Natural areas of Germany and their main features

In general terms, any average schoolchild can probably tell about the natural zones of Germany, France, the United States of America or the Russian Federation, guided by the knowledge gained in geography or nature studies.

It will not be difficult to answer this question for a frequently traveling person who tends to comprehend the delights of the landscape with his own eyes, and draw some conclusions on his own.

However, the topic is more complex and much more complete than it might seem at first glance, which means that it requires a detailed discussion with specific examples.

This article will not only talk about the natural areas of Germany, but also dwell in more detail on each of them, revealing the features and differences. The reader will learn more about the flora and fauna of a large European state, as well as get acquainted with the climate, topography and natural resources.

Section 1. General Definition

natural areas of Germany
Before telling about the natural areas of Germany and their main features, it is necessary to derive a certain rule that will help to reveal the essence and problem of the problem under consideration.

So, from a scientific point of view, natural zones are some parts of the earth's surface that differ from each other in several indicators at once - climate, topography and various hydrological conditions. In addition, soil types, local vegetation and, of course, the animal kingdom characteristic of this territory can also be attributed to this.

We will return directly to this state and talk in more detail about the natural zones of Germany. A list based on data processed by specialists may be as follows:

  • mixed forest zone;
  • deciduous forest zone;
  • high polarity zone.

Based on this list, we will try to discuss each zone in detail.

Section 2. Climatic features of the state

natural zones of Germany and their main features
Germany is a relatively large, and even more so by European standards, state. It is not surprising that the climate here changes both from south to north and from west to east from a pronounced continental to a milder sea.

If we talk about the natural areas of Germany briefly, it can be noted that on average winters are not very cold, but the so-called severity of the coldest time of the year is the stronger, the farther from the sea this or that settlement of the country is located.

In the central region in the middle of summer, the temperature can reach twenty degrees with a plus, but in the winter it certainly drops to zero. Strong changes in temperature by locals are quite rare, because the mountains impede the penetration of cold northerly winds.

Snow in winter and rain all the rest of the year are frequent guests. Sometimes the precipitation is so severe that in some parts of the country it is necessary to impose a state of emergency in order to eliminate the consequences of the raging elements.

Section 3. Features of the relief of Germany

natural areas of Germany photo
It is simply impossible to talk about the natural areas of Germany and their main features without affecting the very successful structure of the local landscape.

Located in the center of Europe, the state is not offended either by the mountains (the Alps proudly rise over a large part of its territory), nor by the marshy, but picturesque marshes, or by the mesmerizing coasts, or by the magnificent bays.

Natural areas of Germany are represented by two seas at once: the Baltic and the North. It should be noted that the coastline is quite long. However, one should not think about any integrity or homogeneity. In some places, it can be relatively flat, while in others it takes your breath away from perfectly even rocks rising above the water surface.

Yet more than a quarter of Germany's territory is occupied by forests. The most extensive forestland is Bavarian. He, by the way, is the largest in Europe.

About the same area is cultivated land.

There are not so many large rivers in the state, only two: the Danube and the Rhine.

Section 4. Animal Kingdom of Germany

natural areas of Germany briefly
Numerous natural areas of Germany and their main features serve as the basis for the habitat of various species of animals. Of course, in these latitudes it is impossible to meet any exotic representatives of the fauna, but bison, lynx, elk and bears are far from rare.

This territory has become a natural habitat for birds - vultures, eagles, storks and falcons.

Recently, many animals, as well as birds, have appeared at the line of complete extinction. Local authorities are doing everything possible to restore the population of lynxes, wild cats, and mountain goats. Reserves are being built, vaccinations are being carried out, and animals are fed in the winter. Sick animals are sent for examination, and after recovery they return to the wild.

Section 5. Plant World

natural areas of germany list
Natural areas of Germany (photos are presented) attract travelers with their picturesque places - in this country there are actually plenty of them, and the landscapes vary depending on part of the country.

Most of Germany is covered with forests, both coniferous and deciduous. Fertile soil contributes to lush vegetation.

By the way, we note that many massifs were planted artificially; later, for a long time, they were maintained and protected from pests, as well as from dry weather and strong winds.

Section 6. Natural resources of the country

natural areas of germany list
Without exception, all natural areas of Germany are rich in various resources. The most important and perhaps most demanded minerals are coal deposits located at an impressive depth, which, by the way, significantly complicates the mining.

In addition, the state is actively developing potash salt. In the thicknesses of the earth's surface in this territory there are few non-ferrous metals, but in general it is enough for the country's own needs.

Germany also produces small amounts of natural gas and oil.


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