Monuments of St. Petersburg: photos and names, where are

It is not in vain that the northern capital is called the “Open Air Museum”, the number of St. Petersburg monuments reminiscent of the most important historical events is simply enormous. Many have become a symbol not only of the city on the Neva, but of the whole country.

There are monuments to the great rulers of the Russian Empire, writers, scientists, generals, glorious ships and Chizhik-Pyzhik on the Fontanka. The streets keep a memory of the beginning of the 1917 revolution and of those who died during the terrible blockade of the Great Patriotic War.

Walking along the granite embankments and avenues of St. Petersburg, you can get acquainted with a huge layer of the history of our country: from the start of construction of the new capital of the empire to the present.

City guard

Monument "The Bronze Horseman"

Since the end of the 18th century, many legends and traditions have been associated with the Bronze Horseman, the greatest monument to Peter the Great in St. Petersburg. And no wonder, this was the first monument erected on the Senate Square of the capital on the orders of Empress Catherine II on the 100th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Peter I.

The creator of the monument was a talented sculptor Etienne Maurice Falcone, invited by Catherine specifically for this project. The work lasted more than 12 years, due to constant intrigues Falcone did not wait for their completion and left Russia.

The unusual dynamism and expressiveness make the emperor’s figure memorable, and the rearing horse, which the tsar holds back with a firm hand, reflects the proud character of the Russian people. A huge granite monolith weighing 1,600 tons, to which the sculptor’s hand shaped a wave, symbolizes the formation of Russia as a sea power. The laconic inscription "Peter I Catherine II of the summer of 1782" in Russian and Latin is engraved on the pedestal.

The name of the monument does not quite correspond to the truth: it took 176 tons of bronze to cast, and they began to rank it among the copper monuments of St. Petersburg with the light hand of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin after the release of his poem The Bronze Horseman.

Monuments to the founder

Residents are rightly proud of ancient and modern monuments to the city's father and the great reformer of the state. In addition to the magnificent "Bronze Horseman", in the Northern capital there are 11 monuments to Peter I, not counting the busts of the king and the many statues located in the suburbs.

  • The first monument to the emperor, created even before the Bronze Horseman, was the equestrian statue of Peter, made according to the sketch of the genius sculptor Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli. Work on the project began in 1720, during the life of the emperor. After numerous changes, in 1743, during the reign of Elizabeth, the monument was cast in metal, but hidden in the barn of the Foundry: Catherine II considered it not monumental enough. And only 100 years after the start of production, at the behest of Paul I, the figure of the king took his place in front of the Mikhailovsky Castle.
  • Another monument to Peter in St. Petersburg, whose fate was undeservedly harsh, was the wonderful composition "Tsar Plotnik", created by order of Nicholas II by the sculptor L. A. Bernshtam. Established in 1910, the monument depicted a young king, comprehending the basics of shipbuilding. However, after the 1917 revolution, the monument was considered "worthless" and destroyed. Only in 1999, on the anniversary of the Russian fleet, an exact copy of the composition was returned to its former place on the Admiralty Embankment.
  • In a small square near the Peter and Paul Fortress, the most mystical monument to the founder of the city is located. It was created by a talented sculptor Mikhail Shemyakin and donated to them by Peter in 1991. The emperor’s face was created by a posthumous plaster mask shot by Rastrelli back in 1719, and the distorted proportions of the figure correspond to the canons of Orthodox icon painting. More than 12 signs are associated with this monument to Peter the Great in St. Petersburg, from spiritual growth to successful marriage.

And in 2015, a modern figure of the founder of the city appeared at Pulkovo Airport, meeting the guests, with a suitcase in one hand and a smartphone in the other.

Russian tsarina

Monument to Catherine the Great

In a cozy park near the Alexander Theater stands the most popular monument to Catherine in St. Petersburg. Established in 1873, the monument depicts the Empress in a traditional ceremonial pose, with a scepter and wreath, and a magnificent crown rests at her feet. The creator of the project M. Yu. Mikeshin did not use clear geometric lines, and the dynamic folds of the mantle create the effect of an unstoppable forward movement.

The regal figure of the ruler rises above the statues of the glorious statesmen of the time of her reign: A. G. Orlov, A. V. Suvorov, P. A. Rumyantsev, G. R. Derzhavin, A. A. Bezborodko. The courtiers froze in slightly tense poses at the pedestal in the shape of a bell, only the figure of Suvorov is depicted more naturally. The height of this complex is more than four meters, on the front facade of a granite pedestal there is an inscription: “Empress Catherine II during the reign of Alexander II”.

The exposition of the State Russian Museum on Engineering Street is opened by the magnificent sculptural composition "Anna Ioannovna with an arapchonok", performed by the great Carlo Rastrelli. Historians consider it one of the best works of the master, created with filigree clarity.

Among the historical monuments of St. Petersburg, surprisingly, there is no statue of the beloved daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth Petrovna. But in 2004 in Baltiysk, right on the seashore, an equestrian monument to the Queen was erected. A prancing figure in the uniform of the Preobrazhensky guards regiment became part of the Elizabethan Fort historical complex.

Triumphal Columns

Angel on top of the Alexander Column

The custom to put high obelisks in memory of victorious battles appeared in ancient Rome.

The symbol of maritime glory, magnificent Rostral columns, were installed on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, the most prominent place in St. Petersburg, in 1810. Initially, they served as beacons for merchant ships entering the port, but later turned into one of the most recognizable monuments of St. Petersburg.

The deeds of the great reformer, Emperor Alexander I, are immortalized in the magnificent Alexander Column, made of a monolithic granite block. It was erected in 1834 by decree of Nicholas I and has since adorned the Palace Square of the Northern Capital. The total height of the monument is 47.5 meters, and the column itself is 25.5 meters, it is the highest triumphal column in the world, standing without supports, only under the influence of gravity.

The monument to Alexander in St. Petersburg is crowned with a granite figure of an angel with a huge cross, the face of which the sculptor B. Orlovsky gave a portrait resemblance to the emperor. Bronze bas-reliefs on a pedestal symbolize the power and courage of the Russian army.

One of the most impressive historical monuments in St. Petersburg, the obelisk to the Hero City of Leningrad, welcomes guests in the center of Uprising Square. The total height of the sculptural composition is 36 meters, the upper part of the granite column is crowned with an exact copy of the Golden Star of the Hero medal, on the lower part there are bas-reliefs with scenes of the city’s defense during the war. The obelisk was erected in 1985 to mark the 40th anniversary of victory in World War II.

Rulers of Russia

In the center of St. Isaac's Square flaunts a magnificent bronze composition depicting Nicholas I riding his beloved stallion. Noteworthy is the fact that the massive sculpture rests only on two points of support: the hind legs of the horse. The multi-tiered pedestal was assembled from 118 types of ornamental stones and decorated with bronze bas-reliefs glorifying the deeds of the emperor. The sculptural group, established in 1859, is considered the most perfect work of the master P.K. Klodt.

The equestrian statue of Alexander III by Paolo Trubetskoy once decorated the Uprising Square, but in 1937 the monument was dismantled and is still in the courtyard of the Marble Palace. In the enclosed space of the courtyard, the heaviness of the overweight rider sitting on a massive horse is even more acute.

Memory of military history

Monument to Vasily Chapaev

The city on the Neva has not only a huge cultural heritage, but also a glorious history of military exploits and victories. Residents of the city honor the memory of the great commanders, perpetuating their images in stone and bronze.

  • In May 1801, a monument to A. V. Suvorov was unveiled between Trinity Bridge and the Field of Mars. When it was created, the sculptor M.I. Kozlovsky decided to avoid the traditional canons and depicted the generalissimo in the form of the ancient god of war, Mars. The composition is considered one of the best monuments created in the XVIII century in Russia.
  • One of the most powerful monuments to Russian commanders, the figures of Field Marshal M. I. Kutuzov and M. B. Barclay de Tolly were erected in 1837 near the Kazan Cathedral. The figure of Barclay de Tolly, who led the retreat of the Russian army, is tragic and sad, and the winner of the French army Kutuzov radiates confidence and energy. The monuments were created according to the project of the sculptor B.I. Orlovsky and are dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the defeat of Napoleon’s troops.
  • The monument to the legendary Admiral Makarov by the sculptor Leonid Sherwood is rightfully considered one of the most emotionally strong monuments in St. Petersburg. It was opened in Kronstadt in 1913 in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family.
  • In the difficult year of 1943, in order to maintain the spirit of the inhabitants of the city, a monument was erected to Vasily Chapaev, one of the most popular military leaders during the Civil War. After several movements around the city, the composition adorns the square in front of the Military Academy of Communications.

Writers, poets, scientists

Monument to Lomonosov

The total number of cultural monuments in St. Petersburg is huge, many of them preserve the memory of geniuses who lived and worked in different periods of Russian history:

  • A bronze monument to the great Russian fabulist I. A. Krylov was installed in the Summer Garden in 1885. The author writes another fable, and recognizable heroes of his works look from the pedestal.
  • St. Petersburg loves the work of A.S. Pushkin, 5 monuments in different parts of the city are dedicated to him. The most beautiful bronze statue of the poet was erected in the postwar years in the city center on Arts Square.
  • Among the photos of the monuments of St. Petersburg , a pensive figure of Sergei Yesenin, carved from white Karelian marble, attracts you. According to tradition, it was at his foot that the newlyweds seek to bring flowers so that the life together is full of love and harmony.
  • For more than a hundred years, the Theater Square has been adorned with the bronze figure of the great composer M. I. Glinka. The monument was unveiled in February 1906 at the initiative of the Imperial Russian Musical Society and the inhabitants of the city.
  • At the end of the 20th century, a bronze copy of M. I. Lomonosov was installed near St. Petersburg State University. On the lap of the great scientist, who was once a student at this university, lies a manuscript, and he himself seems to be on the verge of a new discovery.

Of course, this is not a list of all the cultural monuments of St. Petersburg dedicated to talented citizens who are in love with the Northern capital.

Love to the animals

Cat Vasilisa and cat Elisha

Over the past few decades, a real rise in decorative sculpture has continued in the city, reflecting the attitude of citizens towards charming four-legged residents.

The first cat monument appeared in 2002 in the courtyard of St. Petersburg State University. A small pensive animal symbolizes the gratitude of people to laboratory animals.

The most famous couple of cats, Vasilisa and Elisha, walks along the eaves on Malaya Sadovaya. But the sign associated with the tiny Chizhik-Pyzhik, sitting on the Fontanka embankment, promises good luck to everyone who drops a coin to the narrow pedestal of the monument.

On a wooden pile under the Ivanovo bridge, near the Peter and Paul Fortress, a small Ushasty rabbit hides, made according to the sketch of the sculptor Vladimir Petrovichev from a modern alloy not subject to corrosion. It serves as a reminder of the frequent floods on the Neva.

The real "zoo" is located in the courtyard of the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University: the charming hippo Tonya, Dachshund 140 cm long, the imposing goat Hircus facultatis and the small Snail, which is considered a symbol of the faculty.

Fancy characters

Monument to Photographer

Walking through the streets, you can see figures of rather strange characters: a cast-iron Lantern, sitting on the pavement, a bronze Manager, leaning over a laptop near the business center, or the Brave soldier Schweik, hiding a large mug of beer behind his back.

A collection of photos of the monuments of St. Petersburg would be incomplete without a sculpture by a Petersburg photographer hiding an old camera on a tripod under an umbrella. Nearby was an English bulldog, watching passers-by. The monument is dedicated to Karl Bull, who is deservedly considered the founder of the genre of photo essay.

In the city there is a monument to Ostap Bender, Gorodovoy, Carlson on the pediment of the theater on the Fontanka embankment, Baron Munchausen, pulling himself with a horse out of the swamp by the hair and many other characters.

Continuation of a story

Monument to Konka

Every year the city is enriched with new monuments, serious and not very, which successfully fit into the urban environment.

In 2002, a statue of the patron saint of St. Petersburg, the great commander Alexander Nevsky, was erected on the eponymous square. The majestic figure of the prince rises above the city, protecting the peace of its inhabitants.

On Petrograd embankment stands out a monument with strange broken lines and expressive colors. It is dedicated to Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and the founder of the prize for the greatest discoveries of mankind. The composition depicts shapeless pieces of objects flying apart from a strong explosion.

In 2004, in front of the Vasileostrovskaya metro station, a copy of the plastic and concrete tramp appeared. The wagon of the once popular double-decker transport was restored according to old drawings and harnessed two horses to it.

And near the 365 Hotel on Borovaya Street a forged carriage of the XVII model was parked. The layout is made in full size and is striking in its realism.

Numerous monuments of St. Petersburg reflect its history, the heroism of the inhabitants and their endless optimism.


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