How capricious is the Chinese rose - is it possible to keep at home

“Mom, mom, look what a beautiful flower!” - exclaimed my son, poking a finger into the huge bush standing at the window in the clinic. “Yes, my dear, it is called the Chinese rose,” I replied.

Can a Chinese rose be kept at home

What does this beauty need for happiness

On the street in our climate, the Chinese rose does not grow. Is it possible to keep this magnificent flower at home? Of course, you can, because it grows superbly indoors, without causing unnecessary trouble. With proper care. "And what is this proper care?" - you ask. You’ll find out about it now.

A pot for a Chinese beauty

The most optimal version of a pot for hibiscus is one in which another 3-5 centimeters would remain from the root system to the edge of the container. It can be plastic, maybe ceramic - to your taste. For the rooted cuttings of a Chinese rose in the first stage, a half-liter pot or cup is enough. Over time, after about 2-3 years, the plant can be transferred to another pot - more. The flower must be transplanted, not transplanted. The fact is that this beauty is very sensitive to her root system, and it’s better not to touch her roots once again, that is, not to shake out the old earth from them, and even more not to rinse. Otherwise, you can lose hibiscus. He will not die immediately, but gradually, losing leaf after leaf.

By the way, the question of choosing a pot is important for the flowering of hibiscus. Many complain that the Chinese rose does not bloom. I also had such a problem until I was told that it would not bloom until the root took up the entire amount of land in which it was growing. And how to determine that it is time to transplant a plant? It’s quite simple - when you start to water your beauty every day due to the fact that her leaves fade, then you already need to transplant her into a larger pot.

The most “delicious” land for a Chinese rose

Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) grows splendidly in a mixture of chernozem and sand in a 2: 1 ratio or purchased soil based on peat for flowering plants. The Chinese rose loves the fertilized soil, sometimes its leaves turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements. it

chinese rose yellow leaves
the phenomenon is called chlorosis. It occurs against the background of a lack of iron in the soil. It is not so difficult to cure chlorosis - it is enough to water the plant once a month with a preparation that contains iron in a chelated form. For example, Emerald gives a good result.

In addition, about 1.5 months after your beauty’s planting in new soil, the mineral reserves in it are depleted, and it is necessary to feed the Chinese rose every 2-3 weeks with a complex organo-mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. This is the second rule (along with the rule of a small pot), necessary in order to see flowers on your tree.

Secrets of caring for a Chinese princess

Although the Chinese rose is unpretentious, is it possible to keep a plant at home, which eventually turns into a real tree? Even if you have little room for a large enough bush, which eventually turns into hibiscus, you can get out of the situation. First, a third of the shoots can be cut annually in February. Pruning, along with pot size and regular top dressing, is the third rule for getting flowers on this plant. The Chinese rose willingly gives buds on new shoots. On the old, it will also bloom, but less magnificent.

Another secret known to professional gardeners is the use of hormones that inhibit plant growth. In our country, this drug is called "Athlete." It contains retardants that make the flower stocky and short. But this drug must be handled carefully - if you overdo it and pour more than the recommended norm, over time the plant will lose all its large leaves, and new ones will be small and not very attractive. Although it will not stop blooming.

Hibiscus Home Conditions

Chinese rose does not bloom
With good care, a Chinese rose very often blooms for a long time. Is it possible to keep this flower at home if, for example, you have a northern orientation of the apartment? The answer is yes. Of course, it’s possible, only it will most likely not bloom. For flowering, this beauty just needs the sun's rays. In addition, in the autumn-winter period, the temperature of the content of this plant can be reduced to 12 degrees. In February, after trimming, it can be transplanted and the temperature raised to 17-19 degrees. During this period, timely watering is necessary - when the soil dries in a pot approximately to the depth of one finger. Feeling the spring, the hibiscus will come to life, turn green and will delight you with flowering until next fall.

Here is such an unpretentious, but with its own requirements, Chinese rose. Is it possible to keep this flower at home, you decide. And I, as far as possible, tried to reveal his character and habits.


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