How to start knitting. How to learn to knit: tips and tricks for beginners

Related things are not only a beautifully woven fabric. This is the fantasy of the craftswoman, her soul, amazing inspiration. How to start knitting? Very easy! The only thing - be patient. After all, the occupation is quite laborious. However, in addition to invaluable benefits, a hobby brings a lot of pleasure to needlewomen.

how to start knitting

Core tools

Each craftswoman, starting to study a new type of needlework, always faces the question: "Where to start?" Knitting is an art that does not need complex fixtures. It is worth noting that the technique of performing great difficulties will not cause. But first things first.

So, what will a beginner need?

Knitting needles

where to start knitting

This toolkit varies in thickness, material of manufacture and type (on or without fishing line). The number of spokes characterizes their diameter (mm). It varies from 1 to 10. Each type of yarn corresponds to certain numbers.

  1. Knitting needles No. 1-2 are used for thin threads. As a rule, they knit blouses, tops, lace napkins.
  2. No. 2-3,5 - this is the optimal (running) knitting needles. Suitable for medium yarn.
  3. No. 4-6 are used for thick threads: mohair, ribbon yarn, "weed".
  4. No. 7-10. These knitting needles are mats, panels, some types of hats or scarves. As a rule, a thick thread is used in several additions.


No less important is the choice of threads. As a rule, a certain size is suitable for each product. Craftswomen taking the first steps in this needlework, who still have a poor understanding of where to start knitting, will use yarn of medium thickness. It is better to choose woolen or mixed. Another important nuance: pick threads of bright colors. On dark drawing will not be visible. It will be difficult to track how the loops fit.

Having collected all the necessary materials, you can proceed to the next step.

Loop set

Before you start knitting, you should study the first stage in detail. After all, work on any product begins with a set of loops. Since we are talking about training, their number is not important. Let's stop at 20.

  • Unroll the thread from the ball and fold it in half.
  • Throw the resulting loop on the index and thumb of the left hand. Hold the ends of the thread in the palm of your hand with the remaining three fingers.
  • Fold both knitting needles together and grab them in your right hand.
  • Get them by the thread between the index finger and thumb. Pull down and slightly.
  • While holding the loop, stretch the knitting needles under the thread wrapped around your thumb.
  • Grab the thread from the index finger and pull through the loop formed.
  • Drop the thread from your thumb.

Two loops formed on the knitting needles. By analogy, the rest are recruited. There are no big difficulties in this. And if we learn to knit, the tips for beginners, given in the article, will help you learn the basics of this needlework much faster.

Remember the following nuance. Having gathered all the loops, be sure to tie the remaining ends of the threads. You will appreciate this little hint in the knitting process. After all, all the loops will be the same size, and the beginning of your canvas will delight with evenness.

how to learn how to knit a scarf with knitting needles for beginners

Front loops

Having dealt with the first stage, you can proceed to the next. We continue to consider knitting for beginners. How to knit facial loops? There are two ways. For inexperienced girls, it doesn't matter how to knit them out. Therefore, in order not to confuse, we dwell on one thing - the most common.

In the literature on needlework, this method is called "behind the front wall." The right knitting needle should be inserted into the loop from left to right. Grab a working thread. Pull it through the loop. A new one has formed on the right needle. A knitted loop should be reset to the left. Thus, the entire front row is carried out.

Wrong hinges

Having finished with the front row, we turn the product over. Now comes the wrong side of the line. To fully understand how to start knitting, you need to learn this type.

The working thread is placed on a spoke. It should be in front of the first loop. The right knitting needle is inserted under the thread. Pull it through the loop. Clockwise movement, grab the working thread. Knit the formed loop on the right knitting needle and, by analogy, complete the entire wrong side.

Edge loops

Of course, in this needlework there are many nuances that allow craftswomen to create beautiful, sophisticated things. In the process of your creativity, you must comprehend them. But there are nuances that should be considered before learning how to knit. Tips and tricks for beginners, discussed now, relate to edge loops. They allow you to get a neat smooth edge of the canvas. So, remember:

  • knit the last loop should only be in the first row;
  • in the rest - it is only removed from left to right.

Having dealt with the first loop, consider the last. After all, it is also edge. To get the edge of the "pigtail", it is recommended to knit it with the wrong loop.

start knitting a sweater

Loop closure

Having dealt with the front and back rows, one more important stage should be considered. Before you learn how to knit a scarf with knitting needles, for beginners it will be important to learn how to close the loops. The edge loop should be knitted from the next front loop. Mandatory for the back wall. The resulting loop returns back to the spoke. She regains the status of edge. Two front loops are knitted again. In this way, all remaining ones are closed.

Knit density

This parameter is very important in the manufacture of the product in size. For a sample, a certain number of loops are typed. It should knit several rows. As a rule, the calculation is given for a square sample with dimensions of 10x10. Thus, the density of knitting is determined. If necessary, you can change the knitting needles, choosing thicker or, conversely, thinner ones. To measure a bound sample, place it on a hard surface. Put a meter on it parallel to the row. Count the number of loops included in 10 cm. This value characterizes the density of knitting in a line. This indicator should be compared with that indicated in the model description.

Sometimes the sample may not fit the required dimensions. If it is somewhat loose (you get fewer loops), you need to take thinner knitting needles. Sometimes the opposite picture can be observed: the sample is very dense, and when counting the loops it is much more than what was required. In this case, replace the needles with thicker ones.

Of course, for beginning needlewomen, the density of knitting does not play a big role. But if you decide to make a larger thing, for example, a sweater, then this landmark should be followed.

The first project. Knitting a scarf

The knowledge gained is enough to proceed to the manufacture of the product. To get started, let's figure out how to learn how to knit a scarf. For beginners, this product will be a great practice. In addition, your wardrobe will be replenished with a stylish exquisite accessory.

where to start knitting blouses on the needles

Choose super thick yarn. Knitting needles must be selected in accordance with the size of the thread - also thick. The finished product will have a size of 10x100 cm. Knitting - shawl (all rows are carried out exclusively with facial loops).

Initially tie a square. Its dimensions should be 10x10 cm. Carefully count the typed loops and rows. This method determines an important parameter - the density of the mating. For this product, the optimal ratio is 10 loops in 18 rows. If you get a better result, you can choose a denser yarn or knitting needles.

To knit a scarf, dial 12 loops. Knit with a garter stitch. All rows are made exclusively with facial loops. Periodically measure the length with a meter. Reaching the above size, close the loops. The first project is ready!

Knitting a sweater or blouse

After a successfully made scarf, any novice craftswoman thinks about the next project. Why not start knitting a sweater? After all, if there is universal clothing suitable for any season, then this is undoubtedly a sweater, pullover. Spectacular and smart, practical and warm knit sweaters are always relevant.

Select in the magazine the model you want to make. As a rule, all large things do not fit in whole. They consist of several parts. Usually we are talking about the front half, back and two sleeves.

In the magazines next to the detailed description of the model there is always a pattern. Where to start knitting blouses on the needles? Of course, from the pattern. For convenience, this scheme should be drawn in full size on paper. This will greatly facilitate the process of working on the product.

knitting for beginners how to knit facial loops

According to the pattern, you can monitor the decrease or addition of loops, control pockets and armholes if necessary. To correctly calculate the amount of required reduction, use the previously described parameter - knitting density. Many magazines provide not only patterns of patterns, but also a complete description of them in series. This greatly facilitates the work on the product for beginner needlewomen.

Knitting socks

To work on the product will need five knitting needles. There is an opinion that they cause difficulty (if we are talking about knitting for beginners) socks. How to start this product?

knitting for beginners socks where to start

Initially taken measurements and carefully calculate the required number of loops. Knitting itself takes place in several stages. Start work with a cuff. Most often, it is knitted with an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2. Cuff height may vary. Basically it is 6-7 centimeters.

Stitch loops on two knitting needles. During the first row they should be evenly distributed over 4. One spoke always remains free. This is working. She alternately changes each of the spokes. Knitting takes place round.

Having tied the necessary size of the toe of the sock, proceed to the height of the heel. To do this, knit only on two adjacent knitting needles, and the first two remain intact. Next, the side parts of the heel are tied. After that, they continue to work on the foot. Knitting again occurs round-robin. Having tied up to the area of ​​the thumb, loops begin to decrease. The last loops should be collected on a thread. They are carefully fixed on the wrong side.

learn knitting tips for beginners


Are you interested in how to start knitting? It is perfectly! The centuries-old craft, practiced earlier by necessity, today has become an amazing hobby. No wonder it is attributed to one of the forms of art. Looking at the abundance of yarn and the diversity of patterns, the novice needlewoman can get confused. Do not give in to this feeling. Remember that any skilled craftswoman in the recent past was also a beginner.


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