Passport of Armenia: photo and description, sample

An Armenian passport (passport of a citizen of the Republic of Armenia) is the property of the country. Issued for identification of an Armenian citizen beyond its borders. It entitles the holder of this document to protection and assistance from the consular posts of Armenia in other countries. To move inside the country, citizens use an ID card, which is equivalent to the internal passport of Armenia.

Country Information

Armenia (the official name is the Republic of Armenia) is located in the north of the so-called Front Asia, in the Armenian Highlands. The Republic has a presidential form of government. The country has common borders with Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Georgia and the unrecognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. Consists in conflict relations with neighboring Azerbaijan. It controls part of its territory (areas of Karka, Barkhudarly, Sofulu, Upper Askipara). The Republic of Azerbaijan exercises control over the Armenian territory - Artsvashen.

The capital of the Republic of Armenia

The population of Armenia is about 3 million people. Its territory is 29.7 square kilometers. The administrative structure is represented by ten regions and the city of Yerevan, which is the capital of the Republic. The official language is Armenian.

Almost the entire population of Armenia is Christians. Most of them belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church. The country is agro-industrial. The monetary unit is the Armenian dram.

The first Armenian Republic was established in May 1918. After 2 years, Soviet power was established on its territory and formed the Armenian SSR. In August 1990, the Declaration of Independence was adopted. With its proclamation on the territory of the republic, only its own Constitution and laws apply. The status of independence is confirmed by a nationwide referendum of 1991. Since March 1992, Armenia has been a member of the UN, and since January 2001, it has joined the Council of Europe.

Passports and other identification documents

The passport of the Republic of Armenia is a document that confirms citizenship and allows its citizens to travel outside their territory.

The old-style passport was designed for five years. After that, it was necessary to replace it with a new one. Since 2014, the Republic launched the process of replacing old documents with biometric ones, and also began providing the population with identification cards. From now on, old passports are not issued.

The biometric passport of Armenia is designed for 10 years, after which it must be renewed. It is considered foreign, but also has internal circulation. Persons who have applied for it are issued this document within 15 days.

The identification card is intended to replace old civil passports, valid within Armenia. Her term of office is 10 years.

Passport photo of Armenia

According to the current legislation, all citizens of the country who are over 16 years old must have a biometric passport of Armenia. It can be obtained at any age. For those under the age of 16, he is issued for 3 years, and after reaching 16 years - for 10 years. The Armenian biometric passport includes fingerprints and scanned images of the iris, as well as an electronic signature.

The identification card issued to the citizens of Armenia includes the following data: last name, first name, date of birth, photo, registration address, electronic signature, as well as information about the blood group (optional).

Appearance of a passport of a citizen of Armenia

Passport cover in dark blue. On the front side there are inscriptions:

  • In Armenian - Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն and in English - Republic of Armenia (translated into Russian, “Republic of Armenia”).
  • In Armenian - Անձնագիր and English - Passport (translated into Russian, “passport”).

In the central part of the cover is the image of the coat of arms of the Republic. This document includes 32 pages, has information about the owner of the passport in Armenian, as well as in English.

Passport Information

The passport of the Republic of Armenia includes the following information about its owner:

  • photo of the owner;
  • data on the type of passport (P), which means that it belongs to the general civil status of the holder;
  • (ARM) - the international code of Armenia;
  • series and passport number of Armenia;
  • the name of the passport holder;
  • name of passport holder;
  • citizenship;
  • gender;
  • date and place of birth of the owner;
  • Information about the agency that issued the passport.

More than 80 countries of the world give citizens of the named country the right to visit their territory without visas or provide it upon arrival. Since the beginning of 2015, the procedure for obtaining visas to the United States of America has been significantly simplified for citizens of the Republic.

Persons holding an Armenian passport, as well as citizens of other countries with an Armenian origin, cannot visit the Republic of Azerbaijan. The authorities of this country do not provide them with guarantees of a safe location, as a result of which entry into its territory is closed for them.

Get a passport of Armenia

Persons with the opportunity to obtain Armenian citizenship

There is a list of persons who are entitled to obtain an Armenian passport and citizenship of this Republic. It includes:

  • Residents of a foreign country who have entered into official marriage with citizens of Armenia.
  • Parents of a child with Armenian citizenship (if he was born in the country).
  • Ethnic Armenians.
  • Persons who have been awarded Armenian citizenship for special services to the country. For them, a petition-application is submitted by an employee of a special government structure.
Passport of the Republic of Armenia

The latter do not have to fulfill the requirements for obtaining citizenship:

  1. Live in Armenia for the last three years.
  2. Know the constitution of the country.
  3. Know the Armenian language.

At present, a visa-free regime agreement has been concluded between Russia and the Republic of Armenia. You do not need to present a passport to citizens of these countries when crossing the border.

Double citizenship

The legislation of the Republic of Armenia approved dual citizenship.

Holders of two passports have the rights of ordinary Armenians. They are subject to the duties and responsibilities prescribed by the state.

If an Armenian citizen becomes the holder of a second passport, he must notify the employee of the relevant government body. Doing this is mandatory, as a person who violates this rule will be punished.

Passport of Armenia

Documents required to obtain citizenship and passport

A capable person who has reached the age of 18 years can become a citizen and holder of an Armenian passport. Moreover, he must at least 3 years live in the territory of the state, know the content of the Constitution, and also speak the language. To obtain citizenship, it is required to collect and submit to the police (visa and passport management) the necessary documents:

  • a statement of the established form, signed personally;
  • autobiography;
  • valid passport at the time of application;
  • photos taken for an Armenian passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • documentary materials confirming residence in the country over the past three years.
House of the Government of Armenia on Republic Square

Obtaining citizenship at marriage

If a citizen of a foreign state is officially married to an Armenian, he is entitled to apply for Armenian citizenship at the embassy or consulate of the country of residence. In this case, documents are not provided to the Armenian passport and visa police department.

This person must submit additional materials to the necessary documents (passport, curriculum vitae, application, photo, medical certificate):

  • marriage certificates;
  • passports of a citizen of Armenia of a spouse or a certificate confirming his citizenship;
  • birth certificate.

Other opportunities for obtaining Armenian citizenship

A person who was formerly a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, but for various reasons has lost this status, has the right to receive a new Armenian passport. In this case, he needs to add to the above documents:

  • certificates of no criminal record from the relevant structures of the country where he was located for the past 10 years;
  • documentary materials confirming his labor activity;
  • birth certificate.

Ethnic Armenians must attach the birth certificate of their Armenian relatives in a direct line or other documents confirming nationality to the established package of documents.

Armenia domestic passport

In the absence of a passport, but there is a desire to obtain citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, a citizen can attach documents on granting him temporary residence.

If documents are issued by a foreign state in its language, then they must be translated into Armenian and certified by a notary.


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