Days of summer solstice when?

Having looked at the wall calendar, we can draw a small conclusion that there are quite a lot of holidays in the year. They are different in their purpose, but equally important to a certain category of people. In this article I want to talk about the summer solstice: what kind of day it is, how to celebrate it correctly and what you need to remember.

summer solstice

What it is?

Before you know when the days of the summer solstice fall, it’s worth understanding the concept itself. So, the term "solstice" already carries certain information. However, not everyone can understand everything to the end. On the summer solstice, this celestial body describes the largest radius in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. It is worth saying that this action leads to the fact that on this day the interval between sunrise and sunset is as large as possible. Important information is that in the Southern Hemisphere, everything happens exactly the opposite.

About date

When is the summer solstice? This issue excites and interests a rather large number of people. So, it’s worth mentioning that almost always it is June 21st. However, there is a certain nuance: since every four years a leap year comes, these dates may shift slightly. So, when exactly is the summer solstice (2014)? This year is June 21st. But, for example, in 2012 it came on June 20, the same thing will happen in 2016.

June 22nd day of the summer solstice

Winter summer

Understanding when the days of the summer solstice, it is worth remembering that there are also days of the winter solstice. In this case, the day is the shortest (the smallest time distance between sunrise and sunset of a celestial body), and the Sun describes an arc of minimum radius. In winter, it is December 21 or 22 (when the day is the smallest and the night is the longest). It is easy to guess why some people believe that June 22 is the day of the summer solstice. It is rather not day, but night, i.e. completion of the summer solstice. Both dates are correct by definition, as this action does not happen overnight.

What is going on?

Having understood the dates and determined the days of the summer solstice, it is worthwhile to tell a little about what is happening on this day. So, the Sun reaches its highest point and it is believed that summer is coming. Although this statement is incorrect. The celestial luminary on this day reaches the middle of the path along the ecliptic (between the points of the autumn and spring equinoxes), therefore it will be more competent to say that this is already the middle of summer, and not its beginning. The following fact will be interesting: on these days the Earth is facing the Sun at the North Pole, therefore the inhabitants of this region have a light whole day (polar day). This is possible due to the fact that the sun does not set at all above latitude 66.5 °, i.e. not hiding behind the horizon. At this time, there is generally no need to use lighting devices. However, the passage of time on such days is perceived quite hard (especially for a person who is not used to this). At the same time, the South Pole experiences a polar night (round-the-clock darkness), which is a phenomenon opposite to the above.

summer solstice day 2014

Spring and summer

Having studied the days of the winter and summer solstice, it is also worth mentioning that there are also days of the spring and autumn equinox. These dates are interesting in that here day and night are equal in time. Regarding dates: in the spring this happens on March 20, in the fall on September 22 or 23.

About traditions

Having figured out that June 21 (22) is the day of the summer solstice, it is worth saying that this holiday was celebrated at all times (even regardless of the religiosity of a person). So, in ancient hours, this day was called the Solstice or the Solnovorot. This is the old Russian name for the modern day of the solstice, when the day meant the rotation of the celestial luminary to decline or profit. It will be interesting that in the days of Ancient Russia this holiday was celebrated as the birthday of the Sun.

when is the summer solstice

What is happening at this time?

It is worth saying that many people believed: in the days of the summer solstice, the line between the earthly and the otherworldly is erased. On this day, reality and dreams mix together, forming a magical tandem. It was always believed (and even now this knowledge has not been lost) that on the day before the summer solstice the world is full of magic and great power. Therefore, at this time, everyone gathered herbs, tried to cleanse themselves both physically and mentally. It was also believed that this time - when the Sun is at its highest point - is the moment of greatest good, not only for man, but also for nature. This is a kind of rise, rise, peak, which relates to everything that exists on Earth.


As it was already possible to understand, the summer solstice is a holiday rather than a body, but a human soul. Moreover, it is also the day of fertility, the triumph of nature, abundance. Regarding people, this is a time of generosity, happiness, when you can feel the fullness of life. It is also worth considering this day from a mystical point of view. It combines all four elements - Water, Fire, Earth and Air. The spirits responsible for these elements at this time invariably have fun and enjoy everything together with people. That is why all the elements are involved in various rites and rituals, which are carried out precisely on the days of the summer solstice.

summer solstice holiday

About countries

It is worth saying that the summer solstice (2014 is the year or some other) is celebrated in many countries of the world. So, in the time of Ancient Russia, Ivan Kupala Day was celebrated at that time , in Latvia it is Ligo Day (one of the most striking holidays celebrated in this country), in Estonia it is Jan Day. In Poland, this holiday is called Sobotki, in Belarus - Kupalye, in Ukraine - Kupaylo. And although the names sometimes differ, the essence of the holiday remains the same.

What to do?

What is the best way to celebrate the summer solstice? Of course, go to nature, closer to the water. There will already be land and air, there should be no problems with fire either, an ordinary fire will suffice. The following point will be important: the main goal of the summer solstice is to teach people to enjoy life, everything around them. At the same time, knowledgeable people will say that on these days from all four elements without problems, you can perfectly charge your energy, which will last for a whole year. It is also believed that the night of the summer solstice is great for love. If a woman has fertility problems, a guy has male strength, a couple just needs to make love in nature, while not being shy about running naked in the morning dew. This will give not only sexual energy, but also provide an opportunity to conceive and endure healthy offspring to lovers.

summer solstice is day

About traditions

It is worth remembering that the summer solstice is considered magical. This is the day when magic is so close to people that it can be used without any problems. So, what ancient rites may be available today?

  1. The rite of purification. To do this, you will need a bonfire. To cleanse not only the body, but also the soul, before the holiday itself you need to have a good bath. Everything else will take place at the time of the celebration. So, to cleanse the soul, you will need to jump over the fire. It was believed that if a person succeeds, then his spirits forgive for his wrongdoing. If a person burns, takes care of him or falls into a fire, his sins are too heavy to justify forgiving. Later, for fun, young people began to jump in pairs. If during the jump the guy and the girl did not open their hands, nobody cared, the couple should be together for many more years. Another belief: the higher a person jumps over a fire, the more successful his year will be. The purifying power is on this day and water. Be sure to swim in the river to wash off all ailments and diseases. At the same time, at least three times you need to immerse yourself in the water with your head.
  2. Rite of protection. So, at this time it was necessary to collect herbs. Moreover, all of them on the day of the summer solstice acquired tremendous healing power. And if you tear it and plug it in a belt or put it in your pocket with St. John's wort, then such a person will be protected from evil spirits for a whole year.
  3. Rite of fertility. It is worth saying that during the celebration of the summer solstice it was customary to light several bonfires. One of them necessarily had a symbolic meaning. In its middle, a wheel was mounted on a pole, which symbolized the sun. And the brighter and better this wheel burned, the greater will be the harvest this year.
  4. Rite of search for a life partner. On the day of the summer solstice, the girls had to weave wreaths (symbols of girlish beauty and purity) and let them into the water. If the wreath is washed ashore, another year in the girls walk. If some guy pulled a wreath from the water, be with him all his life with his mistress.
  5. Fortunetelling. On this day, it is also customary to guess, that is, to predict your life. This is especially true of girls who are bewitched on their lovers, on love and marriage.
  6. Search for secret knowledge. And, of course, the well-known rite is the search for a fern flower. His finder gained not only infinite wealth, but also sacred world knowledge.

Where to go?

summer solstice number

As already mentioned above, on this day it is best to go to nature (even if not arranging magnificent walks). However, the most suitable place for this is Arkaim. It is customary to celebrate the summer solstice there, observing all traditions. What will happen in this wonderful Ural town?

  1. Bathing in the Bolshaya Karaganka River (observance of the rite of purification, improvement of the body).
  2. Climbing the mountain of Penance. In this place, people ask for forgiveness for their sins from the gods (God), their ancestors and spirits (all according to the faith of man).
  3. A visit to the mountains of Love and Desire. There, people are asked to send love to them, to strengthen their feelings for their loved one, also this is a place where it is customary to voice their desires, asking the gods for their fulfillment.
  4. Climbing the mountain of Reason. They say that there is a special energy that enlightens a person.
  5. A visit to the mountain of Seven Seals. It is believed that there a person opens the so-called “third eye”, which shows the way into the world of magic and otherworldly power.

What else can visitors provide to Arkaim? The summer solstice there will definitely pass unforgettably. Indeed, in addition to all the above visits, the organizers of the holiday always offer tourists participation in various rites and rituals, which in itself is not only useful, but also very interesting.

Simple conclusions

Having figured out when exactly the day of the summer solstice (the number is June 21-22), it is worth saying that no matter what faith a person is, it is still necessary to celebrate this day. After all, it is worth remembering the main rule: the one who forgets or does not accept the knowledge of his ancestors is simply doomed to illness, various adversities and misfortunes.


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