Variety tomato Pink flamingo: description, reviews

Modern summer residents now have to make a choice from many dozens of varieties of tomatoes. Among them there are small cherry, and giants, late and early ripe, sweet and sour, and even with many colors. Among lovers of delicious vegetables, pink tomato varieties have proven themselves very well. Compared to reds, they are more delicate and delicate in care. But they will thank for the care with a good harvest and wonderful taste. It is pink tomatoes that can reach really large sizes, which in the gardener causes legitimate pride.

Such tomato varieties are not only large and tasty, but also more wholesome than red ones. Their delicate flesh contains more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other fairly valuable substances. The taste of pink tomatoes is sweeter than sour, so it’s better to eat them with various gastric diseases.

tomatoes pink flamingo growing

Pink Flamingo Tomatoes: Description

Mid-early tomato variety. The growing season is 110-115 days. This plant is tall, the height reaches 1.2-1.8 m. The fruits have a plum-shaped, pink color, weight - 200-400 g. Tomato Pink flamingo - universal purpose. It can be used for fresh consumption, as well as for all types of preservation. Appreciated for a sufficiently high resistance to various diseases. Productivity of an average of 6-10 kg / m 2 . The tomato variety Pink Flamingo can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses seedlings.

pink flamingo tomatoes description


Tomatoes Pink flamingos reviews collected the most positive. The merits of this variety can be discussed for a very long time. Its main value is precocity. Fruits begin to ripen within 92-95 days after planting.

Tomato Pink flamingo has a wonderful appearance, beautiful, rich taste - they are sweet, juicy and fragrant, so it is not surprising that they always cost much more in the markets than red "brothers".

In addition, this variety has excellent presentation, good transportability, and a shelf life of up to 2 months. This is a universal variety.

The plant itself in the process of growth is able to decorate the garden, as it has very delicate and beautiful carved leaves.

pink flamingo tomato

Tomatoes Pink flamingos: growing

For modern gardeners to grow sweet large tomatoes is not any difficulty. However, it is necessary to take into account some features of growing such a delicious vegetable. Tomato Pink flamingo is perfect for open beds. Tomatoes are very demanding on the soil and need regular feeding, but they easily tolerate some thickening. High fertile light soils are suitable for this culture. Good predecessors are cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, onions, carrots.

Planting tomato seeds for seedlings

Tomato seeds are formed already in the year of sowing. They are quite small, flat, triangular-kidney-shaped, grayish-yellow in color. The mass of 1 thousand seeds is approximately 5 g. Germination can last up to 6 years. The planting period of this vegetable is calculated, as a rule, from the estimated date of planting seedlings. Seeds are sown before it in 50-60 days. The optimal sowing period is considered mid-March - early April. Earlier seeding is extremely undesirable, because the seedlings can greatly outgrow, and therefore will hurt for a very long time after transplantation.

Before sowing the seeds, it is recommended for 12-14 hours to soak in a special solution. Experienced gardeners for planting recommend purchasing special universal soil and small containers (cassettes, drawers). If there are none, you can use what is at hand. Plastic bottles with a cut-off top or cups, unnecessary cups, etc. are perfect. The main requirement is the presence of drainage holes in them. They are necessary so that excess water drains, and the soil is not wet. The containers are filled with a substrate, leveled and moisturized. Furrows are made and seeds sown at a distance of about 5 cm from each other, while the depth should be about 1 cm. Then they are watered by spraying. Further, for better seed germination, the containers are covered with a film.

Lighting and temperature

The optimum temperature for germination is 25 degrees Celsius. Lighting during this period should not be too intense. Under such conditions, the first sprouts will appear after 5 days. After their appearance, the film is removed. Be sure to monitor the watering: it should be regular, but moderate. As soon as the seeds germinate and shoots appear, gradually the temperature begins to lower to 15-18 ° C. Lighting improves. If the seedlings began to stretch, you can lower the temperature to 10 ° C for a while. Containers with seedlings should be rotated every 2-3 days so that the seedlings do not grow one-sided.

grade tomato pink flamingo


Seedlings are ready to dive when these two leaves appear. The best capacity for diving seedlings - paper or peat cups. Transplanting the finished bushes into the ground can be carried out directly in them. In the ground, both peat and paper become sap and will not interfere with the further growth of the plant. Instead, you can use ordinary seedling pots. It is recommended that you pick-up seedlings with gloves so that delicate bushes do not damage. After transplanting, seedlings must be watered. By picking, the plants are kept for 2-3 days at a temperature of 10-11 ° C, then the temperature can be increased to 14-18 ° C.

Seedling hardening

The procedure should be started 9-15 days before planting in the ground. The air temperature for this is gradually reduced to about 6-10 ° C, and 2 days before planting, brought to the outside temperature. In addition, plants gradually, from 10-15 minutes a day, accustom to sunlight.

pink flamingo tomatoes reviews


Seedlings are planted in a permanent place after the end of frost 55-70 days old. The distance between the rows is 70 cm, between the bushes - 20-40 cm. Immediately before planting, a handful of humus mixed with phosphate fertilizers is added to each hole.

Tomato Pink flamingos as they grow, experienced gardeners recommend forming into a single stalk and tying it to a stake, the height of which is at least 1 m. You do not need to pull stems to the stake.


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