Major Unts: size and quality reviews

High-quality winter shoes are the key to a wonderful experience for adults and children from walking in the frosty season and fun games on fluffy snowdrifts. Today, as practice shows, warm and comfortable shoes can be very stylish and fashionable. A striking example of this is Major Unts. Reviews about them, filled with positive, are increasingly heard from the lips of our compatriots.

Shoes made by hand and with love

Major high boots receive admiration reviews almost constantly, because the ratio of parameters such as quality and price "works" for the benefit of the buyer. Every detail is thought out in them, and similar products are designed specifically for our weather conditions, so that even the most fragile and gentle ladies or children will not feel discomfort or cold if they prefer this option of winter shoes.

Major Unts are handmade shoes, which means that they will be worn really well for a long period of time, and the foot will feel comfortable. Since the dimensional grid of such products is more than wide, such shoes can be purchased both for small children and for men with a solid foot size.

major high boots reviews

Consider closer the "structure" unt

To understand why reviews about the Major Unti brand are so enthusiastic, it is enough to know information about the materials from which such a product is made. The production uses natural materials and modern technologies for creating such shoes. It is a combination of such factors that allows you to create things that are affordable and more than durable.

The outer side of the shaft in any model is decorated with natural fur trim. It allows shoes to look stylish, but at the same time it also plays the role of one of the layers of insulation, of which there are several in shoes from the manufacturer Unta Major. Women's (the height of the boot will depend on the model) can be additionally decorated, which is very useful for practical fashionistas who do not want to freeze in the cold winter season, and on children's models you can find interesting additional decorative elements or beautiful accessories.

Without fail, the bootleg is “reinforced” with additional thermal material, which also performs the function of creating the shape of each boot. That is why they do not look like cheap boots. Even after several seasons of active wearing such shoes, the latter will keep its shape perfectly (reviews of real consumers confirm this fact).

For the exterior finish of such shoes only genuine leather or suede is used, and the thickness of such materials is quite impressive, about 2.5 mm, which allows the high boots to perfectly retain heat.

high boots major size reviews

"Inner World" unt

"Major high fur boots" (reviews from the photo confirm this) inside are completely sheathed with a heater made of natural wool. The combination of the above materials and natural wool inside the shoe allows it not only to keep warm, but also to breathe, that is, in such shoes you will not freeze in the most severe frost, even if you forget to wear a warm sock.

Let's talk about insoles separately

People who live in areas where winters are especially harsh know very well that the function of saving heat in shoes is assigned not only to the boots themselves, but also to the insole. Depending on the materials from which they are made, their thickness and other decisive factors, the shoes will either be warm, or even the most dense sock will not be able to save the situation.

Insoles in shoes from the factory “Major Unts” (customer reviews confirm this) are also pleased with their quality. These are not simple insoles from one type of natural material (which are most often found in winter shoes from a domestic manufacturer), products consisting of several layers are used here. The bottom layer is a cellulosic cellulosic material, quite dense (about 2 mm), which is able to absorb excess moisture and allows the skin to breathe. The middle layer is porous; its role is also to keep the sweating leg dry. The top layer is a soft and very pleasant insulation - natural wool. Such insoles are not only very comfortable, but also very practical. With proper care, they will serve you as much as the high boots themselves.

high boots major shoe factory reviews


Depending on the model of non-carbon footwear, the manufacturer selects the sole from the following two types - cast or felt. Both of them are reliable, hardy, perfectly retain temperature, do not slip even on the most even ice surfaces. They look neat, do not weigh down the shoes, that is, the leg does not get tired from long walks.

How does a similar sole fit?

The sole used in such shoes is more than reliable, since the manufacturer has chosen special ways of attaching it, so that even active people who can’t sit still or who have to travel along difficult paths in high boots are confident that their shoes will not fail and will not will tear.

The fastening methods used are welded or flashing. Choose a particular type of shoe hem, depending on the appearance of the model and the sole used.

high boots major mongolics reviews


Unts Major are a shoe factory (customer reviews confirm this fact), which offers its customers not only high boots, but also shoes such as Mongolians or Mongolians.

In terms of quality and resistance to frost, the latter are in no way inferior. The products of the Unty Major factory — the Mongolians — also receive large reviews, most of which are positive or enthusiastic. Shoe pads are designed even for legs with a high rise (which means that they do not squeeze the vessels and it will really be warm in them).

Outwardly, they are not trimmed with fur, but they are beautifully decorated with patterns of leather and nubuck. The main material used for Mongolian is leather, insulated with natural fur inside. The insole is the same as the unth. The manufacturer offers similar shoes for men and women, and for small buyers - children and adolescents.

major high boots reviews


Major Unts reviews, boasts, boasts are in great numbers also because they are very easy to pick up, knowing only the length of your foot and choosing the model you want. The manufacturer has provided its potential buyer with a kind of “grid” of the ratio of the length of the foot and the corresponding size of unth or Mongolians. There are separate "nets" for men's shoes, women's and children's.

Sizes of women's shoes from the manufacturer "Unts major"

Size reviews confirm that the presented “grid” and the real sizes of female unti and Mongolians correspond to each other.

So, the ratio “size - foot length” for women's shoes is as follows:

- 36 size (it is with him that the assortment of women's winter shoes from this brand begins) is suitable for women whose foot length is 24 cm;

- 37 size corresponds to the female leg, which has grown to 24.5 cm;

- 38 size is suitable for ladies whose footprint is 25 cm;

- 39 size corresponds to 25.5 cm;

- 40 the size of the female leg is 26.5 cm;

- 41 sizes are suitable for feet 27 cm long;

- 42 size (here, of course, there is one) on a foot of 27.5 cm will sit perfectly.

Sizes of men's shoes of this brand

Since the male foot is significantly different from the fragile and delicate female foot, the manufacturer took care of creating a dimensional mesh of shoes for representatives of the strong half of humanity, which makes it easy to choose the perfect pair.

The manufacturer Unty Major receives only positive reviews in terms of size, so you should not be afraid to buy such shoes without first trying on them.

The correspondence "foot length - size" will be as follows:

- 47 size - 31.5 cm on the insole;

- 46 size - 31 cm;

- 45 size - 30 cm;

- 44 size - 29.5 cm;

- 43 size - 28.5 cm;

- 42 size - 28 cm;

- 41 size - 27.5 cm;

- 40 size - 26.5 cm;

- 39 size - 26 cm.

Children's "dimensional grid"

Unts major children’s (reviews of real buyers confirm this fact) are done only for large enough children whose legs are 15 cm in length.

high boots major women's boot height

In order to pick up a couple of such comfortable and practical shoes for your child, it is enough to measure his foot as accurately as possible and compare the obtained length with the sizes that the manufacturer says:

- 24 size is suitable for children with a foot of 15 cm;

- 25 size fits perfectly on the leg in 15.5 cm;

- Choose size 26 for a boy or girl whose foot length is 16 cm;

- 27 size - this is footwear on the foot 17 centimeters;

- 28 size - choose for a child whose foot is approximately equal to 18 cm;

- 29 size - what you need for a leg of 19 cm;

- 31 size - 20 cm;

- 33 size is suitable for feet up to 21 cm.

In many reviews you can find information that you should not buy such shoes without first trying on with a margin greater than 1-1.5 cm. Despite the fact that the inside of the nta is finished with thick fur, and the insole also has a fluffy top, it’s worth buying for such boots are about the size in the size, they certainly will not be small, but in too big shoes it can be cold. And a warm sock will not save you.

Little secrets of choosing such a new thing from real buyers and the manufacturer

Many buyers today are well aware that domestic goods often in many respects (not only affordability) are superior to imported counterparts. So if you are going to buy winter shoes for yourself, Unts Major (reviews of the size of the insole we studied about) can be bought even without first fitting.

Untam should be worn in winter, if only because everyone will be much warmer in them than in any other shoe. It is worth giving preference only to those manufacturers and those models whose interior is made of natural fur, since not even one, even modern faux fur, can retain heat as much as natural. The Unts Major factory uses only natural materials, artificial can only be used for external designer finishes, which will not affect the ability of the shoe to keep warm and be practical to wear.

Since high fur boots in the modern market are very different in design, and their price is more than attractive and affordable, do not deny yourself the joy of acquiring a bright pair of shoes that will delight you not only with high quality and the ability to save heat, but also with a bright design. High fur boots are the shoes that fashionistas should buy, because it goes well with almost all things.

high boots major insole size reviews

The fact that high boots and Mongolians are suitable for people who have a high rise is also pleasing to buyers, so if you have not yet been able to find a pair of perfect winter shoes, just opt ​​for high boots.

Are there any disadvantages?

It is interesting that Unts Major (shoe factory) receives positive reviews about its products in almost 100% of cases. The buyer is satisfied with quality, design, reliability, and affordable price. If we talk about the shortcomings that are mentioned in the reviews from consumers, then there is only one thing - for some the insole does not seem the most comfortable and a little harsh. It’s normal that for some people the legs are softer or cannot do without an orthopedic insole, but such a “drawback” does not affect the level of demand for such products both from our compatriots and from foreign buyers.


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