What is a snuff box and what was it used for

A lot of things that used to be familiar and familiar to everyone are now obsolete. Some words denoting them are forgotten, others remain in art and artwork, often causing bewilderment in people. For example, after reading V. Odoyevsky’s tale, all the children ask a question about what is a snuff-box? Now this little thing can be found except in a museum or in private collections. But still a century and a half ago, snuffboxes were an everyday thing among people of different classes. They were simple and expensive and were in high demand.

What is a snuff box for?

In the 16th century, a fashion for sniffing tobacco appeared in Europe. Not everyone could tolerate smoke from smoking, and since it was brought in from America at that time in large quantities, they found another use for it. The fashion for snuffing tobacco was probably introduced by Katerina Medici. It is believed that she was sent an exotic plant for the treatment of migraine. From France, the habit spread throughout Europe. And soon in Russia it became known what a snuffbox is. After all, snuff needed to be stored somewhere.

what is a snuffbox photo
And small boxes with a lid appeared, which were then considered a sign of nobility. They were made from expensive materials and decorated with carvings and precious stones. Already by the 18th century, the fashion for wearing snuffboxes spread throughout Europe. People treated each other with snuff, it was mandatory according to the rules of etiquette. Snuffboxes began to be made different. Soon, in addition to storing tobacco, they began to perform other functions. Everyone knew what a snuff box was. After all, at that time this little thing became famous and necessary.

What were the snuff boxes

1. They differed in the material from which they were made. For their manufacture, gold, silver, tortoiseshell, porcelain, birch bark and other substances were used.

snuffbox author

2. Everyone tried to have the most beautiful snuff box. Therefore, special manufactories adorned them with carvings, precious stones, chased ornaments and miniatures. In Russia, snuff-boxes decorated with views of cities were famous.

3. They had these boxes and a different shape: in the form of shells, fruits, animals, baskets, envelopes or bottles. Sometimes when looking at such gizmos it is impossible to answer the question of what is a snuff-box. Photos of these boxes characterize them as elegant works of art.

What was the snuff box used for?

The author of the tale of the boy’s journey to the music box introduced modern readers to the functions that these boxes performed. After the snuffboxes became widespread, they began to be used for other purposes, and not just for storing tobacco. They put letters, small gifts in them. To do this, snuff-boxes were made in the form of a mail package. And for lovers of different types of tobacco caskets with several compartments appeared. There were even those who had lids on both sides, for example, in order to treat friends with less expensive tobacco.

what is a snuffbox
And at the beginning of the XIX century, musical snuffboxes - boxes, in which music played after opening the lid, became widespread. Often snuffboxes were given to each other, this was a sign of courtesy and good taste.

Odoevsky's story "Town in a Snuffbox"

This work has gained great popularity at the time and was highly praised by critics. Even now, the tale is read with interest and is included in the school curriculum. Thanks to her, modern children know what a snuff box is. And at that time, the work introduced little readers not so much to the subject itself as to mechanics, because the snuffbox was musical. Therefore, the author does not focus on the main functions of this subject. It is important for him to introduce children to the device of this mechanism. Therefore, the story "City in a Snuffbox" has remained so popular for more than a hundred years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14809/

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