Vaseline oil for newborns, recommendations for use

Each young mother, after giving birth, often faces many questions. One of them is: “What should be in the medicine cabinet?” Our advice to young mothers, literature and doctor's advice will certainly come in handy at the beginning of the knowledge of the basics of motherhood.

petrolatum oil for newborns

One of the main components of a nursing mother’s first-aid kit is liquid paraffin for newborns. It will be useful not only to eliminate defects on the skin of the child, but also be useful to the most nursing mother when clogging her breast or lactostasis. Petroleum jelly, applied as a compress at night, will improve the flow of milk and soften hardening in the chest.

What should be the care of newborns? Tips, tricks

Use petroleum jelly in the care of the newborn should be very careful. Vaseline oil is used as an external remedy for removing the crust on the head of the baby, with sweating, and also against rubbing the diaper before dressing. An infant can often be lubricated with oil in order to moisturize the skin, as well as treat folds, lubricating the body of the newborn. Vaseline oil will perfectly cope with irritation on the baby's skin .

newborn care tips recommendations

The use of liquid paraffin for the hygiene of the nose of a newborn is effective. Using it, the baby can easily clean the nose, as well as moisten the sinuses of the baby for free breathing and sound sleep . Oil will help protect your blood vessels.

Vaseline oil for newborns can be used to prevent infection when placing a gas tube or enema. In this case, the enema tip lubricated with liquid paraffin will not scratch the baby’s skin. It is important to remember that your baby’s skin must breathe, which means it’s better not to overdo it with oil. Indeed, liquid paraffin for newborns is quickly absorbed and does not remain on the surface of the skin. Side effects with external use of oil are not observed. But its use can lead to spots on the baby’s clothes and bedding.

Oil can also be used internally, because the pharmacological action of the drug is a laxative effect. The oil will soften feces and affect the baby's intestines. But in this case, prior to use, it is important to consult a doctor.

Buying petroleum jelly oil for newborns is better at a pharmacy, while paying attention to the shelf life of the goods. It is necessary to store it no longer than the specified period, and it costs quite inexpensively, in comparison with other means for caring for a child.

advice to young mothers literature
The effectiveness of petroleum jelly has been tested for years. After all, our grandmothers and mothers used this tool in their time. In addition, specialists in the hospital will offer you to buy oil for the baby, and you will not lose if you heed the advice of a doctor.

But before using any medication or hygiene product for children, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician. After all, only a qualified specialist can help you in solving problems or in choosing the right products. It is always worth remembering that any self-medication, and especially with regard to children, can lead to disastrous consequences.


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