How to choose an air ionizer in a car: reviews

New-fashioned indoor air purifiers are in great demand today. People who worry about their health try to make every effort to breathe fresh air, but, given the ecological situation in cities, especially on highways, such a pleasure is not always possible. You can improve the situation if you use an air ionizer in a car. Such a device creates a special microclimate in the passenger compartment and allows you to breathe freely. But in order to appreciate all its advantages, you need to know how to choose it correctly.

The principle of operation of ionizers

The principle of operation of automobile ionizers is usually the same. The device attracts dust particles, due to which the process of air purification takes place. Many models of air purifiers have fans, which have the function of supplying air masses in the right direction.

car air ionizer
Inside the air ionizer in the car there are two electrodes, between which a discharge is created, and, accordingly, ions arise. After that, the number of negatively charged particles increases and the rate of attraction of positive particles increases. After some time, heavier particles form that cannot circulate in the air, as a result of which they settle in the cleaner.

Ionizers for cars break down gas molecules, which helps to neutralize unpleasant odors. This feature of the technology makes it the most popular among those who smoke in the car. The air ionizer for the car engine works in the same way, supplementing the fuel mixture with air with a high concentration of ozone.

air ionizer car reviews

The benefits of automotive ionizers

Devices such as car air purifiers have many advantages. Among them:

  • dust removal;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor, tobacco smoke;
  • the destruction of harmful microbes and viruses that soar in the air;
  • prevention of the development of fungi and mold;
  • minimum power consumption;
  • the ability to function from the cigarette lighter;
  • long term of operation;
  • silent operation;
  • compact size and light weight.

Additional features

If it was decided to install an air ionizer in the car, you need to know that the device may have additional functions.

ionizer car air purifier

  1. Aromatization. Such a function not only purifies the air, but also fills it with a pleasant aroma. This positively affects the mood of the driver and allows passengers to relax while riding.

  2. Ionization. Through ionization, the purification process can be enhanced. The thing is that the concentration of ions helps to cleanse the air. All this is achieved due to the high concentration of negatively charged oxygen ions. Moreover, it reduces the amount of dust and other harmful substances that can adversely affect the state of health. Scientists have proved that in a certain space the concentration of aeroins is at a low level, which leads to the apathetic state of a person. In such an environment, active reproduction of viruses occurs.

How to choose an ionizer?

When choosing an air ionizer in a car, make sure that the device emits ozone within normal limits. If it will stand out in large volume, a sharp specific smell will appear. The formation of ozone is considered an additional feature of the device, but its excess negatively affects health. However, its complete absence will indicate minimal benefits to the body. The difference between the models may be the presence or absence of a filter and a fan.

Is there a need to purchase an air ionizer in a car: consumer reviews

For many car owners, the question is relevant, how much does such a device justify itself? If you focus on the reviews of those who have an ionizer in the car, then we can say that it really copes with the elimination of unpleasant odors and significantly refreshes the interior. The device is especially useful for those who smoke in the cabin of their car. If you leave the device turned on all night, in the morning the air will be completely clean.

ionizer car air purifier

In some cases, reviews about the air ionizer in the car are not always positive. Many users believe that this thing does not bear any benefit and even vice versa contributes to the accelerated penetration of dust particles into the respiratory system, causing certain diseases. Most likely, Chinese-made air purifiers, which were manufactured with deviations from all necessary standards, proved to be not on the best side. In order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences when using ionizers in the car interior, you need to purchase devices from trusted companies in stores where the seller is always ready to provide a quality certificate.

Can I make an air purifier myself?

Can I make an air ionizer in a car with my own hands? This question is often asked by many drivers. In fact, it is possible to build such a device. To do this, you need the 555th chip, which is also called a timer. This part will perform the function of a generator, the frequency of which is tuned by the selection of RC components.

If it is not possible to purchase a new transformer, you can remove it from the computer's power supply. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the part. It will also be necessary to update its winding. The primary should have 14 turns, which have a good two-layer insulation. Secondary can count more than 600 revolutions. It is quite difficult to do it yourself, but if you work hard, you can cope with the task.

do-it-yourself air ionizer

Another component of a home-made ionizer for an air purifier for a car is a multiplier, which can be assembled from diodes and capacitors. The final step involves connecting all the elements.

By disconnecting the wiring of the multiplier for a short distance, you can power the device. This completes the process of creating a cleaner. If everything was done correctly, the device will begin its work, as evidenced by the specific smell of ozone. But when this is not observed, this means that errors were made during the assembly process of the device.


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