The thickness of the seams in the brickwork: types, technology, mortars, bricklaying methods and compliance with the requirements of SNIP

Reliability and quality of masonry depend on the thickness of the joints between the products. This value is laid at the stage of designing the project and should be monitored in each row. This parameter must be checked by measuring the height every 5-6 rows.

Why should you comply?

If the recommended values ​​are not met, this will indicate an overuse of the solution, the formation of fragile bonds and the rapid destruction of the building in the future. The decrease in strength is due to the occurrence of compressive and bending stresses. This factor is also due to the uneven release of excess moisture from the connecting mixtures. This cannot be considered valid.

SNIP requirements for weld thickness

what is the thickness of the joints in masonry

The thickness of the joints in masonry is on average 10 mm. The final value is selected depending on the design and type of products used. With large deviations in the direction of reduction, it is not possible to compensate for uneven products, and the estimated number of blocks may not be enough. If you increase the mentioned value, the walls will lose strength for the reasons highlighted above.

The mentioned parameters are used in the construction of load-bearing walls. For masonry, the thickness of the horizontal joints is maintained at 12 mm. Vertical seams are usually 10 mm. The limit in the longitudinal rows varies from 10 to 15. In the transverse ones, from 8 to 12. If the project prescribes certain values, then deviation from them is unacceptable, therefore, during the work it is necessary to carry out control and verification.

Specialist advice

Several factors affect the thickness of the joints in masonry. This is the professionalism of the masons, the selected technology and hardness of the mortar, as well as climatic conditions during the work and subsequent operation. As for the chosen technology of mortar stiffness, when laying, the bricks can fit into the clamp, which requires high-strength cement-sand mixtures. The thickness of the seam is the maximum possible - 12 mm.

If plastic and liquid compositions are used, then the bricks are laid tightly and with undercut, that is, as closely as possible. The step between adjacent products should not be more than 10 mm. The thickness of the joints in the masonry is reduced if the work is carried out in the winter. In this case, antifreeze substances are added to the mixtures, and the seams after laying the products warm up. This also applies to walls that line up in the northern latitudes.

The masonry is made as monolithic as possible to reduce the effect of low temperatures. Thickness can be affected by shapes and geometric dimensional accuracy. If we compare with aerated concrete blocks that are laid on building glue (the thickness of the seam is 3 cm), it is more difficult to mount the brick, because you have to adjust the deviations from the standard and declared values. Elements can be unequal and cheap, which forces specialists to change the thickness of the seams by 12 mm in order to fit the design data.

What else is important to know

The last factor when choosing the thickness of the joints in brickwork is usually decisive. Professionals can carry out the correct adjustment of products with irregular shapes and sizes, and with large deviations the final structural strength can be reduced to 25%. To solve the problem, reinforcement helps poorly, and the material should be well tested at the purchase stage.

In addition to the thickness of the mortar, the reliability of the masonry is influenced by the strength grade. It is important to consider frost resistance, the proportion of voids along with geometric accuracy. This thickness of the horizontal seam of the brickwork is true for all small-piece elements, including facing and silicate.

To increase the thickness is slightly acceptable when working with double varieties, but when erecting load-bearing walls and realizing masonry, the layer in relation to the vertical seam should be kept within 10 mm; as for the longitudinal, this value is 12 mm. As an exception, fire chambers of high-temperature heating devices and similar structures from refractory products are used. Between them should leave about 5 mm of solution. A separate group should include rectangular tiles. It is stacked in accordance with the recommended norms of embroidery. It depends on the type of product edge and texture, as well as the requirements for moisture protection.

The thickness of the seam between the facing bricks

horizontal masonry thickness

The thickness of the seam in the facing brickwork is 12 mm. In order for the wall to breathe better, every fourth vertical seam must be filled with mortar. On sale you can find special cross-laying, used to make brickwork. With their help, you can form the same thickness of the seams.

Gaskets are installed between adjacent bricks and allow you to adjust the distance between the products. Before embroidering the outer seams, the gaskets should be removed. Thus, the thickness of the seam in the brickwork of the facing brick is the same as in the case of ordinary brick.

The main types of seams

thickness of a seam in a brickwork of a facing brick

Depending on the subsequent finishing and installation method, there are three types of seams:

  • wasteland;
  • convex seam;
  • concave seam.

If the wall is supposed to be plastered, then for better communication with the finish layer, the seams from the front side should not be filled with mortar 15 mm deep. Such a masonry is called a wasteland. If the solution reaches the front surface, then the masonry is done in pruning. The excess mixture is squeezed with a brick on the face and cut with a trowel. They can be smoothed out by flashing.

Depending on the type of jointing, a convex and concave seam can be distinguished. This method is used when laying on a single-row dressing system. But to facilitate the work, a certain algorithm should be used. After laying the boning bricks, the spoon bricks are laid, then the internal versts and the wall block go. If you follow this sequence, then you will not have to switch from external to internal versts as often as with masonry, which involves the installation of one row, and then another.

Brick laying methods

masonry seam thickness

Now you know the average thickness of horizontal masonry joints. However, for a good result, it is important to take an interest in the methods of work. The choice of a method is subject to certain factors, among them:

  • season;
  • plasticity of the solution;
  • the appearance of the front surface.

The clamp method is used for both spoon and bonded seams. This technology is applicable in conjunction with solid solutions with full filling. About 10 mm should be maintained from the edge of the mortar bed of the front wall. There is one more method - end-to-end. Another name for it is in the wasteland. In this case, the facial seams are not completely filled. Plastic solutions are applicable here. With this method, the filling will be incomplete, and the step from the vertical plane will be 30 mm.

You can also apply the end-to-end method with clipping. In this case, the solution is spread out, as for the clamp methods, and the masonry work is carried out as with the end-to-end technology. The solution should be tough, and pruning is carried out by gripping the extruded solution with a trowel. Excess mixture is poured onto the next section. This type of masonry is more economical in the consumption of related materials.

For clogging, the half-scribble method is used. First, the outer rows are stacked, and the work will have to be done with both hands. At the same time, it will be necessary to take two bricks and bring them flat at a distance of 8 cm from the previously laid product.

Masonry mortars

average thickness of horizontal masonry joints

What thickness of the seam in the brickwork should be, you now know. But for independent work, it is important to take an interest in the types of solutions. Among others, lime mixtures should be distinguished. If you need a more plastic composition for installing interior partitions or installing fencing, this mixture will do just fine. The base will be sand, as well as quicklime, ground lime. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, to which water is then added. Such a solution should not have impurities and lumps. From 2 to 5 parts of sand of average fraction will be enough for one part of lime.

old brickwork

The most common is a cement mortar, which is prepared from the same ingredient and sand. Proportions can be very different and depend on the brand of cement. So, from 3 to 6 parts of sand can be added to a part of cement. First, a dry mixture is kneaded, to which water is gradually added. Everything is mixed to a homogeneous dense mass. The solution may turn out to be inactive, too stiff or too strong.

The solution can be complex, in this case it consists of lime, cement and clay. Cement and other components can be added to lime. Clay is added to make the composition more plastic. It does not fall apart at work and fits easily. Having familiarized yourself with the thickness of the seam in the brickwork for the stove or walls of an apartment building, you must decide which mixture will be used for such work.


the thickness of the seam in the brickwork of the furnace

In order for the building to turn out solid, you must comply with SNiP 3.03.01-87. These documents are valid for the construction of stone and brick walls. After reviewing the information, you can learn how to lay from whole bricks and stones of all kinds.


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