Natural stone white onyx: description, decoration

Onyx is a type of natural material such as quartz. This is a hard stone, on the surface and in the thickness of which there are strips of different colors and sizes. They come in green shades (the most common color of the mineral), black, brown and white. The most valuable stone is white onyx. It is rarely found in nature and is unique among many semiprecious stones. It is also worth paying attention to the number and size of strips in its thickness and on the surface. The abundance and refinement of the lines indicate a high degree of layering. This is the main criterion for onyx pricing: the more elements, the higher it is.

Legend of Onyx

Onyx is one of the most ancient stones on earth. The memory of him can be found even in ancient Greek mythology. According to one legend, the god Eros accidentally cut off the nails of the beautiful Aphrodite. Having fallen to the ground, the pieces of nails immediately turned into beautiful stones. It was they who became semiprecious gems, called onyxes.

White onyx

Significance for world religions and civilizations

The stone is mentioned several times in the Bible. An onyx signet (along with eleven other gems) adorned the finger of the high priest Aaron. The presence of the mineral is also evident in the description of Eden.

Onyx also occupies a special place in Islam; in the city of Kaaba it is even inserted into the wall of the main mosque.

In India, onyx is considered a stone of love and harmony. It brings cosiness to the house, promotes mutual understanding and rapprochement of people.

White onyx has not only positive properties. According to the inhabitants of ancient China, it symbolized troubles and misfortunes. In Mesopotamia, this stone was decorated with tombs, because they considered it a symbol of sadness. American Indians circumvented onyx by a long road, so as not to encounter "tears of the mountain spirit."

Stone characteristic

The progenitor of onyx is quartz, which in nature is represented by white stone. It contains the same white thin stripes, barely distinguishable in shades. The presence of impurities is accompanied by more color-distinctive patterns. The more such inclusions, the brighter the stone looks. This breed has a very high density, so onyx is considered one of the hardest stones. It does not absorb water and is resistant to various temperatures, but is easy to process. These qualities make the gem the most popular and popular in terms of manufacturing products for various purposes.

Magical properties

Semi-precious stone has many magical properties, which in their strength are equal to real jewels (help a person to find happiness and prosperity). White onyx stone helps:

  • open the internal reserves of the human body;
  • develop intuition and gift of predictions;
  • protect from the evil eye;
  • find inner harmony;
  • protect from unwanted contacts (prevent meeting with people whom the stone owner does not like);
  • protect yourself from accidents and sudden death;
  • to establish oneself in one's own strength and earn the respect of others;
  • become an excellent speaker, gain the gift of persuasion for a large audience of listeners;
  • get rid of fears and doubts.
    Onyx jewelry

How to enhance the magic of stone

In order for the stone to act more actively, it is necessary to constantly charge it with energy. To do this is:

  • choose a stone in accordance with your taste preferences (it must be liked externally, and be pleasant to the touch);
  • periodically leave the gem under the moonlight.


Onyx of white color will help to cure many diseases of various origins, from accidental wounds to chronic diseases. Mineral is used in the following cases:

  • Any wound will heal faster if sprinkled with crushed onyx. This recommendation applies to the treatment of teeth and gums.
  • Helps fight viruses, knocks down temperature, strengthens the immune system.
  • Onyx earrings help to normalize hearing and also improve vision.
  • Relieves obesity (for this it is necessary to drink water infused on crushed onyx).
  • Heals a sick liver.
  • Improves male potency.
  • It treats diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Marble onyx is very useful for people with choleric temperament. It helps to tidy up the nervous system and reduce excessive activity.
  • Eliminates headache, migraines, dizziness, cures brain diseases.
  • Helps relieve pain with rheumatism or arthritis (it is necessary to apply a stone to sore spots).
  • During the massage, it is recommended to press the stone on the pain points, and the pain will subside.
  • Eliminates stress, depression, struggles with insomnia.
  • Raises mood, calms a nervous system.


White onyx is widely used in industry. This beautiful semiprecious stone gives aesthetic pleasure, helps to create coziness, facilitates life, and cheers up. It is used:

  • In construction. Due to the original properties of the stone, it is used as a building material. It is durable, does not transmit heat, does not absorb water. Most often, onyx is used to decorate swimming pools and baths.
  • In the interior. Interior items made from this gem are notable for their extraordinary beauty and practicality. As inlay stone is suitable for wall panels, mosaics, lamps, fireplace racks. Particular advantages are enjoyed by countertops. They not only look amazing, but also perform invaluable functions. Such a surface cannot be damaged by a knife (due to its hardness), does not heat up, does not absorb moisture. For production, marble onyx is most often used.
Onyx in the interior
  • For the manufacture of various items. Onyx makes candle holders, ashtrays, photo frames, caskets, flowerpots, dishes, many souvenirs.
  • In the incrustation of furniture. Such furniture will look luxurious. By making it to order, you can achieve one hundred percent uniqueness and sophistication.

Jewelry industry

Jewelry onyx is especially popular. It is a semiprecious stone, so most often it is inserted into silver or cupronickel. These metals almost double the healing and magical properties of the gem. The most optimal form will be a circle or oval, the surface of the stone should be smooth and shiny.

White stone is the most expensive in comparison with other multi-colored onyx. That is why it is often framed in noble metals such as white, yellow, pure gold and platinum.


Onyx ring

A ring with onyx will allow its owner to become stronger and more confident in himself. It will prevent external manipulation by unscrupulous people. A person will become more decisive in making decisions. Such a decoration will develop intuition, will make it possible to anticipate events. It should be worn on the middle finger of the main working hand (usually this is the right hand, but if the person is left-handed, an onyx ring should be worn on the left hand).


Onyx Signet

Representatives of the stronger sex have chosen these jewelry to a greater extent, although they are sometimes found in women. In these products, the mineral can be both the main stone and its rim. Wearing such a ring will give the owner resistance, courage, determination, perseverance in work. A signet with onyx will speed up career progression and gain the respect of dignitaries. Most suitable for students, students, representatives of professions related to manual work.


Onyx bracelet

These jewelry are suitable for both the strong and fair sex. They contribute to personal happiness and accelerate the search for their soul mate. White onyx bracelets will allow you to find mutual understanding between lovers, create a harmonious married couple or simply strengthen existing relationships.


Onyx Earrings

This jewelry has not only aesthetic and magical, but also a healing effect. From constant wearing, vision improves markedly. Hearing becomes much better, ear, throat and nose diseases disappear. Onyx earrings will add attractiveness to their mistress, and will allow them to attract representatives of the opposite sex faster. Onyx earrings open up creativity and fill with inspiration.


Since onyx is a semiprecious stone, its weight is estimated not in carats, but in grams. Ornamental material in construction is calculated in kilograms. Natural facing agate material costs more than 100 rubles, marble will cost 50 or more. The price of onyx in jewelry depends on the cost of the frame material. For instance:

  • earrings made of yellow or white metal - from 300 rubles;
  • pendant from cupronickel - from 400 rubles;
  • a bracelet - from 400 to 700 rubles;
  • beads - from 500 to 2500 rubles;
  • silver ring - from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • gold earrings - from 10 000 rubles;
  • gold pendant - from 4000 rubles.

Astrological characteristics of onyx

The magical properties of onyx have their own characteristics with respect to different signs of the zodiac. It will help some representatives make life easier, while others will have to give it up.

  • Aries. The stone will help in making the right decisions, achieving the goal, the right direction vector. People will be able to properly distribute their energy, become calmer and more tolerant of all those around them.
  • Calf. Onyx will help people of the earth's elements overcome uncertainty, laziness and passivity. They will become less conservative, will strive for spiritual development, and will be able to overcome bad habits.
  • Twins. Representatives of the air element should give preference to onyx of bright colors, since white stone can suppress their individuality. People of this sign strive for diversity, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one aspect. Mineral can become an obstacle in their natural desires.
  • Crayfish. Representatives of the water element are more likely to experience onyx shades of sea water or black, they are not recommended to wear a white stone.
  • A lion. Fire Lion is recommended to wear a white stone in order to become less hot-tempered and impulsive. But to solve career issues and achieve results, black is more suitable.
  • Virgo. The beneficial effect will be the influence of onyx on practical and pragmatic Virgins. Representatives of the earth’s elements are too focused on fulfilling their tasks and devote little time to communication and their own presentation. White gem will help them become brighter and more active.
  • Libra. The white mineral is not very suitable for representatives of the air sign. Libra is quite active and sociable, this is their personality. This jewelry can deprive them of their originality, so you should give preference to blue.
  • Scorpio. The water element of this sign dictates such character traits as internal discipline and a deep analysis of current events. White stone will be useless for representatives of the sign, they should prefer black stones.
  • Sagittarius. Fire Sagittarius has enough energy, it just needs to be directed in the right direction. Onyx will help to cope with this task, will teach you to properly distribute forces and achieve your goal without loss.
  • Capricorn. The gem can be of great benefit to the representative of the earth sign. He will provide them with activity, destroy excessive conservatism, help to cope with passivity, make them sociable and sociable.
  • Aquarius. Representatives of the air element should opt for onyx green shades. White stone will impede the originality and originality of Aquarius.
  • Fish. Fishes are advised to refrain from acquiring onyx, as it will not bring any benefit to improve their lives. The danger is that the stone is able to strengthen the asceticism inherent in the representatives of this zodiac sign.

White onyx will be a great helper in the life of a person who strives for new achievements in any life aspects. He will cure diseases and tell you the right solution, save him from the evil eye and reduce the time to meet with your soulmate. But he helps exclusively decent people who give good, happiness and positive energy to everyone around.


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