About writing annotations

The abstract is a brief description of the content of the work (book, scientific article, etc.). Besides the fact that the purpose of the text is described here, it is important to include the general meaning in several sentences. Therefore, before writing an annotation, you need to think carefully about its plan and content. These parameters are determined by the author.

However, the specifics of the place where this text will be placed should be taken into account. For example, on the cover of the book, in most cases, they put a little information about the author and a brief retelling of the plot. If the annotation is for advertising materials, then the most important thing here is the atmosphere that the text creates, because its main task is to interest a potential buyer. This applies to regular books and to online publications. Indeed, with a few sentences, the reader decides whether he should buy products or not.

An abstract on an article is also very important, especially if it is a scientific work. It is a brief description of what is in the content. Usually, the purpose of writing and the relevance of the study are justified here.

It should be noted that many authors make the same mistakes in compiling this material: they begin to retell what has already been printed earlier and, accordingly, everyone knows. This is not true, because any work must be done efficiently. When choosing a print publication, most people pay attention to its appearance, including annotation. It depends on how literate and perfect this text is, whether the work will interest potential readers or they will bypass it.

Before writing an annotation, it is necessary to take into account several rules for its preparation. So, phrases expressing the opinion of the author should not be inserted here, for example, β€œI think,” β€œIt seems to me,” and others. The fact is that in your activity you need to try to be objective, because even not everyone agrees with the positions of great scientists or writers. It is not recommended to bring to the fore the subjectivity of research or a work of art.

Speaking about how to write an annotation, you need to take into account that its content is small, and therefore every phrase and every word is valuable here. It is better to avoid templates and stamps, try to avoid what is already known to the majority, as this can reduce interest in the text. Proposals are built accurately and concisely, they should have a maximum of semantic load.

Annotations to articles containing information on any scientific activity should not be filled with specific terms. The text should be understandable to anyone, even a person who is far from the topic that is revealed in the work.

If an annotation for a literary work is written , then it is worth noting several important points in it. Firstly, they write about the main character (including his individual characteristics) and the scene. Then they talk about the plot, dwelling in more detail on the intrigue that is here. In the end, most often mention interesting points about the author or work. For example, about the ranks of the writer or competitions in which the book was awarded any place. This is very important, because it is precisely such moments that will say much more than the author himself about himself or his text.

Recommendations on how to write annotations, quite a lot. So, it should be remembered that there should not be spoilers, i.e., a complete retelling of the plot, after reading which the work itself will no longer be of interest. Intrigue must be maintained. Pathos retreats and complex turns will frighten off the reader rather than attract.

An interesting, well-written text in several sentences allows you to vividly present any work and makes you want to get to know it, no matter if this is a work of art or a scientific article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14814/

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