Cable (Marvel): review, characterization of the hero and interesting facts

The Marvel Universe is full of a wide variety of superheroes, among which there are both good and bad. The series has several favorites, such as Spider-Man, Deadpool, Wolverine, and so on, but it also has lesser-known, but no less interesting characters, such as Cable. “Marvel” introduced this hero back in 1990, and then he had rather good popularity, however, by 2002 his fan base had significantly decreased. This is an incredibly interesting and impressive character, whose story is fascinating, and his abilities are surprising. Well, it's time to find out who the Marvel cable is.

a brief description of

cable marvel

If the key characters of the universe can be described briefly and concisely, defining their commitment to the forces of good or evil, then in this case it is not so simple. The fact is that the cable from Marvel is not the easiest hero. He acts in the form of a kind of messiah from the future who is trying to correct the past, while not receiving special love from the inhabitants of the Earth, as well as mutants. He has telepathic and telekinetic abilities that make him one of the strongest superheroes. It can be described as the chaotic opposite of Professor Xavier on the good side of the mutants. However, this is not an exact description, because the character of Cable is much more complex and unusual. To better understand it, you need to know its history. What is the biography of this character of the Marvel universe? Cable went through a lot, so you will be interested to know how his life turned out.


heroes marvel marvel

It’s worth noting right away that the Marvel heroes often do not have the most accurate biographies due to the variety of alternative universes, options for what is happening, time travel and so on. In the case of Cable, it was time travel that had a great influence on the biography. However, it’s worth starting from the very beginning. Cable, whose real name is Nathan Summers, is the son of Scott Summers, known as Cyclops, and Madeleine Prier, a clone of Gina Gray, created specifically for the creation of Cable by Sinister, who started the betrayal of the Apocalypse. However, the Apocalypse learned about the betrayal of Sinister and infected the baby with an organo-organic virus that slowly killed the child. However, it didn’t reach death, since a woman from the future appeared to Cyclops, who said that Nathan could be saved only if he went to the future. So Nathan Summers (Cable) ended up there.

Future time

cable nathan summers cable

A brief history of the character of Cable (Cable) must necessarily include a period in the future, since it was there that the main development of this hero took place. When he moved, the same woman, Askani, who turned out to be Nathan's time-displaced mother, cloned him in case he did not survive due to the techno-organic virus. However, both Nathan and his clone were able to survive, only the latter were abducted by the followers of the Apocalypse, who wanted to transfer his mind to the body of a clone called Strife. Thus, the Apocalypse raised Strife, while Cable was brought up by his parents, transferred in time by the last efforts of Askani. It was they who were able to prevent the migration of the mind of Apocalypse into the body of Strife, due to which the villain died completely. However, Strife was not going to sit back, so he went to the past (present) to seize power and become a full-fledged successor to the Apocalypse. Cable naturally followed him to stop him.


cable cable a brief character story

Cable for a long time traveled between the present and the future in his own ship, constantly waged a confrontation both with his clone and with other villains. However, one day, when he returned from the future to the present, he found out that Striff under the guise of Cable managed to annoy almost all the mutants in the world, and now they all turned against him. He miraculously managed to convince several mutants that these were tricks of his twin, after which he decided to conduct the last battle with Striff. They collided on the moon, and after a fierce battle, both seemingly died. However, Cable later appeared in the future, but Strife was in his mind. He miraculously managed to get rid of Strife's identity, after which he learned from Sinister that Strife was his clone, and not vice versa, as Striff himself constantly informed him. After defeating Strife, Cable began to move toward what he considered the goal of his life - the destruction of the Apocalypse in the present tense. After Gina Gray taught him to use his psi abilities to the maximum level, he entered into a confrontation with the Apocalypse and defeated him. After that, he began to travel the world as a mercenary, who received fame under the nickname Soldier X.


cable figure review

As you can understand from any figure, Cable (the review of this character you are reading now) is a powerful person in age, armed with a strange and big gun. However, at the same time, his main forces remain telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Initially, he could not use them normally due to the fact that he was sick with the techno-organic virus, but over time his abilities grew, and he could use them without any problems. Later, his telepathic and telekinetic abilities became so developed that he could even read thoughts and control the consciousness of other people. His abilities are considered one of the strongest in the entire universe, but at the same time they are greatly enhanced by the fact that he has an impressive supply of experience gained during time travel, a high rate of intelligence, and also one of the strongest mutants in history as his teachers on various stages of its development and formation.

Telekinetic features

cable marvel select

Naturally, in different universes his abilities differ (in particular, they differ greatly in the Cable Marvel Select series), however, if we talk about the original universe, in addition to basic telepathic and telekinetic abilities, Cable learned to lift objects of even the most incredible gravity, as well as telekinetically lift yourself to fly small distances through the air.

Foresight and other interesting points

Cable is also distinguished by other interesting points that can attract fans who have not heard of such a hero before. For example, he can, to a small extent, foresee the events of the future and even move astrally in time without the use of special equipment. He also uses his techno-organic infection to his advantage, which, coupled with the connection to the Infonet, gives him cyberpathy. In addition, the techno-organic parts of his body have incredible strength and strength.


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