Popular fur. Fisher: what is it?

An ideal and stylish alternative to sable - fisher fur - has long found its fans. The reason is the spectacular appearance and at the same time the relatively affordable cost of products. Especially popular are men's jackets with trim from this fur. Also popular are women's fur coats and short fur coats, distinguished by a luxurious voluminous texture and a beautiful nice color. Products have become popular since 2012 and now the trend is at the peak of demand. With the beginning of each season, many people ask themselves: “Fisher fur, what is it and what to wear with a fashionable novelty?” Let's get the details right now.

fur coat fisher fur

Fisher fur: what kind of beast?

Fishing marten, pecan, ilka, "black cat" or "black fox" - all these names are decisive for the animal. He received his name for his love of eating fish. From English fisher is translated as "fisherman". And this is a fair name. In addition, the fisher eats smaller rodents, fruits and berries. Outwardly, the animal resembles a dark sable and is a representative of the genus marten. Fisher Habitat - North America. In length, the beast reaches up to 1 meter and is a large representative of the family. If we compare the fur of a fisher and a sable, then the first is tougher to the touch. Moreover, he is not inferior in external characteristics, which gives him one of the leading positions in the modern market.

Fur characteristics

When choosing a product from fur for winter or off-season, many pay attention to the fisher fur. What it is? What features of products should an uninitiated buyer pay attention to? First of all, the unique feature of the fisher's fur is the color scheme of the skin. The motley low pile on the neck gradually darkens towards the cross and the rump and goes high, like a marten. Natural skins are often used, however there are many varieties of dyed products. A popular option is under the black sable. You can distinguish by weight, because the fisher's fur is much heavier than sable and has a more rigid texture. The sable has a lighter and silky touch. Fisher fur is valued along with the latter. For the manufacture of clothing, skins of adult animals from 60 to 80 cm are used. The most expensive color is considered to be “with gray hair”, with white outer hair.

fur fisher what is it

Colors and shades

The original color of the fisher skin is brown-smoky with a grayish coating. In summer and autumn it darkens and becomes not so fluffy as in winter. Dark fisher fur with silver highlights is the most valuable. He enjoys the highest popularity and looks elegant and noble. In addition, it lends itself to coloring: it is difficult for an ignorant buyer to distinguish a fake. Fisher fur - what is it, if not a chic opportunity to experiment with colors, while maintaining a dense and warm texture? It is very thick and worn for a long time. Designers widely use it in the manufacture of beautiful and at the same time relatively affordable parts of women's and men's wardrobe.

Fisher coats and short fur coats: stylization features

Trend fur is used in the manufacture of a wide variety of wardrobe details and accessories. Fur coats, short fur coats, hats, decoration of jackets, shoes, fluffy inserts on accessories attract immediate attention due to the luxury and spectacular presentation, which distinguishes the “fisher” fur. What is it and how important is it, modern fashionistas are well aware. Each wants to look special and unique in a fur product.

Fisher coats vary in length and dyeing style. Brown-brown color goes to the owners of all shades of hair, but looks especially chic on blondes due to the contrast of tones. Such outerwear is combined with trousers, skirts, dresses, suits and is suitable for styling even in the coldest weather, protecting the wearer from wind and cold. Pay attention to the rather voluminous silhouette that the dense texture of the fur gives, and balance the proportions with shoes and a hat.

fur fisher what kind of beast

The fur coat ("fisher" - the fur that is used in the manufacture) is characterized by practicality, warmth, and versatility of styling, will be the best complement to the wardrobe of a modern fashionista. The optimal cost that products differ in makes them relatively affordable and allows you to create spectacular and feminine images even for every day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14848/

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