Hedera. Home care for ivy

Hedera (ivy) is a beautiful ornamental plant, of the Aralian family, quite unpretentious, rapidly and actively growing. Compared to other indoor flowers, it is easy to grow, it does not need constant attention and requires a minimum of care.

hedera home care
There are more than a hundred different types of headers that differ in the shape and color of the leaves. In this article, we will talk about an evergreen vine called Heder. Caring for ivy at home does not require excessive effort. Hedera brings special beauty to any interior, looks especially picturesque in hanging flower pots attached to the wall. Dark green, like "carved", ivy leaves make any room more elegant.

Hedera: home care

Externally, the header can be recognized by the dense-skinned light or dark green leaves of the lobed form, small flowers and berries of golden or black colors. The plant has tenacious roots - "hooks". Thanks to them, a heder clings to various surfaces. The photo shows the fastening of ivy on a brick wall using special roots.

heder flower
In order for ivy to feel good and grow actively, it is necessary to create climatic conditions for it close to natural. The optimum temperature in the summer should be maintained within + 20 ° C. Ivy feels great in the warm season on the balcony: the fresh air perfectly tempers the Heder flower. In cold weather, the room temperature should be maintained at not lower than + 12 ° . As for lighting, ivy normally tolerates both shadow and partial shade. It grows well in bright light scattered around the room. But do not put a pot of ivy in direct sunlight, otherwise the plant may get burned.

Heder plant. Home care: watering and top dressing

Heder is watered regularly, in the summer - more often and more abundantly. The substrate in the pot must be constantly moist. Water should be soft, settled, room temperature. In the cold season, watering is reduced, but the substrate in the pot is not allowed to dry excessively. Heder responds well to spraying, it is produced regularly, maintaining sufficient humidity.

heder photo
Heder periodically pinch. This is done so that the lateral branches grow faster. Tip: cut off parts of twigs can be used as cuttings. A young heder is transplanted once a year, in the spring. An adult plant is transshipped once every two years. For transplantation, choose pots with a diameter of at least 30 cm. In order to prevent the plant from suffering from a lack of trace elements, it is fed periodically, every two weeks, with complex fertilizers. They begin to make in March and finish in August.

Hedera. Home care and treatment

When growing ivy, the irrigation regime must be observed and the necessary humidity should be maintained. Too high a temperature affects the plant badly - its leaves dry, darken and fall off. To avoid this, it is necessary to water and spray the plant abundantly. If breeding conditions are violated, headers can be attacked by pests: spider mites, scale insects, aphids, etc. To combat them, special insecticidal preparations are used, carefully treating each ivy leaf.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14820/

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