Sample filling in the general journal of works in construction. Title page and sections of the general work journal

The general journal of works in construction, a sample of the filling of which will be described later, is the primary document. It reflects the sequence, quality, terms and conditions of the construction and installation works. A document is drawn up in the form of COP-6 .

sample filling out the general log of construction works

Features of reference

The document is executed during the construction of individual (groups of the same type), at the same time under construction buildings located within the same construction site.

Who is filling out the general construction work journal ? The responsible person is the direct contractor: a senior work producer or shift supervisor, site manager or foreman. As a rule, entries are made from the words of foremen and masters.

Specialized organizations keep a special journal. It is stored by responsible persons performing work. Upon completion, the document is transferred to the general contractor.

Content Details

The title page of the general work journal should be drawn up before construction begins. When filling out, several people participate. Information is entered, in particular, by the general contractor, the authorized representative of the customer and the design organization. The cost of work is indicated in accordance with the contract. This sheet also indicates the details of the building permit issued in the prescribed manner.

The following data is entered in the sections of the general work journal :

  • List of engineering and technical staff employed at the facility. This information is indicated by the authorized representative of the developer (head of the general contracting organization).
  • The list of acts. It is given in calendar order.
  • Work on the elements and parts of the structure. Their quality should be monitored and evaluated (for this, field supervision is provided during the construction of the facility ).
  • The fourth section is filled out by the employee responsible for the design of the magazine.
  • Information on the performance of work from beginning to end. This part of the journal is considered the main one.
  • Enumeration of executive documents.
  • Comments of employees conducting safety control of the performance of work within their competence, representatives of the design company or field supervision.

Magazine pages must be numbered. The document itself is laced up, certified by signatures on the title page and the seal of the company issuing it.

construction person

Upon delivery of the object, completed construction, the operation of the logs are transferred to the working commission. After acceptance of the object, the documents are handed over to the customer or on his behalf of the operating organization for permanent storage.

If the object is controlled by Gosstroynadzor, then the journal must be registered.

General design rules

The procedure for filling out the general journal of works in construction (examples of some sections of the document can be found in the article) is developed in accordance with 54 articles of the Civil Code, sub. "b" p. 13 of the Regulation on the conduct of the State Construction Supervision. This act was approved by government decree No. 54 of 2004.

The Procedure RD-11-05-2007 establishes the rules for journals, which record work in the reconstruction, overhaul and construction of structures.

The document must be submitted by the customer / builder in advance, no later than 7 days (workers) before the start of construction to the Gosstrojnadzor, if construction supervision for this object is provided for in accordance with Part 1. 54 articles of the Group of Companies. The journal is transmitted simultaneously with the notice sent in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 52 GrK.

The authorized supervisory authority shall seal the journals received in accordance with clause 3 of RD-11-05-2007 with a seal, place a registration record in which the case number is indicated. After that, the documents are returned to the customer / developer. At the end of the journal, a new document is submitted to the supervisor with the mark "1", "2", and so on.

Completed KS-6 forms are stored with the developer / customer until the final inspection. At the time of its holding, the documents are transferred to the State Construction Supervision Agency. After the issuance by the indicated structure of a conclusion on the compliance of the constructed facility with the requirements of technical regulations and other regulatory documents, as well as with the project, the magazine is returned to the customer / developer for permanent storage.

Sample filling in the general journal of works in construction: first sheet

On the title page of the document are indicated:

  • Name of the property.
  • Address. It can be taken from the project.
  • Information about the customer.
  • Information about the developer. Information should be indicated on the person carrying out the construction in accordance with the project. It is the general contractor, even if the immediate work is performed by a subcontractor.
  • Data on the general designer. This information is present in the working drawings of the project.
  • Information about the person directly involved in the construction.
  • Information about the representative of the developer / customer authorized to conduct construction control. The data of persons carrying out technical supervision and having the right to fill out the sec. 4.
  • The representative of the person conducting the construction, authorized to conduct construction control. The data of persons with the relevant certificates, representatives of Rostekhnadzor and similar structures authorized to enter information in sec. 5.
  • Information about other entities involved in the construction and their representatives. Here should be present information on all officially registered contractors.
  • Information on state construction supervision. Here is information about the structure authorized to conduct on-site inspections.

field supervision during the construction of the facility

Staff Information

The general contractor indicates all engineering and technical workers of subcontracting organizations. The direct performers of specific works enter only those people who are employed in them. At the same time, all employees must have the appropriate approval documents.

List of Acts

We are talking about special work journals. In construction, all activities carried out in accordance with the project are taken into account. The second section also provides information on the field supervision journals of the subject preparing the project. Here should be present data on all acts contained in the contract with the customer.

Work Information

In addition to the name of the work , information about their beginning and completion, their progress is also indicated. Description is made on the structural parts of the structure. In this case, there should be an indication of the marks, axes, rows, tiers, floors, rooms, sections in which they were conducted. The description is given after the date of completion.

In addition, it also briefly describes the methods, building materials that were used, designs, products. If tests of structural elements were carried out, information on this is mandatory in the journal. A similar requirement is imposed in the case of test launches of systems, devices, networks, engineering equipment. For example, testing under load or idle, supplying energy, leak testing, strength, pressure testing, and so on.

Information on the conditions of the work (reduced temperature, precipitation, etc.) will be useful.

In addition, you can specify information about:

  • forced downtime of special equipment (with the measures taken);
  • deviations from working schemes and drawings (with reasons given), their coordination;
  • transfer of firefighters, transport thoroughfares;
  • changing the location of signal, protective, security fences;
  • relocation, laying, dismantling of temporary engineering systems;
  • availability, implementation of operational quality control schemes;
  • alterations, corrections of works performed earlier.


Entries in the general journal should be made daily. If it was simple and there was nothing to record, the reason for the break should be indicated.

You can, for example, write about cleaning, unloading material, storing, heating concrete, manufacturing products for reinforcement, and so on.

information on the issued building permit

Information on the work performed is given in technical language. For example: "The formwork device for the foundation F4 in the axes 1 / A at around 1,500.

As practice shows, the way to perform certain types of work is not indicated. There are special magazines for this (for example, on concrete work). In addition, in no sample of filling out the general journal of works in construction does information on materials, equipment, products coming to the construction site occur. To reflect this information, input control logs are used.

Each entry must be signed by an authorized representative indicated on the title page. It can be the foreman or the head of the site. Quite often, a master is engaged in filling out a magazine. However, he has no right to certify the notes.

Construction control

Information about him is present in the 4th section of the journal. Any body authorized to conduct control may make comments on this part of the document. They must be eliminated and a record of this in the journal.

If the violations are not corrected or will be, but there will be no record of this, the next time the representative of the supervisory authority will write a fine.

The fifth section contains information on the control of the person conducting the construction. Verification is carried out by an entity having a special document. Control is carried out according to the design schemes for the execution of work. It includes tests, inspection, measurements, etc. All indicators must coincide with the design.

Some customers pay special attention to the information in this section and require that an appropriate specialist be present at the construction site. To do this, the contractor sends one of the employees to continuing education courses. After passing them and checking knowledge (certification), the employee receives a document allowing him to keep section 5. It can also provide information on incoming control if there is no separate journal on the object.

authorized customer representative

List of Executive Documents

It includes acts of intermediate acceptance, covert work. In addition, in this section must be present details of acts signed by the customer. Information on the issued building permit is not included in this section.

Sometimes there is not enough space in the partition table. Some persons responsible for maintaining the journal simply print out an additional sheet and register it with Gosstroynadzor. Meanwhile, it is advisable to clarify with the customer and the state control representative about the possibility of doing so.

Information on Gosstroynadzor

The seventh section of the journal is filled out by representatives of control structures that registered the document. They can write orders, acts of inspections, the actions of which apply to all subcontractors.

Main Section Table

The main part of the journal has 46 columns. Let us briefly consider their content:

  1. The serial number of the record about the type of work described.
  2. Position of work in the estimate.
  3. Name.
  4. Cost. If the price of work is fixed by the contract, a dash is put in this line.
  5. Unit of measure corresponding to the work being performed. For example, if digging a pit is carried out, then the line indicates the amount of soil extracted from the earth, in cubic meters.
  6. The cost of performing a single work. If you take digging a pit again, then the price per cubic meter of excavated soil is indicated. The cost is given in rubles.
  7. Number of works (1 m3 of soil).
  8. Estimated cost of work. It is determined by multiplying the previous two indicators.
  9. Columns 9-11 contain information on the quantity, cost of work for January, the total amount and quantity from the beginning of construction.
  10. Columns 12-14 indicate the same information as in the previous ones, but for February. If in January any data were recorded in column 11, they are summarized with the indicators of column 13 and entered in the 14th. If no information was indicated, then the indicators of the 10th and 13th are added. The resulting value is recorded in column 14. The columns for the following months are filled in the same way.
  11. The total number of jobs. It is indicated in column 45.
  12. The total cost of the work. She lead in the 46th column.

Wherever values ​​in rubles are fixed, the overall indicator is determined. It fits into the column “Total” and is copied into the column “Total”. If there were overheads and other expenses, they are taken into account in indicators.

authorized representative of the developer

Special journals of construction work

They relate to documents reflecting the progress of individual activities at the construction site.

Special magazines are issued by an authorized representative of the construction entity. The columns are filled in from the start date of the execution of a particular type of work to the day of their actual completion.

After the end of all events, information about which should be present in a special journal, it is transferred to the customer / developer for storage.

Structural Installation Magazine

This document is filled in by the representative of the entity conducting the construction. As in the case of the general journal, the entry is made from the very beginning of the installation, until its actual completion.

After completion of work, the journal is given to the customer / developer.

The title page is filled in full. Partition skips are not allowed. If the requirements of any part of the document apply to a specific type of work, the “Not required” mark is put in the appropriate fields.

On the title page should be the date the document was opened and its number. Upon completion of installation work, the closing date of the magazine is indicated, respectively.

In the table "List of engineering and technical personnel engaged in installation" all sections are filled, except the last. After completion of the relevant type of work or when replacing a specialist, a date is set in it.

In the section with the list of certificates of examination and intermediate acceptance, the documents are indicated in chronological sequence. Acts confirm the quality of the type of work performed.

All information is entered in the main table in full.

Common mistakes

The main shortcomings when filling out the installation log should be considered the lack of information about:

  • work shift in the first section;
  • design mark and inspection results in Sec. 2
  • wiring diagram number in section 3.

Installation work, like any other, should be monitored. Assessment of their quality is carried out by authorized specialists. In case of violations, quality comments are indicated in section 8. Sometimes, in the absence of comments, this section is left blank. It is unacceptable. Authorized persons must put a mark in any case (“no violations detected”, “no comments”, for example).

The magazine is laced up, sealed up; sheets are numbered. On the last sheet should be the number of pages, F. I. O., signature of the general contractor, date of signing and stamp.

who fills the general construction work journal

Organization of work at the construction site

Before the direct implementation of project activities, it is necessary to draw up a work plan at the facility. This will ensure the necessary pace of activity at the construction site, the fulfillment by all people employed on it of their duties on time.

It is imperative that an appropriate place be allocated for each action. At the same time, work should be planned so that people are comfortable moving around the entire construction site.

In addition to the immediate construction site, the following should be provided:

  • The roads.
  • Storage locations for excavated soil.
  • Warehouses for building materials.
  • Change houses.
  • Waste storage sites.
  • Toilets.

The competent distribution of duties is of particular importance. When organizing work, the need for certain specialists is determined by a number of factors:

  • The scope of work. Accordingly, the larger the facility, the more workers may be required. We are talking not only about the direct executors (masons, laborers, crane operators, etc.), but also foremen, control specialists. From among the latter, those responsible for maintaining work journals are selected.
  • Schedule. If the object needs to be completed quickly, several shifts are introduced. Accordingly, the need for workers is very high. In this case, it is necessary to distribute the work in time so that they are combined with each other.
  • Current stage. At some stages of construction on the site, the presence of a large number of people is inappropriate. For example, if the foundation is poured, crane operators will have nothing to do. Other stages involve conducting work simultaneously at several sites.
  • Qualification of workers. The higher it is, the faster and better the work will be performed.

Regardless of the number of people at the construction site, there must be specialists monitoring the activity, recording the process in magazines.

During the construction of individual houses of low storeys, the object is usually present from two to four people. This amount is enough to carry out basic work, including lifting structures and materials.

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