How to understand that a cat is a rat-catcher?

We, the children of the stone jungle, do not perceive the fight against rodents as some archival need. Mice and rats have long settled in human homes as a pet. But for those who live in the countryside, in their own country house, the problem of the destruction of rodents has not lost its relevance. Not surprising, because mice are carriers of dangerous diseases and infections. And to destroy stocks made over the summer with difficulty and care, for rodents, as they say, just spit.

Of course, at present, there are many means to destroy dangerous pests. But, as practice shows, no trap or rat poison acts as reliably as a good cat-rat.

Pied Piper Cat

Bright representative

One of the best Pied Piper is the cat Larry, who lives in the UK. He "works" in the working staff of the Prime Minister and specializes exclusively in catching court rats. Cat Larry is the main Pied Piper, who began his work at the residence in February 2011. The need to have a cat on the staff that would catch rats well arose after several unpleasant incidents. A rat ran in the background during a television report. All of England then found out what unpleasant neighbors the Prime Minister had.

cat Larry the main Pied Piper

Of course, the building was immediately cleaned up and rodent control specialists were hired. As a result, it turned out that no one was better than the cat in dealing with this matter. Now the cat Larry - the main rat-catcher of the kingdom, pride and a good friend. We took a kitten from a pet shelter. The nursery said that he is the best hunter, because he grew up on the street and since childhood has been earning his own food.

But how can one determine among the many breeds that nature is designed to skillfully hunt mice? How to recognize the future thunderstorm of the mouse community in a small fluffy lump? Let's try to figure it out.

Pronounced instinct

Experts say that the hunting instinct is in any cat, regardless of breed and origin. However, the severity of this instinct is not observed in all feline representatives. Breeders believe that the important points here are the upbringing and location of the kitten in the first months of his life. Animals raised in the countryside with access to live prey are the best cat-rat cat. Photos of such home earners often appear online with enthusiastic comments. It would seem that the Persian loser, but such a clever girl! Remember: even thoroughbred cats that live a long time outside the city can learn to catch mice. Choose not a breed, but a cat.

Moments of life

Of course, a specially bred breed of cat-catcher does not exist. Therefore, if you are frankly imposed on the market, in a pet shop or nursery “the best breed of blue-blood-pied catcher”, refuse immediately. "Siberian Pied Piper, Central Asian tricolor Pied Piper" - all this is absolute nonsense. In no scientific book, in any felinological community, such breeds have never been heard of.

cat Larry the main Pied Piper

When choosing a pet, you should pay attention to some vital moments of the kitten, which will tell you whether a real rat-catcher will grow out of it or a lump that prefers to lie on the stove and enjoy sour cream.

Pay attention to the conditions in which the kitten was born. As mentioned above, it would be better to take a baby, grown street or living in a private house cat. Maybe it's better to take a kitten from a neighbor from a mutt cat than to buy a lazy dog ​​for big money, but with blue blood? Give preference to breeds that have long been famous for their hunting abilities. It can be bengals, our Siberians, Maine Coons, Russian blue and European cats.

king larry cat


If, when choosing a pet, one does not start from the breed, but from the appearance, then it is worth paying attention to several indicators. An important role is played by the appearance of the kitten. Try to take large babies with large massive legs and a long tail. Representatives of flimsy, small breeds are simply afraid to engage in a fight with a rat that is larger than them in size.

The second point is wool. If you need a reliable rat-cat at home, then it is better to take out the shorthair. If the cat has long hair, then in wet weather the cat smell will be stronger. Therefore, rodents will sooner feel the approaching hunter and will run away, leaving him with nothing.

Taking a pet, watch his games. What does a rat-cat look like in childhood? As a kitten, he will grab his toy prey with his teeth and hold it tight, not letting go. A real hunter will not come out of an animal that will only timidly play with a toy, touching its paws, do not even dream.

cat Pied Piper photo


The color of the coat also plays a big role in hunting. It is better if the kitten has a dull color. Give preference to stripes and spots. Such wild coloring will perfectly help with camouflage on the ground. And if the color of the animal is plain and without patterns? In this case, it is better to choose a gray, red, black or three-color fluffy. The white cat will not be able to hide or get lost so skillfully.

And a mustache. Our great-grandfathers also chose cats by the length of their whiskers. The better the rat-cat, the longer his mustache will be. Of course, the fact is not proven, but the experience of the ancestors, as they say, can not be got anywhere.

what does a rat-cat look like

Ladies and Gentlemen

There are many popular opinions about what gender a kitten should be. Usually they say that the best rat-catchers are cats. They hunt for the sake of offspring, simultaneously teaching the craft and their kittens. And cats have a painful sexual instinct, they have no time to catch mice, they are more likely to hunt for potential brides.

If a cat already lives in the house, but it does not cope well with the role of a hunter, experts advise taking a second kitten. The other animal must be of the opposite sex. In order to avoid frequent "weddings" between the residents of the same house, you should castrate the cat or sterilize the kitty. Will a barren cat catch mice? Here opinions differ. Some say a categorical no. Others argue that, on the contrary, the lack of a constant sexual desire allows the pet to pay more attention to hunting and games.

Taking same-sex animals, you can face the problem of laziness or disputes. Usually cats are lazy, because the owners' love is enough for both of them, and there is no need to stand out by bringing a mouse. Cats will constantly sort things out, gradually forgetting about their primary role as a hunter and a getter.

Pied Piper Cat

Food and Gifts

Do cats eat their prey? Many owners believe that if you do not feed the cat for several days, then it will go hunting faster and bring more prey. This is not true. First, animals hunt regardless of hunger. Secondly, a hungry cat on a hunt is not so lucky. Very often, such animals leave home and do not return. Well, one does not have to be surprised: “Why go here if they even feel sorry for milk for me?”

Many good hunters bring their prey and put the owners on a pillow, store it under the bed. "Eat, a sluggish tailless master; you yourself cannot get dinner yourself." Of course, a dead mouse on a pillow is an unpleasant gift. However, do not scold your favorite for such a present. On the contrary, the Pied Piper is worthy of the highest praise and goodies. And the “gift” just needs to be taken out of the doorway and shown to the pet where its prey should be stored.

If you pay attention to animals, think carefully about the choice and properly maintain a kitten, then a worthy rat-cat will grow out of it.


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