Marsupial rat: species, description

Once marsupials lived on the entire planet. These animals from Olympus replaced the more primitive oviparous. After all, before there was a land bridge between Australia and Asia, thanks to which animals and plants spread. As the ocean level changed and the continents moved, this jumper disappeared. Several million years passed, the once thriving squad almost completely disappeared, and only on the lost continent, in Australia, marsupial life continues to flourish.

american marsupial rat

These isolated animals developed, and among them predatory, herbivorous and insectivorous animals, jumping, climbing and running forms, gradually stood out. They are found on the plains and forests, underground and in the mountains, there are semi-aquatic and planning forms. Inhabiting the continent and the islands closest to it, they occupied almost all the ecological niches of their habitats, and basically they are not alike in appearance or size.

The marsupial cousin of the rat is a kangaroo rat living in Australia and New Guinea. It belongs to the family of marsupials marsupials. In total, four genera of these marsupial rodents were identified.

Carpail rats

So, the first genus of these marsupial animals is large rats with bluish-gray hair and a tassel at the very tip of the tail. This marsupial rat got its name just thanks to this brush (kristoehvostye rats). This genus includes tafa (wood rat) - a predator that cannot be tamed, as well as a small marsupial rat, which is a very rare animal that is under protection.


Big marsupial rat

A tafa or large marsupial rat is a rodent the size of a carnivorous wood marsupial Dasyuridae. She is distinguished by a scrap of silky black hair on her tail. Males of this species do not live long, their age reaches only one year, because after reproduction they die.

big marsupial rat

This animal is painted black. The tail is covered with long black hair at the bottom.

Habitat and distribution of animals

Tafa is widespread, its range is fragmented throughout Australia, excluding Tasmania. Due to the violation of habitual living conditions, as well as the proximity to wild cats and ordinary foxes, it is believed that they disappeared from their previous habitats. This species is very vulnerable and prone to extinction.

marsupial rat name

Tafa is a tree hunter and leads a night life. It eats birds, small mammals, insects and lizards. Also may consume nectar from flowers.


It occurs between June and August. All males die after breeding, reaching one year. Mostly from diseases caused by the loss of energy spent on mating. Although in captivity some males survived up to 3 years, at the same time they become unable to reproduce after the first year. Females nest equip in the hollows of trees.

Crested rat

The crested tailed marsupial is an animal with paws that do not have a thumb. This is a genus of marsupial mammals, in which the bag is practically absent. There is 1 species in the genus, whose name is similar to the name of the entire genus. These animals are considered to be relatives of the crested-tailed mice and have huge similarities with them.

rat marsupial

A crested tailed marsupial was discovered in Central Australia in the 19th century. This genus of marsupial little rodents over the past years has not been well studied. The information obtained does not make it possible to draw accurate conclusions about their environmental status and abundance.

Representatives of this genus lead mainly terrestrial life. They can be forced to climb trees by hunger or danger. These are very hardy animals that tolerate temperature extremes and bad weather. Inhabited in semi-deserts and deserts, they can normally perceive high doses of solar radiation, in addition, they can do without water for a long time, extracting it from various plants. These small animals feed on insects and small vertebrates.

Striped rats

The striped marsupial rat is the third genus of marsupial animals. They live in the highlands of New Guinea. They differ in a reddish-brown tummy and a muzzle length. These minke whales arrange their nests on trees, since they are their main habitat


New Guinean Rats

The fourth variety of these rats is a small animal with dark thick short hair, which becomes lighter on the abdomen. It is called the New Guinean marsupial rat. The habitat of the animal - trees growing at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. The body length of the animal is 20 cm, its tail is the same in length. Their favorite delicacy is insects, but sometimes they can eat small vertebrates.

marsupial rat name

In addition, opossums are also distinguished among marsupials. This animal is also called the American marsupial rat.

American possums

These are marsupials of small size - their body length reaches 50 cm with a tail length of up to 55 cm. The ears are un-haired, medium-sized or small. The muzzle is pointed and elongated. In most cases, the tail is grasping and long, partially or completely naked, sometimes at the base thickened by deposits of fat. The American marsupial rat has five-fingered, shortened limbs; the rear ones are slightly longer than the front ones. On the hind limb, the thumb is large, devoid of a claw and contrasted with other fingers.

american marsupial rat

In marsupial rats, the appearance is very cute, but at the same time they are predators that can harm both domestic animals and adults.


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