The central market in Riga: history and photo

Since 1930, residents of Riga have had the largest modern market in all of Europe, and not only. Peasants from all over Latvia were happy to bring their produce to this bright, comfortable, large, clean and tidy trading establishment, and the city residents indulged themselves with the freshest food.

general information

There are a lot of interesting historical sights in Riga, among which the following are especially famous:

  • Dome Cathedral - a symbol of Riga;
  • House of the Blackheads - an architectural monument of the XIV century;
  • House with black cats;
  • residence of the President of Latvia (Riga Castle);
  • The Powder Tower is the only surviving element of the city’s fortification system, which is today the Military Museum;
  • St. Peter's Church;
  • The Statue of Liberty;
  • Riga TV Tower, which is the tallest building in the Baltic states (the third in Europe after Ostankino), and many others. other

Among such a huge mass of attractions, the Central Market of Riga has a special place.

Riga Central Market

This object, which is the most famous in the city among similar ones, was founded at the beginning of the last century. And since then, he has quite regularly provided all residents and guests of the city with excellent meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, honey and other agricultural products, as well as manufactured goods, souvenirs, handicrafts, etc.

Short story

The central market of Riga has a curious history of its origin. The rulers of the city even before the First World War discussed the need to build such a retail outlet in the very center of the city. And what was this necessity connected with?

In those days, about half of all food products consumed in Riga were sold on the territory of the market, whose area was only 22 thousand square meters. meters. It was located on the embankment of the Daugava River. For the storage of products sold in booths, there were no elementary, hygiene-friendly equipment. The most problematic was the summer season. Foreign experts calculated the damage from spoilage of products in such open markets for the year. It has made 12 per one inhabitant, and in recalculation to that same market which was on Daugava embankment, - up to 2 million . In addition, the market’s inability to handle and transport goods into it was a big problem.

In connection with the foregoing, the question of building the Central Market of Riga began to be considered. In 1909-1910, a project was developed for the construction of the Riga railway junction (an instruction from the management of the Riga-Orel Railway), which also envisaged the construction of a branch for the needs of the future large market. It was planned to place it between the city canal and the so-called red barns. But the war prevented the implementation of this project. They returned to its implementation only after its completion.

Initially, work was carried out to restore the destruction caused to the entire city during the war. The question of constructing such a grandiose structure came back immediately after the economic life in Riga had relatively stabilized.

Riga, Central Market

Construction history

Back in December 1922, it was decided in the capital of Latvia to build the largest market not only in the city, but also in Europe. The construction was completed in 1930.

The Central Market of Riga was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998. At that time, its territory was a single whole with the historical architecture of the entire old city.

How it all began? Construction work began in the summer of 1924 with the demolition of 2 rows of red barns that were built at the end of the 19th century. In 1926, during the construction it was found out that some significant additions and changes needed to be made to the very first version of the project. Accordingly, they exceeded the initial estimate, which caused some disagreement in the Riga City Council, which led to the suspension of construction work. Construction resumed only two years later, and it was completed in 1930, in the fall. The facility was solemnly commissioned in November of the same year.

Riga Central Market History


Since 1930, Riga residents could have been proud of such a grandiose construction. For several years everything was perfect, especially after 1934, when the period of spiritual and economic prosperity came to Latvia. But the time of prosperity of Latvia, as well as the Central Market of Riga, was not very long. The situation has fundamentally changed when Latvia was included in the USSR.

In connection with the disappearance of wholesale trade, the whole specifics of the work of this market has changed. However, one of the reasons for such changes is the rapid population growth of the capital. Compared with the 30s, it increased 2.5 times. The wholesale pavilion was converted into a meat pavilion, and the remaining 4 were adapted for trade in various types of food products: in the first - dairy products, in the second - flour products, in the third - vegetables and fruits, in the fourth - fish. The appearance of the market as a whole has remained unchanged. The only and significant difference was that products began to cost more in the market than in stores. This was connected with the problems of centralized deliveries - goods were delivered here not by individual producers and peasants, but by cooperative and state farms. The peasants were formally allowed to sell their crops, but they could not sell their products in pavilions.

Riga Central Market: photos, general description

Riga Central Market: opening hours

The market is located almost in the very central part of Riga - between the International Bus Station and the Central Railway Station.

Today in the market there are several large pavilions (dairy, meat, vegetables, fish and gastronomy), brick buildings, open and covered stalls. Four pavilions are interconnected by covered spans, only one (meat) is located separately.

Excellent fresh products of various kinds in all buildings of the complex are an important feature of the market. For example, the fish pavilion presents sea and river products of the following types: smoked, frozen, fresh, in the form of semi-finished products. There are not very many fish names (herring, salmon, catfish, pike perch, mackerel, carp), but there are a lot of types of finished products from it. It is presented simply fried, with cheese or vegetables, smoked with garlic and other spices, and many others. etc. The same variety can be seen in all other pavilions.

Riga Central Market: photos


The market architecture is markedly influenced by elements of pre-war neoclassicism and art nouveau style. In the art-deco style, individual details of the facades are made.

Trading premises in all buildings are located on one tier, but the design of the pavilions is made so that they can equip one more floor. Spacious warehouses with freezers and various tunnels for storing all kinds of products are built under all rooms.

Complex characteristics

In total, there are more than 3000 trading places on the market. The complex area is more than 70,000 square meters.

It should be noted that the market complex is equipped with access roads for water and land transport. The total length of the tunnel that connects all the pavilions (from Gogol St. towards Maskavas St.) is 337 meters. City treasury construction of the Central Market of Riga cost more than 5 million lats.

Riga Central Market: address

Market Opinions

The Central Market of Riga is magnificent. The reviews of city residents and tourists visiting it are most positive. Almost all of them believe that this largest outlet deserves to be visited. Below are some of the advantages of the market:

  1. Good location - close to train stations (railway and car).
  2. A large assortment of fresh products, a variety of industrial products, etc.
  3. Relatively low price level and good quality goods.
  4. Contact merchants (willingly bargain).
  5. A huge number of Riga souvenirs with prices almost two times lower than in urban outlets.
  6. The presence of good cafes where you can have a satisfying, tasty and cheap meal.

Opening hours of the Central Riga market: from 7:00 to 18:00.

Even just strolling through the market, which is distinguished by its original design, architecture and size, and observing the local life is of great interest and pleasure.

Riga Central Market: reviews


Address of the Central Market of Riga: Riga LV-1050, st. Negu, 7.

If you just visit the Central Market, even in order to examine the original architecture and feel the flavor and atmosphere of this largest retail outlet in Riga, you can be sure that the smells that hover here and the types of goods are stupefying and will force you to purchase something from the products presented here. It is impossible to get out of here empty-handed. In addition, here again and again you want to return.


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