Building a house: how to calculate the stairs to the second floor

Each residential building has a staircase, and the comfort and safety of living depend on the proper implementation of this architectural part of the room. Each element of this design must be calculated and measured, the materials for its manufacture must be selected with the maximum consideration of all the features of the designed structure. And the question of how to calculate the stairs to the second floor is one of the components of the layout of the entire building.

Types of staircases

how to calculate the stairs to the second floor

Before calculating the stairs to the second floor, you need to choose the type of this design. The main types are:

  1. Marching stairs - these designs are simple to perform and practical. This device is used in the design of premises where in the future it is planned to move volumetric objects (furniture, musical instruments and so on). In addition, this design is the safest option for children and the elderly. There are also varieties of this type of structure - a 90 Β° swivel ladder (installation is carried out at two adjacent partitions), 180 Β° half-turn, and also circular - the rotation angle is 360 Β° (several march passes and platforms are provided here).
  2. Spiral staircases are complex constructions in which steps are performed according to the running type. Moreover, the placement radius of these elements is accurately calculated in the project. Structures such as curved stairs, petal and broken lines are varieties of a helical structure.

The choice of the type of stairs

calculate the stairs to the second floor

In order to know how to calculate the stairs to the second floor, you need to make a choice of the type of this structure. As a rule, the selection of the device and design decisions depends on such factors as the area allocated in the project for the site, the steepness of the rise (floor height), etc.

At the same time, the geometric shape of the site for a spiral staircase is a circle, and for marching structures - a rectangle. The first option has the most economical layout, but this type of device is unsafe for children and the elderly, as well as for those in poor health (especially for those suffering from hypertension).

When choosing a marching type of stairs, it is determined whether the turn will be designed or the structure will be straight. If there is not enough space, then it is better to plan the structure with a turn, the angle of which is calculated depending on the location in the building.

Design calculation

how to calculate the stairs

Consider the question of how to calculate the stairs to the second floor, using the example of a flight of stairs with a 90 Β° turn made of wood. In this case, the dimensions of the steps (height and width) are provided for by the norms described in the construction documentation (SNiP).

The main quantities that are accepted for calculation are:

  1. The width of the march. This value is designed depending on whether large items will be moved. Usually this indicator has a value from 800 mm to 125 mm.
  2. The depth of the step is accepted for a maximum of 42 shoe sizes - 280 mm – 300 mm.
  3. The height of the opening on the stairs: the best option is 1.95 m – 2.0 m.
  4. The height of the step (step) is 160 mm – 200 mm.
  5. The elevation angle is 30 Β° - 45 Β°, since the inclination values ​​in this range can provide a comfortable movement.
  6. These values ​​can be checked using the so-called safety formula 2k + n, where k is the riser height, n is the step width. As you know, the step of an adult is 0.60 - 0.64 m, while k is 0.28 m, then n should be taken as 0.18 m. Note that the wider the step, the lower the riser height.

Before calculating the steps of the stairs, it is necessary to make measurements:

  1. Floor height (measurements are carried out perpendicular from the upper floor point of the second floor to the lower level of the first (point A)) - leg a.
  2. The length of the projection of the span (from point A to the extreme position of the lower stage of the future design) - leg b.

Knowing these sizes, you can calculate the length of the entire span according to the Pythagorean formula: a 2 + b 2 = c 2 , where c is the desired value. The number of steps is calculated by dividing the total floor height by the riser (step height), for example, 3 m: 0.20 m = 15.

As you can see, it’s easy to calculate the stairs to the second floor. You can do this without resorting to special computer programs. The main thing is to carry out the measurements indicated above.


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