Dynamic gymnastics: safety rules and exercises

Dynamic gymnastics should take place under the supervision of a qualified trainer who will tell you about safety procedures (after all, it should be followed by young parents doing this type of gymnastics with a newborn) and will show how to perform it correctly.

If it is not possible to consult and work out with a trainer, then you should remember a few simple rules that you must follow when doing dynamic gymnastics with your baby yourself. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

Dynamic gymnastics is aimed at establishing a trusting relationship between mother and baby. You should feel the child psychologically and emotionally. It is important to hear your baby and feel the state of his muscular tension when performing exercises of dynamic gymnastics.

1. Dynamic gymnastics for newborns begins with a small warm-up in order to prepare the baby's muscles for more serious loads. After all, while still under the protection of the mother, before childbirth, the little man carries out active motor activity - rolls over, swims, kicks. And having been born, the baby has a well-formed muscle corset.

2. To determine the necessary degree of load, you need to raise the baby up “on the arms”, and you will feel how tight the small muscles are. At the moment when the girth of children's cams begins to weaken, you should pick up the baby. This moment will determine a sufficient degree of loading when performing exercises of dynamic gymnastics for newborns.

In addition to the basic safety rules, dynamic gymnastics contains a number of additional rules:

- All exercises should be performed smoothly and gradually. Start doing gymnastics with those exercises that the baby likes, gradually adding unloved ones. If he was capricious, then the exercise should be interrupted, perform another, and then return to the one that did not like.

- A prerequisite is the uniformity and symmetry of the load. If you have done the exercise for the right handle, be sure to do the left one, despite the protests and whims of the baby.

- The exercises of dynamic gymnastics, which do not cause delight in the baby, should pay special attention. This is a kind of bell that there is a problem in this area, and you need to work it out more carefully, alternating exercises. One favorite - two unloved.

- Dynamic gymnastics for children is most effective if the number of repetitions of the complexes coincides with the number of feedings of the baby. That is, as soon as he ate, "did his own thing," begin to carry out exercises.

Basic exercises of dynamic gymnastics:

1. Handles - springs.

Putting the baby in front of him, we put our thumbs in his hands, wait until he grabs hold of it. Next, grab his wrists with his four fingers. We begin to gradually raise the child in front of us, after we part the baby’s arms, throwing his body up. All exercises are performed three times - up and down. Then we lay the baby on the bed.

2. Springs - legs.

The starting position is as in exercise 1, only now we grab the crumbs by the feet and calves. We do the same thing as with the handles, only we lift it by the legs. The kid turns his head to the bottom. The number of repetitions is from 3 to 5.

3. Flying swallows.

The kid lies on his tummy, his back up. We grab it with one hand under the chest, with the other under the knees, the legs should be smooth, squeezed together. We set the child’s feet on the solar plexus, align the baby parallel to the floor and produce slow tilts of his body. The slower the inclinations are performed, the greater the impact on the baby's body.

As you yourself could see, dynamic gymnastics is quite simple to perform, and when using the above material, your baby will grow strong and healthy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14870/

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