Magnetic constructor "Magformers": analogues, description, instructions, reviews

Among children's toys, not the last place is occupied by various designers. They occupy a child for a long time, develop imagination and creative thinking. Recently, magnetic parts are gaining more and more popularity. The most famous and popular is the designer "Magformes". He has great potential in the intellectual development of the baby and gives the opportunity for independent creativity.

analogs magformers

Mega popularity

The popularity of the toy led to its copying. Many companies have taken as a basis the design of parts and their functional load. But there are honest firms that indicate their trademark, and there are manufacturers who even copy the logo. There are user reviews that the analogues of Magformes are no worse, but much more attractive in terms of cost. But there are also disappointed responses from parents who have acquired a low-quality fake. So is it worth looking for an analogue of the famous designer, or is it necessary to choose only the genuine Magformes? Consider the advantages of a popular designer and compare it with popular remakes.

magformers constructor

Quality Assurance Magformers

Many consumers say that true Magformers is distinguished by impeccable quality and, above all, safety for the child. The manufacturer uses only durable plastic for the manufacture of toys. It does not break, but even with a random break, sharp edges do not form, which can be injured.

All parts are securely fastened by ultrasonic welding. It is important that the inside contains an elastic frame that gives strength. Of course, if you try hard, then the details of Magformes can be broken, but still it requires special efforts.

Why is he dear

Analogs of "Magformers" at a price much more profitable than the original. But a significant role in determining value is played by the use of special neodymium magnets. They are many times stronger than usual, while not losing their properties over time. This approach makes it possible to build the most unimaginable buildings, and they will not fall apart. Magformers' analogs often disappoint children by the fact that when trying to build a designed structure, parts do not fasten securely to each other and fall off.

In the manufacture of the original, ABS plastic is used. It has high strength, while it has elasticity. Therefore, even for adults it is difficult to break the details, even if you make an effort. Companies that produce analogues sometimes can not afford to use such high-quality materials. For the price, of course, they come out lower, but the child’s games end in disappointment.

At first, satisfied customers claim that the fake is no different from a genuine designer. However, later it turns out that the elements are brittle, easily break. Often used second-class plastic. In this case, not only sharp edges are formed that can injure the baby, but the inner magnet also falls out.

magformers' details

Original differences

Many children wish to receive a Magformers gift. The designer amazes the imagination of children, and they come up with all kinds of games with him. But so that the joy of shopping is not overshadowed by low-quality details, you should carefully choose the original toy.

Sometimes incidents happen, and under the guise of a real “Magformers” they give out a fake. Manufacturers indicate their contact details, but try to imitate the appearance of the famous manufacturer in every possible way. The box can be as identical as possible.

Selection rules

To purchase a real designer, you should pay attention to the following nuances before buying:

  1. There is an inscription Magformers in a special style and the obligatory badge "original".
  2. Each element is required inscription Magformers.
  3. Curved letters, non-glued elements are not allowed on the boxes.
  4. If a tremendous discount of up to 50% is offered, this should alert. The manufacturer can not so clearly reduce the price of the original product.
  5. The real Magformes is sold only on trusted Internet sites and official trading floors. If only a telephone is specified for communication with the seller, it means that a fake is sold here.
  6. Any Magformes kit is developed by specialists. They think over the general concept and many designs that can be built from this set. Therefore, any package carries a semantic load and is not faceless. For the same reasons, Magformers parts are never sold separately.

Only a real toy will not spoil the child’s play and will not cause disappointment among parents.

magformers reviews

Variety of choices

Magformers provides extensive opportunities for the creative impulses of the child and his intellectual development. The designer helps in the formation of spatial imagination and develops fine motor skills of the hands. The manufacturer offers a large assortment from which any parent and child can choose the appropriate kit. All sets of "Magformers" are distinguished by a single theme and the ability to build a variety of designs.

Children and their parents have undoubted hits. Among them, the most popular are:

  1. Magformers Fixie Wow Set. This set combines characters from your favorite cartoon “Fixies” and details of “Magformers”. The constructor is super popular and makes it possible to build many designs where there are little people. The set also features wheels.
  2. Magformers Build Up Set. The set is completed with unique opaque elements. It includes all kinds of construction accessories, united by a special design. Suitable for fans to build something and see how the toy is arranged from the inside.
  3. Magformers Pythagoras. To the set are click wheels and a set of cards with images of cars that can be built using the constructor. Instructions "Magformers" must be found in each box. In this case, parents are invited to combine a unique game with learning. Visual cards show the child how a different figure is obtained from a variety of geometric elements.
  4. "Magformers Creative 90". Another set with the famous Fixics. Its uniqueness in the availability of parts of a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
  5. "Magformers Mountain Adventure." The set will allow the child to build all kinds of vehicles, and then transform them into mysterious animals.
  6. "Magformers" glowing Lighted set. A distinctive feature of the set is the ability to highlight all the elements. For this, special pyramids are designed. Moreover, if the child already has a constructor, then you can highlight it.

The manufacturer offers a wide variety. There are sets for girls and for boys. But, as practice shows, the toy is universal.

The fascinating designer of "Magformers"

magformers children's world

Reviews of adults and children about the toy are extremely positive. Despite the high price, parents try to purchase a kit for the development of their child and the opportunity to create.

Users note that a wide range allows you to choose the necessary set, based on the preferences of the child and financial capabilities. It is important that the designer can be supplemented with any other from the Magformers series.

Reviews show that the original parts reliably and easily fastened together. Moreover, this can be done both end-face and flat. By the way, this feature is not found in all analogues.

Many speak of the designer as a brilliant invention of the modern children's industry. Parents like that the child learns during the game, and the children appreciated the introduction into some sets of characters from the cartoon “Fixics”.

Where to buy the original

To purchase a real designer "Magformers", you must visit the official website of the manufacturer. Various sets are presented there and free delivery is offered. Also, many large stores offer the original "Magformers." Detsky Mir, for example, is an official distributor. Therefore, the sale of fakes is excluded.

magformers glowing

Many are interested in how much the Magformers are worth. The sets are diverse, and they distinguish the cost. You can buy a box for 2,000 rubles, where the basic parts are present, or give 11,000 rubles for a kit from which you can build a real city.

Worthy imitators

Despite the fact that analogues of Magformers often do not differ in quality, nevertheless, according to customer reviews, there are several worthy copies. Not everyone can lay out a round sum for a toy, so it is important to choose a high-quality remake and not to disappoint a child.

Analogs "Magformers"

Mag wisdom. According to customer reviews, it is a complete analogue of the famous designer. Parts are durable and flexible, easily bonded to each other. Good quality is evidenced by the fact that all the elements are comparable to the details of the real Magformers. In its manufacture, completely safe plastic is used, the magnets are securely hidden inside. The designer has the necessary quality certificates.

instruction magformers

The Magnikon . According to customer reviews, there are no external differences from the original. The parts are just as strong, do not crack and are firmly attached to each other. The price of sets attracts many parents, and children are happy to build all kinds of designs from it. At the same time, the buildings do not fall apart. All elements are large and colorful. The manufacturer offers small, so to speak, orientation kits and large enough that come in plastic boxes.

It is important for parents that all magnets are located inside the parts. Therefore, the toy is safe, even if a small child is playing. Instructions are prudently enclosed in each box and schemes are given according to which you can collect all kinds of figures. First, a small child needs help, but very quickly he begins to cope on his own.


The Magformers brand is quite popular. The manufacturer participates in various contests and exhibitions. In addition, the company invests a significant part of the money in advertising. Due to this approach, the final cost of production increases.

Of course, there are bad fakes of the famous designer. They are produced by unscrupulous companies using low-quality plastic. However, there are quite worthy remakes that are somewhat cheaper, but in no way inferior to the original.

What to choose is up to the consumer. The considered analogues have extremely positive reviews, a wide variety of sets and are combined with the designer "Magformers". But toy developers always strive for excellence, so new items and new additions can only be purchased from an official manufacturer.


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