How to putty drywall

Drywall today is very widely used in various finishing and construction works. With the help of this available material, walls are leveled, ceilings are sheathed, partitions are mounted. If you are used to doing repairs yourself, then it will probably be useful for you to know how to putty drywall. But before describing the process itself, let's decide why it is necessary at all and why it’s so hard to paint or glue the wallpaper on an already flat surface that has a fairly good grip.

Puttying the ceiling from drywall, as well as walls and partitions, according to experts, is a must, even if you later simply plan to paste the wallpaper. And there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, the greenish color characteristic of drywall through light wallpaper (namely, these are most often used in the interior) can appear.

Secondly, if you later decide to update your walls, you won’t be able to remove old wallpaper from drywall without damaging the top layer of this material.

Thirdly, due to the peculiarities of the installation process with drywall, there will be joints and traces of screwed screws, which fastened the panels. And this will make the surface of the walls imperfect.

How to putty drywall? Basically, this process is identical to the putty technology of all other surfaces, except for some points. We will tell you about them in the instructions below to novice repairmen.

How to putty drywall

The first thing to start any work with is to identify all the necessary materials that you will need to have in stock. The best type of putty today is considered dry based on gypsum. Drying, this substance gives the surface of the walls or ceiling a white even color, which will help to glue even the thinnest and lightest wallpapers without unpleasant consequences. In addition, you will need a spatula tool. In the event that the places of seams (or joints) of drywall sheets have a significant difference, you should additionally stock up with fiberglass reinforcing mesh (serpyanka). The purpose of its application is to prevent further cracks on the walls, which is especially important if various varnishes and paints act as a topcoat. Puttying the outer corners is recommended using a special metal (preferably galvanized) corner.

Before you putty drywall, simply swipe the trowel along the surface. If you feel that the tool is touching the hats of the screws, arm yourself with a screwdriver or screwdriver to drive them deeper.

The first layer, according to the rules of putty technology, is a primer. Treat the entire surface, and when the primer dries and absorbs, apply the first layer (thin) of the putty mixture, paying particular attention to joints and places where the screws are screwed.

Now, using a spatula, press the streamer strip into the joints at the joints inside the putty layer. It also process the internal corners, making sure that the mesh lies evenly on both sides. Apply another layer of filler mixture.

Then you need to close the inner corners. To do this, apply a putty layer on both sides of each corner, into which the corner of the required size is then pressed. Apply another coat of the mixture.

When the putty dries (after 8-12 hours), sand the surface and apply the last, finishing coat of the mixture.

Finally, after the next drying step, finish grinding.

Now you know how to putty drywall, so you will be able to do a considerable amount of repair work with your own hands, which will not only save money from the family budget, but also increase your self-esteem.


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