Designation of loops for knitting. Hinge conventions: table

To distract from everyday problems, each person chooses an occupation to their liking. Today, knitting is especially popular with lovers of needlework. The designation of loops for this type of needlework is considered almost universally accepted, with some only minor clarifications. However, if you master the basic variations of the graphic representation of loops, reading the diagrams is no longer difficult. It remains only to control the number of working loops and periodically check with the pattern.

Pattern Search - The Beginning of Knitting

Finding a knitting pattern for a pattern of any complexity will not be difficult. Experienced knitters, and not very, are almost always ready to share secrets. There are separate sites for their communication, special forums are organized, various magazines are published, where you can find not only diagrams, but also photographs of finished products, as well as tips and recommendations. But in order to repeat the pattern with your own hands, you must understand the designation of the loops. Only three main loops are knitted with needles, and we will consider their designations in this article.

hinge symbols

For knitting, patterns are of decisive importance, however, as for other types of knitting. They ensure the accuracy of repetition of a particular pattern. Few will be able to accurately reproduce without a graphic picture. For this you need to have sufficient experience and good imagination. And besides, for this purpose, almost certainly, it is necessary to dissolve the existing sample. But this eliminates the possibility of making a mistake. Since if something goes wrong, then it will be difficult to correct the situation. That is why the use of patterns when knitting is the most simple and preferred option.

knitting stitches

It can be argued that, no matter in which source the circuit was found, anyone who knows the legend of the loops will be able to complete the pattern. Even if a foreign resource was used, it is not possible to read comments on knitting (due to a language barrier).

The main types of loops

In order to understand the basics of knitting, you need to master only three types of main loops: front, back and yarn. The whole variety of patterns is made of them in different combinations and designs. Consider the generally accepted notation on the example of the table below.

hinge designation

Each type of loop, despite the fact that there are only three, has its main purpose. If the wrong side is used mainly for the back of the product, or for highlighting certain elements, the front loop is the basis of the basics for knitting. Variations of this loop are considered crossed, developed at the same time two or three loops, deflated, elongated. They can have a slope to the right or left, it all depends on the complexity and symmetry of the picture. And, finally, the crochet - it is used when you need to add a certain number of loops, as well as to make lace patterns.

Front loop

Let's start by looking at the simplest and most popular type of hinges - facial. This type is considered the most common, because it is with facial loops that a huge number of options are performed, which make it possible to get such a variety of patterns. They are used when performing the simplest options: for hosiery or shawl knitting, as well as for creating particularly complex patterns.

No matter how complicated the pattern may seem at first glance, repeating its implementation several times in a row, further work can be done literally on an intuitive level. Although almost everywhere the designation of loops for knitting is similar, some nuances are still worth remembering.

front loop

Starting to knit a new, unfamiliar pattern, the knitter performs a small sample. It will help to calculate the required number of loops for the product, and will also help to understand the technique of drawing. The facial loop is usually indicated by a vertical dash or empty cell.

Designation Features

Schemes, as a rule, are made taking into account the visual perception of the picture. Therefore, often for its visual presentation, it is necessary to highlight areas in the diagram that are not practical for the drawing. And then just such places are designated by empty cells. This should be remembered, because due to non-compliance with this nuance, it is impossible to perform knitting correctly. The drawing will not work, because the loops will not fall into their place.

Wrong loop

The other most common type of loop is considered to be the wrong side. In the diagrams it is represented by a horizontal bar. This designation of the loops in the diagram resembles their actual appearance when knitting. As already mentioned above, both the front and back loops are equally important when knitting, because the use of various options for their combinations makes it possible to obtain all kinds of, quite diverse patterns.


And the third type of loops in knitting is yarn. Actually, it can be called a loop rather conditionally. This is just a thread thrown over a knitting needle with the aim of further knitting a loop from it. In the diagrams, it is indicated simply by a circle. When performing a complex product, methods of both narrowing the product and expanding it are often used. And in this case, the yarn comes to the rescue.

knitting hinges

Another yarn is used for knitting openwork patterns. Due to the fact that it appears where there was no loop before, it gives a certain airiness and friability to the pattern. And if the correct combination of the thickness of the thread and the diameter of the spokes is observed, you can achieve incredibly beautiful, literally weightless products.

Options for knitting facial loops

As noted above, there are various options for combining the main loops when knitting. Pattern patterns sometimes contain designations other than those listed above.

knitting scheme

For example, if the pattern involves tilting the loops to the right or left, then the main loops are knitted according to some rules. The technique of knitting them will vary slightly.

To tilt the front loop to the left, you first need to remove one untied to the working knitting needle, and then, knitting the next one, stretch it through the removed one. And in order to achieve the tilt of the loops to the right, you need to enter the needle under the second loop, and, capturing it and the previous one, knit them at the same time. It should be noted that the implementation of such a combination of inclinations, especially for an insufficiently experienced master, is not at all simple. You have to constantly check the pattern. And the fact that the designation of loops when knitting is universal, greatly simplifies the process of perceiving the pattern.

The same techniques can be used not with one, but for knitting pairs of loops.

knitting hinge designation

In the diagram, such options are indicated by the corresponding slopes to the side where they should be performed. Much less commonly, such inclinations are indicated by a triangle indicating the direction of inclination.

Use of auxiliary knitting needles

There is still a very important point for understanding how the designation of loops occurs when knitting. Not all stitch options can be made with knitting needles. Sometimes additional work knitting needles, hooks or pins are used for this purpose. They help not to lose the loops that should be knitted after those that are further on the auxiliary knitting needle.

loop designations

Three dashes with a common top indicate that the three loops are also knitted in a special way. Similar to slopes, one loop is removed untied. Then, two loops are knitted together face and stretched through the shot. Thus, we get a pyramid with a single vertex, which is similar to the legend on the diagram.

Schema value

Thus, we came to the conclusion that each loop in the knitting process plays a role. Therefore, the designation of loops for knitting is of particular importance. After all, only a strict adherence to the scheme can provide a certain pattern on the finished product.

Knitting is not just making different things with your own hands, it is also a process of creativity. It is difficult to imagine that obtaining such a huge number of different patterns is possible by using various options for performing only three main loops. Each knitter can come up with her own special version of the pattern (after practicing with the existing ones). And then, perhaps, your craftsmanship will recommend it to each other.


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