What you can bring as a gift from Vietnam: a review of souvenirs and other presents

Traveling to different countries, we get acquainted with the culture of residents of different regions, their traditions and way of life. You always want to bring something interesting or useful from your trip not only to yourself, but also to close relatives. Souvenirs will for a long time remind you of a great time spent in a distant country. Especially popular among our tourists are exotic countries. Each of them is famous for its traditional products. In our article, we want to talk about what you can bring from Vietnam as a gift to relatives and friends.

Coffee products

Vietnam is a very popular destination for beach and sea holidays. However, the beautiful sea is not the only pride of the country. There are a lot of interesting sights and wonderful products that are worth buying. If you decide to visit the country for the first time and don’t know what you can bring as a present from Vietnam, we recommend paying attention to ... coffee.

Coffee from vietnam

It is worth noting that the region ranks second in the world in import of this product. Varieties such as robusta and arabica are grown in the country. But there are also rarer ones, such as coolies or excelsu. The variety of varieties is simply amazing. Experts say that you should pay attention to the Luwak. Such coffee is considered the most expensive in the world. Its considerable cost is associated with a special method of processing grains. The product is obtained from ordinary arabica beans that have been fermented in the stomachs of small animal musangs.

The cost of a Luwak for a package weighing 150 grams reaches $ 60 (4 thousand rubles). But in Vietnam, the same pack can be bought for only $ 15 (a thousand rubles). Other varieties are cheaper. A 500 gram budget jar can be purchased for just $ 1.5. But at the same time, according to tourists, the quality of the drink is excellent. You can buy coffee in Vietnam everywhere. It is sold not only in all stores and shops, but also on plantations, trips to which are a popular attraction for tourists. True, the cost of this product is somehow overstated.


What can I bring as a gift from Vietnam? A universal souvenir can be tea products. The country has a huge assortment of varieties of green tea. Here you can buy not only a pure product, but also with various additives: ginger, lotus, jasmine, artichoke, chrysanthemum petals, mountain herbs.

No less quality in Vietnam and black tea. It is produced in a natural way by drying leaves in the sun. This allows you to get a real drink with a surprisingly rich taste and aroma. A very valuable gift from Vietnam are real herbal teas. They stabilize pressure, cleanse the body of toxins, and also increase tone, improving the general condition.

Tea products can be purchased in the country in specialized shops, in supermarkets and small shops. The cost of green tea ranges from one dollar (267 rubles) per kilogram. Drinks with natural additives cost 400 rubles. Experienced travelers recommend buying delicious coconut sweets with the addition of lotus seeds for delicious tea.

Vietnamese teas

If you do not know what is useful you can bring from Vietnam, then tea will be a great option. Local products are practically not exported, but consumed domestically, so you can buy really high-quality goods here. Exotic varieties deserve close attention of tourists. The variety of species is simply amazing. Most of the raw materials are grown on the mountain slopes of the northern provinces. The cheapest are iced teas. Longi - drinks of a higher level with different degrees of fermentation. Teas with soy and coconut milk are very tasty. Fruit mixes with the addition of pieces of exotic fruits are also on sale.

Exotic fruits

If we talk about what you can bring as a gift from Vietnam, then the first thing that comes to mind is fruit. Resting in any exotic country, you must definitely try all the most delicious. And, of course, you should bring wonderful tasty souvenirs to your family as a gift. At home you will not find such exotics.

All Asian countries are famous for the abundance of all kinds of fruits. Vietnam in this sense is no exception. Delicious wonders can be a wonderful useful souvenir. The selection of fruits in the country is very large: rambutan, durian, guava, papaya, dragon's eye, noina, longan, pitahaya, mangosteen and much = much more.

Finding fresh fruits in Vietnam is easy. Fruit shops and stalls can be seen at every turn. Since the products are perishable, it is worth buying them a day before departure. Some species can be taken immature so that they do not deteriorate on the road. For more convenient transportation, travelers purchase plastic baskets.


What is being brought from Vietnam as a gift? All kinds of spices are very popular. It is worth noting that Vietnam is one of the largest producers of spices in Asia. Thus, the volume of export of black pepper in the world market reaches forty percent. If you plan a trip to Vietnam, then by all means visit the island of Fokuok, on which famous pepper plantations are located. Here on sale you will find all kinds of spices. They are sold not only in stores, but also by farmers themselves, who also organize excursions in their fields.

Vietnamese spices

Not only peppers, but also ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, coriander, basil, lemongrass and more can be a good gift from Vietnam. You can find all this wealth in specialized shops in which at least 40 types of spices are presented. If you have not yet decided which gifts you can bring from Vietnam, a gift set of spices will be a great option. A practical souvenir is useful in everyday life. Typically, the cost of such sets does not exceed five dollars (300 rubles).


What to bring from Vietnam as a gift to a man? Of course, you should pay attention to local alcohol. Very popular rum. It is made from reed and coconuts. The cost of a bottle of drink ranges from 400-500 rubles. When buying, pay attention to the brand of the product.

Alcoholic drinks from Vietnam

Vietnam was once a French colony, so winemaking is very well developed in the country. The quality of local drinks is not inferior to well-known European brands. The center of winemaking was the city of Dalat. On its territory, products of famous brands are produced. The cost of a bottle of a good drink ranges from 350-700 rubles. Such a gift will be appreciated by true connoisseurs.

What to bring from Vietnam as a gift to surprise with exotic? In this case, you should pay attention to a real snake tincture. The composition of the drink includes snake liquid and alcohol. Such products are sold in bottles decorated with scorpions or snakes. The cost of a souvenir usually starts from 140 rubles.

Asian cosmetics

What to bring as a gift from Vietnam to a woman? Cosmetics will be the best souvenir. Local cosmetics products are of high quality. In addition, cosmetics are made exclusively from natural products. You can purchase funds in pharmacies and specialty stores. Reasonable prices for such products are very encouraging.

If you want to bring cosmetic gifts and souvenirs from Vietnam, then you should pay attention to the following products:

  1. Snail cream. It is made on the basis of snail mucus. It is believed that this product gives the skin a tone and relieves it of bumps. In the country you can buy effective products of Korean and Vietnamese brands. Depending on the manufacturer, the cost of snail cream can vary between 300-1000 rubles.
  2. Turmeric masks are another very popular product that helps eliminate inflammation on the skin and remove dryness. The product contains a lot of vitamins that help moisturize the skin. The cost of the mask is very symbolic, it does not exceed 70 rubles.
  3. Pearl mask. The peculiarity of the cosmetic product is that it is based on pearl powder. By the way, this component is very often used for the production of cosmetics in the country. The mask allows you to cope with edema, moisturize the skin, and also produces a regenerative effect. The cost of the tool is 140 rubles.
  4. Sac Ngoc Khang is the most popular Vietnamese brand producing face skin care products. The assortment includes creams, masks, tonics, all kinds of washing gels and much more. Products of this line have gained popularity in our country, but their cost in Russia is incredibly high. In Vietnam, the cream of this brand can be purchased for $ 13, in our stores its price is already $ 43. Therefore, such cosmetics are definitely worth buying during a trip to an exotic country.

We named only some cosmetic products. In fact, their choice in Vietnam is very large. When visiting specialized shops and shops, pay attention to products made on the basis of aloe vera, algae and coconut oil.


What can be brought from Vietnam to Russia? If you want to buy something useful and original, you can buy medicines. In the country there are a lot of all kinds of ointments and balms that are made on the basis of snake venoms and tiger fat. The following remedies are very effective:

  1. Ointment "White Tiger", which is used to treat joints.
  2. Golden Star warming balm, as well as the famous Zvezdochka.
  3. Silkeron ointment helps to cope with all kinds of dermatitis.
  4. "Kobrotoxan" is an excellent remedy based on snake venom, which is effective for radiculitis.
  5. Red Tiger balm is made with the addition of pepper, due to which the preparation produces a warming effect.

Such medicines are sold in pharmacies and souvenir shops.

Pearl jewelry

Do not know what gift to bring from Vietnam to your beloved woman? Pay attention to the pearls! The country has long been one of the largest importers of pearls. Numerous jewelry shops are simply littered with products from it. Vietnamese pearls amaze with stunning colors. If you like such jewelry, then in stores and on farms you will find not only the usual pink pearls, but also green and purple. The selection of products is very large.

Pearl jewelry

According to tourists, high-quality jewelry is not cheap. But if you do not count on expensive purchases, then you can always choose more budget options. On average, an inexpensive bracelet can cost 600 rubles, a necklace - 1500 rubles. And earrings can be purchased at all for 150 rubles.


What can a tourist bring from Vietnam is silk. Natural high-quality fabrics amaze with the richness of colors. The center of silk production is Dalat. They also produce bedding and clothes, make paintings. Silk products are on the lists of those goods that are certainly worth bringing from Vietnam. We give an approximate level of product prices. So, a meter of silk costs from 5400 rubles. A bathrobe or dress can be purchased for 10-13 thousand rubles.

Pictures made on silk canvases can cost from 700 to 1000 rubles. The price largely depends on the size of the canvas.

Vietnamese silk

If you want to buy high-quality silk, you should visit the factory in Dalat. The fact is that a lot of fakes are sold in tourist shops. Distinguishing them from real products is very difficult. If you do not set as your goal the purchase of a high-quality product, then in the local markets you can find more budget options.

Shoes and clothes

High-quality clothing can be a good gift from Vietnam (photos of some options are given in the article). It is worth saying that the country has launched production of sports brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Ribuk. Prices for goods are much lower than in Russia. If you do not want to purchase a fake, go shopping at the company stores. Good clothing is offered by the local Nino Max and Blue Exchange brands.

Products sold in the markets are also of good quality. True, sometimes there are problems with choosing the right size. It's no secret that the Russians are larger and taller than the Vietnamese. Therefore, even finding sizes such as 46 and 48 is very problematic.

For large and full tourists, experienced travelers recommend shopping in Da Nang, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. All European sizes are represented in these cities. As for winter clothing, then in the south of Vietnam you can’t find it, because it is always warm here. Sweaters and down jackets are not in demand. And all clothing is sold in stores only seasonally.

Hoi An is known for ordering clothes or shoes here. There are a lot of workshops in the city specializing in this. Wizards work very fast. Any day you will be sewn. For production use leather, silk, suede and satin. A dress or a classic suit costs from 3.5 to 10 thousand rubles. But a pair of leather shoes costs only 1000-1300 rubles.


If you love orchids, be sure to visit the Flower Garden in Dalat. Here you can not only admire the variety of plants, but also purchase their tubers. The cost of different varieties is different. But on average, one tuber costs $ 1.5. In addition, flowers are sold by local residents.

Hats non

What can be brought from Vietnam? There are an incredible amount of souvenirs sold in the country. A great gift would be a non hat, which is the traditional headdress in the country. Weave such products from rice straw or palm leaves. Hats have a characteristic conical shape.

Hats non

Their first images were found on Ngok Luk drums, which were made of bronze in the first centuries of our era. Later, non hats gradually spread throughout Southeast Asia. They can also be seen on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. You can buy such a souvenir almost everywhere. Authentic products are sold in the town of Hue. In the nearest villages, the process of their production is put on stream.


The wealth of natural materials allows the Vietnamese to produce numerous wickerwork. In souvenir shops there is a wide variety of them. Masters weave goods from rice straws, palm leaves and rattan. Such souvenirs are cheap, but are of high quality.

Variety of souvenirs

Not a single tourist can resist the abundance of souvenirs in the country's stores. From such an abundance of eyes just run up. Lovely gizmos invariably attract the attention of travelers. Among the products on offer you can find inexpensive goods: bamboo products, bags and belts for crocodile skin, silk lanterns, paintings with Vietnamese landscapes, magnets, national masks and dolls.

Souvenir products

If you go to any souvenir shop, you definitely won’t go out without shopping. In stores you can buy goods for every taste. The range is represented not only by cute trinkets, but also by more expensive, but high-quality products.

Tourists reviews

According to experienced travelers, in Vietnam you can buy a lot of useful things. There are many souvenirs in stores. However, pay close attention to quality leather and silk products, which you will not find analogues in Russia. Jewelry made of silver and pearls with precious stones is a special topic for conversation. Such products here are very diverse and beautiful. In addition, it is worth buying cosmetics of local brands. They differ in their natural composition and affordable prices. And the effect of their use is impressive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14742/

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