Is it possible to give cats valerian when she walks, and by how many drops?

Today we will talk about whether it is possible to give cats valerian. But first, let's figure out how we know about this plant and its extract.

We all know that valerian is a wonderful remedy that has a relaxing effect on our nervous system. It can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription in tablets or in drops. Humanity discovered it for itself in ancient times. Over time, the amazing effect of this herb on the fluffy brothers of our smaller ones was discovered, namely on cats. They are attracted to the unusual aroma of the plant. Try to drop a couple of drops of valerian in the solution into your palm and go outside: cats from all around will come running at your feet.

An interesting feature of the aroma of the plant

So why is cats so attracted and stimulated by the aroma of valerian, while a person calms from it. In other words, we can say that this plant is a kind of drug for our smaller brothers. Valerian extract causes cats to become intoxicated.

Is it possible to give cats valerian

They really like it. Smelling this alluring aroma, cats begin to wriggle and purr loudly. If they accidentally, while walking, stumble upon a growing valerian in a clearing, then they will immediately begin to ride on it, jump, do whatever they want, so that the grass releases its juices. But not everything is so good.

Opposite effect

Not always under the influence of valerian cats become playful. On some, its aroma is quite the opposite. Pets can, having sniffed at least a little extract of this plant, become aggressive, irritated and even rush at their master and bite him. And, despite the fact that your pet may already be in old age, under the influence of valerian, he will start, like a young individual, to run, jump without stopping. But do not forget that an elderly cat after such a playful mood after the drug may have heart problems.

Experiments with Valerian

Too many owners give a smell to cats of valerian for fun. They are interested in observing sharp changes in behavior in a cat. But after a sudden surge of energy in the animal there is a breakdown, drowsiness and lethargy. A cat can simply fall asleep for several hours. It is also not recommended to repeat such experiments several times in a row. Since it can be addictive. Just like a person after alcohol, and a cat can subsequently begin real breakdowns. This aroma is especially attractive to males.

Can a cat be given valerian in tablets?

According to one version of scientists, the smell of valerian attracts them in the same way as the vibes of individuals of the opposite sex. Since the experiments were conducted and the valerian was allowed to sniff kittens who had not reached another four months, and their behavior did not change at all. And after the puberty of the animal, it begins to react to such an alluring aroma. The animal begins to experience simply sexual arousal to the opposite sex.

Exciting effect

So is it possible to give a cat a valerian for comfort? As we can judge from the above material, valerian on cats acts more likely not as a sedative, but, on the contrary, as an exciting aphrodisiac that excites them. Also, many owners mistakenly believe that a non-concentrated solution of mint can soothe a nervous cat.

Is it possible to give cats valerian and how many drops

But this is not so. Peppermint, even in small amounts, can act on cats just like valerian root. It follows that in order to calm your pet, it is advisable to use other drugs, after consulting with your veterinarian first.

Valerian and cat

But many owners are interested in the question: is it even possible to give cats valerian? Veterinarians claim that it is possible, but in small quantities. For medicinal purposes, it can be used if the animal has problems with the digestive system or it suffers bouts of seizures. Also, many cats are prescribed drops of valerian for fever. Some owners have found a way to train using an extract of this plant. For example, if your growing pet sharpens its claws about everything that it sees in the house, including your favorite sofa, then you should buy it in any pet store with a claw. Then she should be rubbed with her Valerian. Your pet will not be able to resist, and henceforth it will hone its claws on its favorite toy.


Often the owners do not know how to cope with their pet during estrus. The cat begins to tear into the street, screaming loudly, not only during the day, but also at night. And if you are not trying to drive a cat during this period, then, of course, a difficult period comes for you and all the inhabitants of the house. Since the animal begins to behave completely inadequately.

Is it possible to give a cat valerian to calm

He always needs supervision. Otherwise, the cat may simply run away, and you will not find it. At night, the hosts stop sleeping. Since a loud meow is heard all over the house. In such cases, the owners begin to give the animal some kind of hormonal drug. It often has negative consequences for a pet’s health. Also, owners use antihistamines. But they, too, can harm the health status of their pets.

And in search of harmless and effective drugs, many owners resort to their beloved cat arphrodisiac, not at all thinking about whether it is possible to give a cat valerian with estrus. Of course, this absolutely can not be done. Since the cat already has a strong sexual attraction to the opposite sex, and here you are with your valerian. She just all the symptoms will begin to manifest more aggressively. Therefore, if you are trying to achieve a peaceful state of the animal, then this tool is undesirable. The most effective method and more or less safe for cats is sterilization, unless, of course, you are breeding kittens for sale.

Use cases of valerian

So is it possible to give cats valerian or not? Today, some veterinarians still cannot come to a common answer. Since there are cases when it is simply necessary.

Is it possible to give a cat valerian with estrus?

For example, when you want to bring a cat to a cat, but for various reasons it doesn’t work out for you. In this case, the female categorically does not admit the male to herself. Then you can resort to tricks and drip a couple of drops on her nose to enhance her sexual desire.


Is it possible to give cats valerian and how many drops? As we found out, in certain cases it is possible and necessary. But the main thing here is not to overdo the dosage.

Is it possible to give cats valerian when walking

You can drop a couple of drops, no more, drip onto her nose or dilute in a small amount of water and try to give her a drink. The main thing is to remember that valerian, like any medicine, can both help and harm your pet. But can a cat be given valerian in tablets? It’s worth considering. Whether as a sedative or aphrodisiac, the tablet form of the drug will not bring any results. Therefore, do not torment the animal once again.


Now you know the answer to the exciting question: is it possible to give cats valerian? When a pet is walking, it is better to refrain from such an extract if you do not want to excite the animal even more.


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