Paste for removing wool from cats from the stomach: reviews. How to give?

Cats, being eternal neat, constantly lick themselves. During grooming, they often swallow wool. Most pets get rid of it on their own. However, in some, digestion is disturbed and constipation occurs. In this case, a paste for removing hair from cats will come to the rescue. Consider how to give it and which brands customers like most.

Why remove wool from the body?

The fact is that lumps formed from hairs are resistant to acid and alkaline conditions. Therefore, they are not digested by the cat's stomach. Difficulties with the removal of wool practically does not arise in short-haired pets. But breeds with long fur very often suffer from this. What problems can arise?

how to give cat hair paste

  • Bowel obstruction is difficult, which causes constipation, vomiting, belching and inflammatory processes.
  • When the stomach is full of hair, the cat has a false feeling of satiety. This is fraught with weakening and exhaustion of the body of the mustachioed pet.
  • Sometimes hairs can grow into the mucous membranes, especially if stuck between the teeth.

In completely neglected cases, surgical intervention is simply indispensable. Therefore, the animal needs to provide timely assistance.

What are pastas made of?

Pastes for removing wool from the cat’s stomach, which are on the market today, have vegetable oils, fiber and ballast substances in their composition. A universal component that manufacturers like to add is malt. Often the product is enriched with TGOS, the so-called transgalactooligosaccharide. It additionally normalizes the microflora and helps stimulate the digestive processes in cats.

In addition to monofunctional pastes, there are tools that not only remove dead hair, but also provide the pet with the necessary amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

the cat does not eat wool paste

Paste action

Despite the misconceptions of many people, such a tool is not able to dissolve hairs. It is necessary exclusively for the removal of hair in cats. The paste contains oils, fiber and fats, which are the active components. Under their action, the product lubricates the intestinal walls, envelops lumps of hair and removes them from the body through the digestive tract.

Thus, the paste improves the intestinal motility of the animal and eliminates wool along with feces. The tool prevents constipation and regurgitation, especially during molting. In addition to prevention, due to the stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, the paste has a general strengthening effect on the body.

How to give a cat hair paste?

The paste for removing hair clumps can be given in pure form or with food. But veterinarians recommend doing this all the same before eating. No additional procedures or tools are required for this. As a rule, cats eagerly eat such drugs. But practice shows that some animals are picky and take medicine only with food.

paste for removing wool from the cat’s stomach

Usually the product has a standard dosage. Adult pets that weigh more than two kilograms require about 2.5 grams of pasta. This is a strip of squeezed product about five centimeters long. Cats and kittens weighing less than two kilograms are given only one gram of pasta. This is approximately two centimeters. If necessary, the dosage is doubled.

Many people are interested in how often it is possible to give a paste to remove hair from cats. How do vets recommend this? It is best to feed the product to the pet once a day every day. Particular attention should be paid to this process during molting, when the risk of swallowing wool increases several times. If the remedy is given as a prophylaxis, then it can be given less often.

Side effects and contraindications

According to manufacturers, pastes do not cause allergies and are generally completely harmless to cats. Moreover, they are pleasant in taste and smell, so they become a treat for pets, which also stimulates digestion.

However, experienced breeders and veterinarians are advised not to trust such allegations of the absence of side effects and contraindications. Paste (even with the dosage) should not be given to pets with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should first be diagnosed, if necessary - to be treated and only then deal with hair loss.

cliny cat hair removal paste

Today, the pet market offers many pastes for the removal of hair in cats. Customer reviews show that only a few funds can be recommended for purchase.

Malta pasta jimpet

This product is most popular among cat owners. It is produced in Germany by the Jimborn company and is expensive in comparison with similar products. For a hundred-gram tube will have to pay about five hundred rubles. Although on sale you can find a paste of a smaller volume (fifty grams), the price for it usually does not exceed three hundred rubles.

The composition of the product inspires confidence. It is made from malt extract, plant products, fats and oils, as well as milk sugar derivative with transgalactooligosaccharide.

It looks like a jelly-like mass of brown color, which has a specific unpleasant odor. Therefore, in some cases, the cat does not eat paste for the removal of wool from Jimpet. Then the owners recommend resorting to tricks - squeeze the product directly into the feed. After that, the problem is solved. After some time, the animal gets used to the drug and already eats it separately as a treat. Consumers also note that this product has a good effect on the digestive system of the pet.

cat hair removal paste how to give

Pasta "Gimket"

This tool is produced by the same German manufacturer. On sale you can find a package of twenty, fifty, one hundred and two hundred grams. Such tubes cost an average of two hundred to five hundred rubles. In principle, the composition of the paste is the same, but its cats eat much more readily, as consumers say in their reviews. The taste and smell of this product is more pleasant. Therefore, almost all pets willingly eat the remedy directly from the tube.

The effect of the product does not keep itself waiting, the paste copes with the withdrawal of wool perfectly. In rare cases, after eating it, the animal has problems with stool. But cat owners still recommend this drug for purchase.

Wedge pasta

This product is produced by the Russian company Ecoprom, which has been on the veterinary market for fifteen years. The Klini brand is the first pet care series to contain water with silver ions. In addition to this component, the composition contains vegetable fats, fiber, malt extract and whole milk powder.

Cliny paste for removing cats' hair is translucent in appearance and has a more pleasant smell. This makes the product much more attractive to the animal. Therefore, pets eat it with pleasure.

cat hair removal paste reviews

The manufacturer produces tubes of thirty and seventy-five milliliters. Accordingly, they cost about one hundred fifty and three hundred rubles. The price is much lower than that of foreign analogues, but the result is no worse. Some buyers note a single flaw. The effect of the paste does not occur immediately, but after a long time.

Malta pasta from Beafar

This product is produced by the leading Dutch company Beafar, which has been producing pet products for over seventy years. The composition of the paste for the removal of hair in cats includes oils and fats, malt extract, yeast and dairy products. Available in a tube of one hundred milliliters. The average price of a product is five hundred rubles.

Surprisingly, the tool has two layers. This is a malt paste of dark brown color and caramel conditioner. Therefore, the product has a double effect: removes hair lumps and contributes to the normal functioning of the intestine. Pets enjoy it thanks to the caramel flavor.

cat hair removal paste

Buyers note that after eating this paste, the cat passes constipation, vomiting and appetite. In addition, the hairline is strengthened, which makes the coat more beautiful and better. In the reviews, people say that regular and timely use of the paste helps to avoid the formation of hair lumps and pet health problems.

It is always good to have at hand a magic tool in the form of a paste for removing hair from cats. However, it will never replace a full comb. Therefore, periodically stroke your pet with wet hands. This will significantly reduce the amount of dead hair.


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