How to fix eights on bicycle wheels - detailed description

How to fix eights on bicycle wheels - this question is relevant for many. Eight on a bicycle wheel is the most common problem of its deformation. Its main reason is loose knitting needles. Consider the questions of the correct tension of the spokes, varieties of eights and ways to correct them.

how to fix figure eight on a bicycle
It should be said right away: for preventive purposes, so as not to too often wonder how to fix the eights on the wheels of a bicycle, you need to tighten the spokes at least once a season.

The correct tension of the spokes

The driving characteristics of this vehicle often depend on the correct tension of the spokes. The spokes are tensioned in the direction of the tangent circumference of the sleeve with three crossings along the path from the sleeve flange to the rim. Thus, the strength and elasticity of the wheel is achieved. The spokes are inserted in different ways, one from the inside, the other from the outside of the sleeve - and so on around the perimeter of the circle. Then the needle is threaded into the nest of the rim, a nipple is put on top of it, and with the help of a nipple key, the needle is pulled.

Causes of deformation

During operation, the bike is under stress, and they are least dependent on how you ride. Over time, a process of changing the geometry of the wheel rim, that is, its deformation, occurs. How quickly it happens depends mainly on the quality of the rim.

Three defects may form on the wheel rim . This is the figure eight, “umbrella” and “egg”. Let us dwell on each of them.

We correct the figure eight

How to fix the figure eight on the wheel? Eight in this case is when some part of the rim does not coincide with the plane of rotation.

Tools that will be needed for repair:

how to fix eights on bicycle wheels

1) chalk, with its help we will mark a site with a defect;

2) spokes;

3) a wheel alignment machine is desirable, but this is not necessary. Eight small sizes can be removed without removing the wheels. We turn the bike upside down - in this position, you can check the correctness of the wheel relative to the brake pads.

How to fix eights on bicycle wheels? This process can be divided into several stages. The first step is to find the deformation. During the rotation of the wheel it is necessary to bring the chalk closer to it. In the place where there is a figure eight, there will be a trace. Using this simple method, you can easily determine in which place the rim is deformed. At the second stage, we pull up and weaken the spokes, but only from a certain side. If these manipulations are performed incorrectly, you can further damage the wheel by receiving a new deformation.

how to fix a figure eight on the rear wheel of a bicycle

How to fix the figure eight on a bicycle wheel? There are several ways in which it can be removed. If it is between two knitting needles located next to each other, then with the help of a spoke key we tighten the first knitting needle by 1/3 of a turn, and twist the adjacent knitting needle in the opposite direction, while loosening the clamp also by 1/3.

Quite common is the case when the figure eight is located opposite one of the spokes of the wheel. Then pulling up this knitting needle must be done ¼ turn, and 1/8 turn it is necessary to relax the two knitting needles located next to it. It happens that on a deformed wheel the figure eight changes the position of several spokes located nearby. This case is complex, and you need to be very careful and adhere to the following rule: knitting needles that are closer to the center need to be tightened or loosened with more force, and knitting needles located at the edge need to be pulled up or loosened with less force.

In order to determine the correctness of the repair, it is necessary to untwist the fixed wheel, and the changes should be immediately noticeable. The actions you performed were correct if the wheel became level, otherwise you must repeat all the steps again.

how to fix figure eight on the wheel

Many people wonder how to fix the figure eight on the rear wheel of a bicycle. There is no fundamental difference between the correction on the rear and front wheels.

Radial runout

An “egg” is when the wheel rim becomes oval, that is, when one part of the rim is closer to the center than the rest. The "egg" appears, as a rule, after unsuccessful touchdowns and is much less common than the figure eight.

How to fix the figure of eight on a bicycle, which is commonly called the "egg"? To do this is much more difficult than in the previous case.

1. The very first thing to do is remove the tire and make sure that the rim is deformed, not the tire.

2. Turning the bicycle over, spin the wheel while placing an object on top. It should be noted with the help of chalk that part of the rim that will lift this item.

3. At the third stage, three directions must be simultaneously traced: starting from the central spoke, loosen the tension; pull the knitting needles nearby for the same number of turns so that there are no eight; and the spokes located at the opposite end of the wheel should be pulled to prevent the appearance of an “egg” in another place. In order to fix the figure eight, experience is needed, since this process is rather complicated. It can be started again if something did not work out, first weakening, and then pulling all the knitting needles at the same time.

4. After the correction of the “egg”, just as in the example with the figure eight, you need to put pressure on the knitting needles with all the weight - for their shrinkage.

Editing Umbrella

There is such a thing as an “umbrella”. This is when the wheel rim has shifted to one side and is not perfectly aligned with the center of the hub. The value of this displacement will depend on the design of the frame itself and on the type of brakes. This malfunction often occurs in case of improper wheel assembly.

how to fix figure eight

The umbrella straightens out like a figure eight. On the one hand, you need to pull the knitting needles, and on the other hand, loosen the same force. Unlike how to straighten the figure eight, when editing the umbrella, the force should not fade, but should be uniform throughout the entire circumference.

Basic Rules

So, in order to know exactly how to fix the eights on the wheels of a bicycle, you need to remember a few rules.

First, by pulling the wheel spokes, you can damage the rim. If during the dressing process one or more of the knitting needles are overtightened, it is necessary to loosen them and the adjacent knitting needles, and then repeat the adjustment again.

Secondly, during the ride, the spokes can break if they are very weak. If during the dressing process one or more wheel spokes are loosened, it is necessary to tighten them, then repeat the adjustment again.


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