How to knit mittens with needles: step by step instructions

Knitwear is likely to never go out of style. And all because it is not only a warm and original accessory, but also a thing made with great love by mom or grandmother. Of course, in the modern world, every person has the opportunity to go and purchase their favorite product in the store. But it is much more pleasant to wear what is done by the hands of a loved one. After all, such products are heated much more.

For example, almost every child had cute and funny knitted mittens in childhood. Moreover, both girls and boys wore them. And everyone considered themselves avid mods. Over the years, playful kids turned into serious adults, many of whom already have their own children. And, of course, every mother wants her child to boast of the thing that she did.

However, the ability to knit does not pass to us, as they say, along with mother's milk. He needs to learn. That is why we offer a detailed master class that will tell even absolutely ignorant mothers how to knit mittens. And it will help to please the baby with an original new thing made with a soul and great love.

What is important to know in the preparatory phase

A few years ago, people did not have a large selection of goods, because the market supply was rather meager and monotonous. And then our grandmothers had to buy material or finished products, redraw them, supplement them with something, thereby transforming them into real masterpieces. Now you can just go to one of the thousands of stores and choose what we like. That's just even despite this, many people for some reason prefer to perform many products on their own. And this applies not only to women, but also to some men.

do-it-yourself mittens

However, in order to knit mittens with knitting needles with a pattern, it is very important to think carefully about the preparatory stage, which consists in the following actions:

  1. Choosing the right materials. In our case, these are knitting needles and threads. The most popular among the first are metal knitting needles, which provide the best glide of the thread and do not cling to the yarn. But there are also plastic, bone or bamboo. As for the second material - yarn, here we recommend choosing monosyllabic half-woolen threads to avoid possible puffs.
  2. Determination of the desired pattern. Experienced knitters easily execute patterns that beginners can only dream of. However, the latter also should not despair. If you do not stop at the achieved results and continue to improve your skills, you can master the knitting technique to perfection. And the question “how to knit mittens” will not scare the unknown, but, on the contrary, will give rise to hundreds of brilliant ideas in the performer’s head.
  3. Mastering the most important knowledge. The first thing you need to learn before you begin to knit any product, including mittens, are three main actions: gaining loops, knitting facial loops and wrong ones. To understand how each of them is performed is very simple, you just need to study the following points.

Paramount Knitting Basics

We have already said that the question “how to tie mittens” is asked more and more people every year. Which at some point it becomes uninteresting to choose things from the presented assortment, and they prefer to perform them on their own. However, the idea would have been a failure if they had not figured out how to put loops on a knitting needle. Therefore, we recommend that the reader read the picture below.

how to make loops on knitting needles

The next important step is knitting the wrong and front loops. After all, they are the basis of everything, because each existing drawing is made up of them. To understand how to properly perform facial loops, we suggest that the reader take a look at the image below.

how to knit facial loops

And finally, the third key action, without which the implementation of both the usual and the original pattern is simply impossible - this is knitting the wrong loops. How to correctly implement this step, prompts a further step-by-step scheme.

how to knit the back loops

How to calculate the size of mittens

When the basics of knitting, which every person who wants to knit mittens with knitting needles, are mastered, are studied and perfected, you can go directly to the master class.

The first part is a very important and serious point - determining the size of the mittens. After all, it only seems that you can practically make a mittens at random. In reality, it is highly discouraged to approach this process negligently. After all, as the famous proverb says about the fish, if you want to get something worthwhile, you need to make every effort. Otherwise, nothing good will come of the venture.

So, in order to correctly calculate the size of the mittens, you will need a centimeter. And, of course, the correct execution of each step of the following instructions:

  1. To begin with, we should measure the width of the wrist of the person to whom we want to knit mittens with knitting needles.
  2. Then - reveal the distance to the slot of the thumb.
  3. Also determine the length of the brush by measuring the distance from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
  4. After - measure the length of the thumb. Girth does not need to be measured, we will determine it in the process of knitting mittens.
  5. And the last value is the girth of the palm.

You can view the measurement points in the picture below, where each value has its own letter.

how to calculate the size of the mittens

How to determine the number of loops

Another important aspect, which should also be considered at the preparatory stage, concerns the size of the future product. Perhaps the reader will be surprised why we returned to this topic again, because we already spoke in detail about it in the previous paragraph. However, these experienced knitters (and by no means all) can determine by eye how many loops will be equal to the desired distance. Beginners will have a bunch of questions. And many will even think that previous calculations are completely useless. But this, of course, is not so. And then we will explain to the reader everything in detail.

So, how to knit mittens, knowing the size of the palm? It’s actually very simple if you correctly calculate the number of loops:

  1. It is only necessary to put ten loops on the needles.
  2. Then knit ten rows in the selected pattern.
  3. As a result, you will get a small fragment that you just need to measure with a centimeter.
  4. Now it is necessary to divide the value obtained when measuring the palm by the distance that was revealed in the previous paragraph. That is, if we need to find out the number of loops needed to knit an elastic band on the wrist, we need to measure the girth of the wrist and divide this number by the width of the connected fragment.
  5. Having received the number, we will find out how many times ten loops we need to dial.

For instance:

  1. The girth of the wrist is twenty centimeters.
  2. The width of the bound fragment is six centimeters.
  3. The number of loops for mittens is 20/6 * 10 = 33-34 loops.

Having dealt with the number of loops, you can proceed to the step-by-step instructions on how to knit mittens with knitting needles.

Start knit mittens

Traditionally, mittens begin to knit with an elastic band on the wrist. That is why in the current paragraph we will find out how not to make a mistake when performing the necessary part of a warm accessory. First, let's talk about the correctness of knitting gum. Which consists of a series of seamy and facial loops. They can be arranged in the following order:

  • through one loop;
  • in two;
  • in three.

You can, of course, and more, but for mittens this technique is highly not recommended. Because the desired pattern simply will not work, and the finished product will constantly slide. For this reason, experienced knitters recommend that their budding girlfriends choose a one-on-one or two-on-two elastic band. No more.

So, the mittens knitted are made in a circle. To do this, we need to prepare five spokes. On four we will knit, and the fifth is optional.

Then we need to dial on two of them loops. For each person, their number will, of course, be purely individual. How to determine it, we described in detail in the previous paragraph.

After that, we distribute the loops on four knitting needles, as shown in the following photo.

how to knit a mittens scheme

And finally, we turn to the knitting pattern - gum. It’s best to choose one on one. Especially for a female or children's hand:

  1. The first loop is not removable, because the edge loops in our case are not needed.
  2. And we knit it, as if seized from the inside.
  3. Then we knit the front.
  4. We continue this series until at the end of the first row there are no loops left. Then, with a clear conscience, we move to the second row. We do not change the direction of movement, because we knit in a circle.
  5. Now we simply knit the first, second, third and other loops according to the drawing. Without inventing or complicating anything.
  6. We knit the first part of the mittens with knitting needles (knitted with a gum pattern) as many rows as we want. After all, the length of the wrist gum for each person can be determined independently.

How to tie a wedge of a thumb

Earlier we measured the width of the palm. Now we need this value to determine the number of loops that need to be dialed in order to snap the wedge of the thumb.

How to calculate the number of additional loops:

  1. So, for starters, we should tie the selected pattern (after all, the palm certainly will not be executed in the mastered, thanks to the previous paragraph, technique) small fragment - ten loops in ten rows.
  2. Then measure it.
  3. And divide the distance equal to the girth of the palm by the obtained value.
  4. As a result, we again determine how many times ten loops should be in each row.

Suppose that we knitted an elastic band of 33 loops. And the distance of the palm is 50 loops. That is, we need to dial 20 additional loops. But at this stage the step-by-step instructions on how to knit mittens are not finished. After all, it remained a mystery how to complete the task and keep within the distance from the wrist to the hole for the thumb, which we identified a few points back. In fact, very simple. You just need to re-measure the height of the fragment connected by the second pattern. And divide into it the length from the wrist to the thumb. The resulting number is multiplied by ten rows. For example, we got fifteen rows. So, we need to spread twenty additional loops into fifteen rows. Then we should add loops according to the following scheme:

  1. In the front row - one loop.
  2. In the second - two.
  3. Then - two rows of one loop.
  4. And again, two.
  5. Then repeat the third and fourth steps two times.
  6. And in the last row add two more loops.

However, it is impossible to increase the number of loops at random. It is necessary to add strictly in one place to knit out the wedge of the thumb correctly. But how to add loops, the picture below shows, which will help the reader better understand the technology.

knitting needles how to knit

How to tie a thumb

The next step practically does not distinguish a mitt from a glove. After all, we need to tie the thumb. It is very simple to do this, so even a beginner can easily cope with the task. Of course, if he spends several minutes of his time and learns further instructions. Only in this case he will be able to get beautiful mittens knitted.

So, in order to tie the thumb, you must:

  1. Put the finished part of the warm accessory on your hand, trying it on. Moreover, it is extremely important to place the wedge of the thumb in the right place, and not from the back side.
  2. Now take the pin and attach it over the thumb. Thus, having pulled back and inside of the product.
  3. Then count how many loops the thumb took.
  4. Start knitting a new row without grabbing the loops laid on it. And at the place where the pin appears, dial the number of air loops equal to the third part of what took the thumb.
  5. Having finished a number, many first knit a mittens. And only then they come back and finish the thumb. But if you wish, you can do the opposite. How to do everything right and not get confused, the prompt will tell you, certainly step by step, how to knit mittens with knitting needles.
  6. Then we leave the palm area and transfer the loops allotted for the thumb into two loops.
  7. Now we take a hook and pull additional ones out of the edge loops. As much as they did before air.
  8. Then we transfer them to the knitting needle and knit the thumb in a circle.
  9. When we reach the half of the nail, we begin to gradually reduce the loops. We knit every two together with an interval of two loops.
  10. Continue this until three loops remain on the spoke.
  11. Then again we take the hook, break the thread and pull it through the remaining loops.
  12. Then securely fasten and hide the tail from the wrong side.

At this stage you can already praise yourself, because the most difficult part of the instruction “How to knit mittens with knitting needles” is behind.

How to finish the mittens

When the thumb is connected, you can again return to the implementation of the main part of the mittens. There’s absolutely nothing complicated to do. You just need to knit the selected pattern in a circle until we reach the tip of the index. After this, you should begin to reduce the loops. For example, as follows:

  1. In the first and second rows every five loops - two together.
  2. In the third row - every four loops.
  3. In the fourth - in three.
  4. In the fifth - in two.
  5. In the sixth - through one.
  6. The remaining loops are tightened with the main thread as described in the previous paragraph.

Next, according to the instructions described, knit the mittens with the second needles. After that, you can brag about the new thing and master new more complex patterns. For beginners, we offer the following easy-to-follow options.

Elementary drawings

The first pattern is based on the gum technique, so beginners will have no difficulty with it. How to implement it will become clear thanks to the scheme.

checkerboard pattern for mittens

The second pattern for knitting mittens is also very simple. You just need to alternate the rows of purl loops with the front ones.

More complicated drawings

The following picture shows patterns that even a novice can handle.

So, the main advantage of doing any thing with your own hands is that its design completely falls on the shoulders of the performer. That is, a person has a chance to think through a model to every little thing. That is why we have prepared for beginners a master class on how to knit mittens with knitting needles.


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