Heinrich Sapgir - biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Heinrich Sapgir is. Poems for children brought this author the greatest fame. This is a Russian writer, poet, screenwriter and translator. He was born in 1928, November 20, in Biysk (Altai Territory).


heinrich sapphire
Heinrich Sapgir is the son of a Moscow engineer. In Altai, his father was on a business trip. Soon he returned to Moscow with his family. Since 1944, our hero became a member of the literary studio of the artist and poet Yevgeny Kropyvnytsky. The organization worked at the Moscow House of Pioneers. From the end of the fifties around Evgeny Kropyvnytsky and Oscar Rabin - his student, a circle of artists and poets of similar spirit has formed. Subsequently, this association was called the Lianozovo school. It was the children's art that was taken up in the Soviet years by Heinrich Sapgir. Tales of his fell in love with little readers. In addition, during this period he created scripts for classic cartoons, in particular, “The Train from Romashkov”. As a children's writer, our hero traveled a lot. In 1979, he took part in the work on the uncensored almanac Metropol. The first publication of more “adult” verses abroad took place in 1968. They were published in the USSR in 1989, during the time of perestroika. He also acted as a translator. First of all, in this capacity, he manifested himself in work with the works of Ovsey Dries, Jim Cates and German concrete poetry. He participated in the creation of the anthology "Samizdat Century". He is the compiler of the poetic section. During the perestroika period, it became part of the Moscow Writers Union. He was a member of the PEN club. He joined the DOOS association. He died in a Moscow trolley from a heart attack. He went to the presentation of the anthology "The Poetry of Silence." His performance was planned there. Wife - Sapgir Kira Alexandrovna - writer. She was born in 1937. Maiden name Gurevich.


heinrich sapphire poems
Heinrich Sapgir belonged to a rare type of authors of the protein warehouse. Throughout his career, he was constantly changing and constantly looking for new forms for expression. In early works, he often turned to social satire. She differed in the author's elegant game forms. Further, you can trace how the poet Heinrich Sapgir gradually changed. His poems began to be filled with landscape lyrics and even citizenship. The author perfectly mastered the traditional methods of creating poetry, in particular, sonnet, however, he developed experimental forms. Critics called him a classic of the Russian avant-garde of our time. He is the author of many books. If we consider the late period of the author, he organically combines the variety of expressive means with laconicism. Also in the works of our hero there is a desire for an ecstatic state of mind, a sincere unexpected pathos, irony, grotesque, accuracy of details, a boundless experiment. The poet is a follower of such geniuses as Vasily Trediakovsky, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Velimir Khlebnikov.


heinrich sapphire poems for children
Heinrich Sapgir is a laureate of the Pushkin Prize of the Russian Federation. He was awarded at the Turgenev festival of small prose. He also received awards from the magazines Sagittarius and Banner.


In 1962, the author’s book "The Tale of the Star Map" was published. In 1970, the work “Animals on Charging” appeared. In 1993, the Library of the New Russian Poetry was published. In 1995, "Smelyantsy" was published. In 1997, the book Flying and Sleeping was published. In 1999, the work “Armageddon” appeared, as well as a collected work. The following works belong to our hero’s pen: “Losharik”, “Summer with Angels”, “Unfinished Sonnet”, “Book of ABCs, Counters, Riddles and Poems”, “Planet of Childhood”, “Folding”, “Forest-miracles”, “Four envelope. " The writer is the author of the translation of the book "White Flame" (Ovsey Driz). His poems are also mentioned in music editions. He is the author of the lyrics: “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”, “Visiting the Dwarves”, “Blue Elephant”, “Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf”, “Cinderella”, “Princess and the Eater”, “Flashlight Ball”, “Not at All scary "," The Secret of the Yellow Bush "," Snakes in the Attic "," The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, Ordinary and Unbelievable "," Laughter and Woe at the Sea of ​​Belarus. "


heinrich sapphire tales
Heinrich Sapgir actively worked in this capacity. In particular, he authored the script for the following works: “The Frog is Looking for Dad,” “Little Bear on the Road,” “Main Star”, “My Green Crocodile,” “How to Get Big,” “The Legend of Grieg,” “The Train from Romashkov” , “Happiness is not in a hat”, “Nothing is forgotten”, “Scarecrow”, “Sunflower”, “Sweet Tale”, “I will draw the sun”, “Land's End”, “Donkey Plush”, “Amazing little kitten”, “ In the thirtieth century ”,“ Breeze ”,“ Most respected ”,“ Magic lanterns ”,“ Fiction in faces ”,“ First meetings ”,“ Thank you ”,“ How the goat kept the ground ”,“ Morning mu language ”,“ And mother will forgive me ”,“ Our nanny ”,“ Bird holiday ”,“ Tale of greed ”,“ Churidilo ”,“ Do not like it - don’t listen ”,“ Silver hoof ”,“ My buddy traffic light ”,“ The Princess and the Eater ”,“ Pie with the Saucer ”,“ Moroz Ivanovich ”,“ Sweet Spring ”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14760/

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