative association in connection with this action.

how to wean a dog to jump on the owner and guests

How to wean a dog to jump on the owner?

Many owners at first are moved by the touching impulses of the puppy, in every way approving and encouraging them. Nevertheless, when the dog becomes an adult, many begin to look for solutions on how to wean an adult dog to jump on the owner. So, you can try the following options:

  • When the dog jumps at you, push your knee forward (just not so much as to hit the animal). If the dog constantly stumbles upon an obstacle, over time he will develop a negative association. You can also use a bag as a barrier.
  • If the dog jumped at you, carefully remove it and pass by. However, she does not need to be ironed and talk to her. Dogs do not tolerate indifference. Soon she will realize that your resentment is caused by a certain action on her part.
  • Sometimes the training is facilitated by a delicate physical effect. So, for example, if a dog does something you don’t like, you can flick it on the nose or pat it on the ear. True, you should be careful with such experiments, as some dogs can respond to such actions with aggression.
  • If friends or relatives often come to your house, teach them everything you do yourself. They should also not encourage too active dog behavior.

It should be understood that dog training is a long and complex process. Especially if certain habits of the animal have already formed. That is why, if you can not cope with the task yourself, try contacting a dog handler. He knows certain techniques how to wean a dog to jump on people.

how to wean a dog to jump on the owner on the street

Show who is the boss in the house

The herd instinct is inherent in dogs, and as you know, every pack has a leader. So, for your pet, it is you who should become the leader. If the mild effect does not have the desired effect, you must demonstrate your power to the dog. When the dog is trying to jump on you, bend to it, grab the withers and push it to the floor. This should be done so that the dog feels pressure, but in no case pain. Even if the animal will resist, do not let it go immediately.

Water as a weapon

If you do not know how to wean a dog to jump on the owner for a walk or at home, arm yourself with a spray gun or a water gun. Whenever a dog behaves inappropriately, throw a stream into his face. Most animals react negatively to this technique. Of course, for some time you will have to endure the inconvenience due to splashes on the floor and on the walls, as well as wet footprints, but such an upbringing will bear fruit.

If you choose this method of dealing with puppy pranks, it is important not to harm the pet. So, it is best to use a spray with small drops. If you use a jet gun or spray gun, try not to direct it at the eyes, nose and ears of the pet.

What can not be done?

If you want to know how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner with joy, it is worth considering that you can not shout at an animal. The dog simply won’t understand why you are doing this, because in the animal world manifestations of joy and love are different from those of people. And even if, after another cry, the dog still stops jumping on you, it will become just frightened.

Perhaps the biggest mistake is to beat the dog. First of all, because it hurts and dislikes her. In addition, there is a risk of injury to the animal. It is also worth understanding that in this way you can raise an aggressive dog. It is possible that she will respond to aggression in the same way.

how to wean a dog to jump on the owner with joy

If the dog jumps on people on the street

Dogs tend to show interest and attention not only to their owners, but also to strangers while walking on the street. The playfulness and favorable disposition of the animal, passers-by can take for aggression, which often leads to unpleasant situations. In addition, do not forget that some people may just be afraid of dogs.

If you have a pet, you should know how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner on the street (and even less on strangers). So, going for a walk, always take along a small twig. If the dog tries to jump at you or pulls its paws to passers-by, slightly hit it on the croup (but not hard so as not to hurt the animal). This can not be done either by hand or by a leash, as the dog may develop a negative attitude towards walking.

If your dog is playfully tuned, this is not a reason to limit it in the pleasure of taking longer walks in the fresh air. On the contrary, it should be in public places as long as possible. Only in this way can a dog develop a correct attitude towards outsiders. The main thing is to keep the animal on a short leash so that it can not scare anyone.

Some more useful tips

Raising a dog is a complex and lengthy process that requires patience and diligence. So, if you are interested in how to wean a dog to jump on the owner and guests, take into account the following tips:

  • Regularly mate or sterilize the dog to avoid unpleasant situations;
  • if, when jumping on you, the dog spoils clothes, try to wear those things that you do not mind during the "re-education";
  • if we are talking about an adult dog, then it will be difficult to overcome her habits, and therefore it is better to seek help from a dog handler;
  • if we are talking about a little puppy, you can not let him play pranks, but you should immediately start raising;
  • involve all family members in the work on the pet’s behavior, because if someone alone indulges in dog pampering, all the work will go down the drain.

how to wean a dog to jump on people


The decision to get a pet must be deliberate and balanced. And especially when it comes to the dog, because this is a wayward animal. In order for the pet to bring you only joy, it needs to be brought up as carefully and strictly as a child. Jumping to the owner, guests and passers-by should be unacceptable to the dog. The sooner you start training, the more effective it will be.


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