Types of toilets: description, features, specifications and reviews

Since it is difficult to imagine a living space without a toilet, each homeowner will sooner or later have to purchase such a household item. Most buyers make a choice based on their taste preferences and financial capabilities. After all, what could be special about a standard design?

In fact, plumbing manufacturers in recent years have greatly expanded their product range. Today they offer us various types of toilets that differ not only in visual features, but also in functional qualities. And by what criteria all similar products are divided, read in our article.

Price difference

What do we look at first when buying plumbing? At its cost. Someone prefers the most economical options, and someone believes that a quality product can not be cheap. In fact, everything is not quite so.

the appearance of the toilet type "Compact"

Especially popular today are products from the Czech Republic, Poland, Finland. It shows high quality and is characterized by an average price tag.

Worthy competition to foreign manufacturers is made by domestic manufacturers. Certified Russian products are in no way inferior in quality to their foreign counterparts. Moreover, the absence of customs duties and shipping costs allows you to set a fairly low cost on such products.

different types of toilets

Cheap types of toilets include options made in China and some local manufacturers who do not seek to keep quality high. As a rule, such products fail during the first 2-3 years of operation.

Toilet mounting options

Modern faience products can be fixed on the surface in several ways. The optimal type of fastening is determined depending on the area of ​​the toilet, the financial capabilities of the owner and the decorative qualities of the structure.

So, what are the types of toilets by fixation method? There are three types of them:

  1. Products of the floor type. These are all familiar varieties that are installed on the floor. Their advantages are ease of installation and the ability to quickly eliminate leaks. However, such toilets are hardly compact. A bowl with an attached tank takes up a lot of space.
  2. Hanging bowl systems. This type is popularly called installation. Its feature is that the toilet is fixed on a metal frame, which is built into the wall of the room. At the same time, the bowl does not stand on the floor, but hangs above its surface. These types of toilets are very popular today. They do not take up much space and look spectacular. However, the cost of such systems is several times higher than the price tag of the previous version. Only one button for installation can cost about 1000-2000 rubles. And the installation of the entire system will cost the owners about 3500-5000 rubles.
  3. Toilet bowls type. Such designs combine the principles of the first and second varieties. In them, the tank and drain pipe are installed in the wall, and the bowl itself is fixed on the floor. The design allows you to save space in space and provide a sense of calm for those people who doubt the reliability of wall hung toilets.

Identify the most important criteria for yourself before you begin to consider the available types of toilets. Which toilet to choose in your case can be suggested by a consultant, however, it is better to study all the available options and their features beforehand.

Bowl differences

At first glance, it may seem that the shape of the bowl determines only the appearance of the product. However, the convenience of using the toilet depends on its type.

In the shape of the bowl there are three types:

  • visors;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • dish-shaped.

To understand which types of toilets to consider first, evaluate the features of each option.

For example, visor-type bowls are distinguished by the fact that their drain hole is located in the front. The back wall has the form of a sloping hill, on which all the waste falls. There is no splash of water, but the walls of the bowl have to be thoroughly cleaned with a brush.

In the funnel-shaped toilets, the hole is located in the center of the bowl. The waste goes directly into the water, which prevents the spread of unpleasant odors and pollution of the walls of the earthenware product. But in this case there are bursts and splashes of dirty water, which sometimes reach the toilet user himself.

types of flushing toilet

Plate-shaped bowls are considered obsolete. In them, the hole is located in the front part, and the rear wall is made in the form of a kind of shelf. It is on it that the feces fall, which prevents the occurrence of splashes. At the same time, the shelf itself is not much contaminated, since almost always a little water remains in it.

Available types of toilet sinks

In different models of toilets, the method of draining the water may also differ. Today we have two main options available:

  1. Straight. Water is supplied by a direct stream along the rear wall. The main flow of water passes through the center of the bowl. Adjacent areas are partially captured.
  2. Annular. Water is supplied to the annular channel, which is located directly under the rim of the toilet bowl. After filling the channel, water flows evenly over the entire surface of the bowl.

The latter option is considered more acceptable and hygienic. However, such products are much more expensive. In addition, if the water is enriched with various impurities, this type of flushing is not recommended. The rim quickly fills with limescale, red smudges form on the walls of the bowl.

Siphon toilets - a practical novelty in the domestic market

If not one of the listed options is suitable, pay attention to the toilet siphon type. Such models are quite popular abroad and are increasingly found on the Russian market.

The peculiarity of this model is that when flushing, water is not supplied to the bowl, but immediately to the elbow of the toilet bowl. In this case, the dirty liquid goes into the sewer, and the clean one fills the bowl. In the process of flushing, a powerful whirlpool is created, sucking all the waste into the drain hole.

siphon toilet

The advantages of this option are as follows:

  • water splashes when using the toilet are completely eliminated;
  • the bowl is effectively cleaned by pressure; there is no need to use a brush;
  • dirt is washed off from all walls of the tank.

The disadvantages include the high cost of such models and high water consumption. To eliminate even small impurities, you have to drain the entire tank.

What are the types of toilet flush cisterns?

Water tanks are containers of standard size and shape. Their installation method may differ. Today, manufacturers offer us three options:

  • monoblock designs;
  • Compact type toilets;
  • separate systems.

Monoblock toilets are presented in the form of an integral design, where the bowl and cistern are a single unit. Such varieties are attractive in that they are easy to install and the tank never leaks. However, if any part of the system fails, the product must be completely changed.

what types of toilets exist today

A compact type toilet bowl is the most popular and practical type. Here, the tank is screwed to the bowl with mounting bolts. In the event of failure of any part, only the faulty element has to be changed, and not the entire toilet.

In separate versions, the tank is connected to the cup using a pipe. These types of toilet tanks allow you to install a water tank in the wall or under the ceiling. In the latter case, the efficiency of flushing increases several times.

Differences in toilet by water discharge method

The type of water discharge is selected depending on the location of the sewer pipe. It can stand vertically, horizontally and at an angle. The position of the toilet flush should coincide with the angle of the pipe.

In private homes and modern new buildings, horizontal and vertical layouts are most often found. If the pipe lies flat on the floor, the toilet should be horizontal.

direct-release toilet

If the pipe sticks out of the floor at a right angle, a design with a vertical outlet is selected. This variety is attractive in that it can be placed close to the wall, which saves space in a small space.

built-in toilet

The angular type of toilet discharge (at an angle of 45 degrees) is found in all typical apartments. In multi-story buildings, the sewer system is designed so that the drain hole is at an angle. In this case, toilets with the same type of release should be purchased.

Types of drain devices

In all models of toilets, the operation of the drainage system is based on two actions: open the water to fill the tank and shut it off at the right time, drain the water into the bowl. The armature (or mechanism), consisting of a float, several levers, and shutoff valves, is responsible for performing these functions.

types of toilet fittings

There are two types of toilet fittings, differing in the way the drain mechanism is actuated. Namely:

  • exhaust devices;
  • pressure fittings.

The first variety is quite rare today. Her work is based on raising the stem locking the drain hole. There is a lever on the toilet bowl that must be raised to drain the water.

dual-mode type toilet flush

In modern devices, a button system is installed. It can work in one or two modes. Single-mode valves are designed to completely discharge water at the touch of a button. Dual-mode options allow for both full and partial drainage. When you press one button, the tank is emptied by half, and when you press the other, completely.

Ways to get water into the tank

The toilet bowls differ in the location of the nozzle that supplies water to the tank. It can be located behind or from the side - this does not play any role. But the height of its installation significantly affects the comfort when using the device.

If the hole for the water hose is located directly under the top cover of the tank, then the water entering the tank will make noise and splash. This can create some discomfort, especially when someone uses the toilet at night.

types of toilet bowl

If the hose is inserted at the bottom of the tank, water will be typed quietly. However, in such systems, there is the possibility of dripping and leakage of liquid in case of failure of the gasket or the hose itself.

Also, when choosing a water collection system, consider the location of the water pipes and the method of fastening the tank. For those varieties that are attached to the wall, water must be supplied from one of the side walls of the tank.

Varieties of toilet seats

A lot of questions arise when choosing the type of toilet seat. Manufacturers offer us many options, which makes even the most discreet buyer confused.

Most often there are seats made of plastic and wood. The latter option is warmer, but categorically does not accept the effects of moisture. In addition, such a product cannot be disinfected and cleaned with chemicals.

Plastic varieties are considered more hygienic. They can be washed an unlimited number of times, the material is not afraid of bleach and other cleaning products.

types of toilet seats

Recently, soft seats have become popular. They are made on the basis of a plastic frame, which is covered with dense foam. The two-layer product is covered with PVC film, which is soldered on all sides. These seats are soft and pleasant to the body, but they are a real breeding ground for bacteria.

In addition, after a few months of operation, the film begins to crack. Sitting on such a seat becomes unpleasant. One conclusion follows from this: plastic products are the most optimal option.

Customer reviews of different types of toilets

On the Internet, you can find many comments regarding the use of different types of toilets. Experienced users are advised to pay special attention to the quality of fittings installed in the drain tank. This is especially true for those models in which a water tank is sewn into the wall. To make repairs in this case is very difficult, so you should choose a system whose cost is at least 25% of the price tag of the toilet itself.

Hot discussions are unfolding about the optimal toilet material. Someone is convinced that the best choice will be economical faience products. Their service life is 10-15 years, which fully justifies the cost of production.

wall-mounted toilet

Those who are willing to overpay are advised to give preference to porcelain varieties. Their service life exceeds 25 years, but they also cost 50% more than previous options.

As for the shape of the bowl and the method of fixing the tank, then it should be based only on your own wishes and possibilities. Decide how important the noiselessness of the system is for you, whether you are ready to overpay for original forms and fashionable novelties. Do not forget to consider the features of your room and the method of wiring water pipes. In some cases, it may just be impossible to establish the model you like.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14732/

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