How to teach to pull up on the horizontal bar of a child? How to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

It's no secret that modern children spend most of their free time in the company of electronic gadgets. Such leisure time negatively affects the health status of a growing organism. Therefore, an important aspect in the field of education today is the popularization of sports and exercise. In our article, we will talk about how to teach a child to pull up on the horizontal bar. Such information will help parents attract their kids to active leisure in the fresh air and thereby contribute to their health.

How to teach to pull up on the horizontal bar of a child?

Exercises on the horizontal bar: benefit or harm?

Many parents are in no hurry to accustom the baby to physical exercises, explaining this by the fact that the child has not yet developed the spine. In fact, a children's horizontal bar will help to correctly form a posture, will have a beneficial effect on the development of all muscle groups. Such exercises are an effective method for the prevention of spinal curvature. Doctors recommend such classes for children who have disorders of the central nervous system and congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But in order for the exercises to benefit, it is important to follow certain recommendations of specialists. How to teach to pull up on the horizontal bar of a child without harming his health, we will describe below.

What age should I start?

Pediatricians advise young parents to teach the baby to the horizontal bar at the age of six months. Since such exercises eliminate muscle hypertonicity, which is often found in children up to a year old. In addition, physical activity nourishes the body with oxygen, improves blood flow, and promotes respiratory training. Of course, such a baby will not be able to pull himself up yet, but he can already do the “free hanging” exercise for several seconds. Moreover, of course, it is not necessary, and it is far from always advisable to use a horizontal bar for such exercises. But it will perfectly replace the strong, reliable hands of the pope. At the age of two or three years it is already possible to offer the baby to try to hang on the bar, trying to stay for at least 10-30 seconds.

How to teach to pull up on the horizontal bar of a child 4-5 years old? You need to start with exercises on the children's horizontal bar or the Swedish wall. Teaching a preschooler on an adult projectile is extremely unsafe - this is fraught with serious injuries.

How to teach a child to pull up on the horizontal bar?

Where to do

In the warm season, it is best to learn such exercises in the fresh air. A children's horizontal bar is certainly available on the territory of the school sports ground. The disadvantages of outdoor activities include dependence on weather conditions. Therefore, the practical option is to purchase a children's sports corner. Such a complex will allow you to exercise daily, without leaving your home.

Home Sports Complexes

Manufacturers offer a variety of children's sports corners. For an apartment, a complex consisting of several basic shells: the Swedish wall, rings and the crossbar is suitable. There are also systems with rope ladders, ropes, slides.

How to teach to pull up on the horizontal bar of a child at home? First of all, you should start with exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle. To do this, you can use sports rings - invite the baby to hang, and then spin on such a projectile, spread your arms apart and connect together. After a few weeks of regular training, you can proceed to the exercise "hanging on the Swedish wall."

children's sports corners for the apartment

First steps

Do not know how to properly teach a child to pull up on the horizontal bar? You need to start with exercises with support. In addition, at the initial stages of training, it is not recommended that the baby independently "jump" onto the projectile. The coach needs to raise the child so that the latter has the opportunity to firmly grasp the crossbar. After that, you can’t completely let the baby go - an adult needs to grab the pupil’s legs in the knee joint for insurance purposes. At the same time, it is important to calculate such a support force so that the child himself holds the bulk of the load. After making sure that the baby has already learned to hold on to the horizontal bar, you can invite him to hang, and then try to pull himself up without the help of an adult.

And how to teach to pull up on the horizontal bar of a child? A great way is to use the Swedish wall. For this, the baby is offered to hang on the top step of the ladder, resting his feet in a bar located at the level of the knees. From this starting position, you need to pull up to the control point (chin above the hands). Thus, the child performs the exercise in a lightweight version. Having mastered such a technique, he can now test his strength on the crossbar. About how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, we will describe below.

children's horizontal bar


It is important that at the initial stages, the child develops proper breathing skills when performing the exercise. So, the pull-up technique on the horizontal bar provides a sharp strong exhale on the rise and during the return to its original position. Then a deep, smooth breath is taken in preparation for a jerk.

Types of grip

In the exercise “pulling up on the horizontal bar”, two types of grip are used: “with your palms facing you” and “with your palms away from you”. At the initial stages of training, the first should be applied - this way it is easier to maintain body weight and perform lifting. Having mastered this technique, you can go to the classic grip "with your palms to yourself."

How to improve the results?

Has the child mastered the technique of doing the exercise? Now the question is how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Many will answer - you need to do a lot. Of course, regular training will improve results. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. It is important to correctly determine the load and rationally alternate it with rest. To increase the number of pull-ups, athletes use the “frequent approaches” methodology, according to which the person involved needs to pull up on the horizontal bar several times a day at the initial stages by 8-10 times.

How to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar?

How to teach push ups?

Along with teaching the child to pull up on the horizontal bar, you can learn another exercise, namely push-ups from the floor. This approach will significantly improve the results of classes and increase their healing effect. The question arose of how to teach a child to push up and pull up. It is necessary to use the method of phased perception. So, first it is necessary for the baby to master the technique of performing the exercise “from two knees”. It is a push-up from the floor with support on the joints of the legs. You can then perform support with just one knee. And only after that it is recommended to switch to classic push-ups.

How to teach a child to push up and pull up?


When teaching a child to pull up and push ups, it is important to take into account the age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of the baby. So, to ensure the safety of classes, you should use a children's horizontal bar. And to increase interest in exercises and the formation of persistent motivation, it is recommended to use game elements.

We talked about how to teach a child to pull up on the horizontal bar. But in addition to the implementation of these recommendations, one should also listen to the wishes of the baby. Classes should bring not only physical benefits, but also emotional enjoyment.


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