Reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

The economic situation in the state leaves much to be desired. This alignment affects the life of every citizen, the cost of products, as well as the activities of law enforcement agencies. And the first reform carried out by the state in order to equalize the economic situation is a reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Forecasts also express the opinion that the “cleaning” of personnel in one of the main units of public order is due to an increase in the level of education. So, only highly skilled workers who have a number of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for the successful performance of service and combat missions were able to stay in the field.

reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Merciless Statistics Figures

The unfavorable economic situation undoubtedly had a powerful effect on the reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2017, this reform has more than ever a strong influence on ordinary citizens, both positively and negatively. The decision was reflected in the dynamics of employment of the country as a whole. For the period 2015-2017, the number of work positions not related to law enforcement is actively reduced.

To reduce budget expenditures by reducing the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is one of the main goals of the state. Over the twelve-month period of 2015, about 100 billion were saved thanks to an updated policy. It is worth paying attention to numerous forecasts, indicating that in 2017 the reduction program will gain new momentum.

About a year ago, a manager of the Russian state wrote a decree testifying to the reduction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 11 thousand jobs. The reform will end with the planned loss of staff by 10% of the officers and 15% of the ranks.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Responsibilities: to whom?

In this situation, it is interesting to speculate on the topic of performing official duties by persons who have not been excluded from the system. For the general presentation of the picture, it is worth noting that for each body, structural unit (department, management) a certain number of jobs is allocated. The responsibilities of each employee are aimed at performing tasks that do not overlap with the performance of other employees.

And so, there was a staff reduction in the Russian Interior Ministry. A very topical issue today is the transfer of duties of laid-off employees to those who remain in the field and fulfill their main tasks. Who will pay extra for the load? And for a greater amount of effort and time spent? Unfortunately, state managers do not think about this yet.

staff reduction

About positive changes

The reduction in the internal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will serve as an impetus for the creation of a new body of state protection - the Russian Guard, which will take on the function of ensuring the safety of citizens.

The reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is planned to be carried out in several stages, including due to the retirement of employees. So, an employee who has a few years or months left until the maximum term of service will go on a well-deserved rest. And if earlier in its place a competition was announced in advance, now the recruitment of new employees for the vacant position will cease. Needless to say, the reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will bring significant savings in cash from the Russian budget?

staff reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Adverse Reform Protection

The reduction of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not be carried out everywhere, but taking into account the criminal situation of each region of the state. An analysis of the data will allow indexation of wages to employees.

A striking example is the ban on staff reductions in the following regions: Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Crimea, Chukotka, Nenets District. This provision applies to those workers who are in direct contact with the population, that is, local police officers in any subject. In addition, special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs authorized to conduct reconnaissance, search and other activities will not be fired. It is worth noting that with a sharp improvement in the economic situation in the country, the reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will immediately cease. But knowing the current political situation, it is unlikely that such desires will become a reality.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reduction

Plunge into the past

It came July 2015. The president by his decree reduces about 100 thousand employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this trend was not a one-time, but a permanent one. That is why at the beginning of 2016, many were ready to leave their jobs and packed work accessories in a suitcase. A massive reduction in the 2016 Ministry of Internal Affairs is a common occurrence for people in blue uniforms.

The situation of public safety has also worsened by the fact that the normative act provided for the possibility of reducing the staff of private security. In this industry, negative reforms have affected only those who work for the state on a contract basis.

Sparing moments also happened. The head of state identified certain categories of citizens who were not affected by the mandatory dismissal: aviation units, DOS, transport police. In addition, privileges were granted to all employees depending on their belonging to certain territories, for example, the state was fully preserved in the Crimea and the Yamal-Nenets okrug. The remaining regions could not boast of such an advantageous position, and dismissal took place everywhere.

staff reduction

Law Enforcement Transformation

The reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia affected the activities of other departments necessary to ensure the safety of the population and the state. So, the abolished posts reappeared in completely different departments not related to the police. The redistribution took place depending on the current criminal situation of each region, as well as the crime rate. The staff of private security was reduced by almost 90 thousand employees, which, undoubtedly, hit hard on the criminal situation.

In order to prevent the growth of dangerous violations, the dismissal of the central guard, the employees carrying out the detention, as well as the quick response groups were not carried out. As a rule, the innovations did not apply to employees who had devoted their career more than a dozen years.

reduction of internal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Reform objectives

In total, as a result of the reduction, about one million people were laid off. Each of the officials corresponds to an abbreviated position. The head of state says that the main goal of reforming the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is to reduce the burden on the state treasury.

Despite any obstacles, opinions and dissatisfaction, the president’s decision came true. Moreover, the savings occurred not only due to numerous layoffs, but also due to the termination of additional financing of the system. To date, current employees do not receive additional payments, benefits, social support. The only exceptions are applicants for free real estate.

About the disadvantages

A qualitatively new decision is always fraught with consequences: positive or negative. And the case under consideration is no exception.

First of all, numerous state facilities that were previously under the protection of private security are at risk of attack. At the reform stage, problems arise related to the protection of the population from crime. However, the head of state claims that the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies does not depend on the number of employees, but on their skills and proper execution of their duties. The only positive thing is the retention of workers who have impressive experience in service. It is this category that can give practical advice to the “younger” generation, train the practice of young workers, and also contribute to the internal effective reform of the public safety system.

The development of law enforcement agencies of the internal order depends on indicators of the state economy. If the situation improves, the MVD cadres will once again take their former places.


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