Vetclinic "Aurora", Lipetsk: review, specialists, services and reviews

You only understand the importance of having a good veterinary clinic nearby when a pet becomes ill. The experience of the doctor working in her, the presence of a laboratory and the necessary diagnostic equipment - all this plays a role. Therefore, even on the day when you decide to have a puppy, you need to decide where you will go for medical help. Today we’ll talk about the Aurora veterinary clinic in Lipetsk.

veterinarian aurora lipetsk

general description

It opened in 2007, and all this time the citizens have been pleased with the excellent service. The head of the center is Natalia Viktorovna Grishchenko, candidate of veterinary sciences, which has been engaged in veterinary activities since 1996. Over the years, vast experience has been accumulated in the diagnosis and treatment of pets.

On the first day of the opening of the Aurora veterinary clinic in Lipetsk, it is in great demand. People found here what they needed so much. A clinic where you can get the full range of services, undergo diagnostics and medical advice. All doctors have the appropriate education and extensive experience. Moreover, they constantly take part in training events, various conferences. Therefore, the level of services is constantly growing. The veterinary clinic has various capabilities and the necessary equipment for the prevention, accurate diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies.

Therapeutic Services

The owner of the puppy must definitely register him and choose a doctor. Vetroclinic Aurora in Lipetsk offers complete therapeutic control of your pet. The first time you bring the puppy for examination, after which the doctor will draw up an individual vaccination schedule, as well as the date of the next examination. Compliance with this scheme is the key to a long and happy life for your pet. The more regular your visits, the more likely you are to avoid illness.

If the dog is sick

Unfortunately, this is a description of the ideal situation. Even in the most caring owner, the animal can become infected and become ill. Vetroclinic Aurora in Lipetsk is ready to accept patients in any condition. After a thorough examination, you will receive comprehensive information about the condition of your pet. Therapeutic examination involves a general examination, diagnosis in the event of a disease, the appointment of treatment and monitoring the condition.

Veterinarian Aurora on Titova Lipetsk

Survey opportunities

Along with a general examination of the animal, clinic specialists can prescribe additional research methods. Today, the Aurora Veterinary Center has a wide medical arsenal for diagnosing and examining the condition of the animal.

The center has its own laboratory, in which most studies are carried out. This is a general analysis of blood and urine, blood biochemistry, cytology. Additionally, your pets are examined for endo- and ectoparasites. If the animal is large, and its condition does not imply the possibility of transportation to the clinic, then you can call a laboratory employee by phone. Vetroclinic "Aurora" in Lipetsk involves such services.

Diagnosis is in most cases the key to successful treatment. That is why a great deal of attention was paid to the selection of equipment for the laboratory. Thanks to this, the most modern diagnostic base in the field was born. There is an ultrasound machine and an electrocardiograph. Using special equipment allows you to successfully conduct a survey of both small and large animals. Our own laboratory allows you to conduct the necessary research as soon as possible. In addition, the clinic collaborates with several Moscow laboratories. This allows you to get complex diagnostic tests that require special equipment.

Existing branches

At the moment there are ten of them, and each of them is actively developing. Veterinary Center "Aurora" (Lipetsk) provides its patients with a full range of medical services. Each department performs specific tasks, which allows you to organize high-quality care for patients:

  • Cardiology. From the age of eight, animals must undergo a diagnosis of the cardiovascular system every year. The only veterinarian-cardiologist in the region works here. In addition, the department has the necessary equipment for diagnosis.
  • Dermatology. The reason for treatment may be itching, frequent molting, local hair loss, redness. Such problems are very common, so the availability of specialists and a diagnostic laboratory is very valuable.
  • Surgery. Vetroclinic "Aurora" on Titova (Lipetsk) is equipped with sterile operating rooms, necessary anesthesiology equipment and medical equipment. In the arsenal there are devices indispensable in case of emergency resuscitation. After this, the animal can be left under the supervision of doctors.
  • The center is equipped with a modern expert-class Mindray ultrasound scanner. This allows you to carry out any research.
  • Dentistry There are many oral problems that need to be addressed. This is bad breath, tartar and problems with chewing food, excessive salivation, brown teeth and sores on the tongue.
  • Reproductology. Reception is conducted by a reproductologist who helps determine the age and timing of mating, the causes of infertility. He leads a pregnancy, sterilizes.
  • Ophthalmology. The clinic has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the organs of vision.
  • Plastic surgery. One of the youngest, but demanded areas in the work of veterinarians.
Veterinary Center Aurora


I would like to note the convenient work schedule of the Aurora veterinary clinic (Lipetsk). Opening hours from 09:00 to 19:00, daily, seven days a week. This makes it possible for each owner to choose the time in order to visit a doctor, to treat his pet. But the most important thing is experienced specialists who treat your pets.

  • Grishenko N.V. - has been working as a veterinarian since 1996. He has a huge number of certificates, but continues to study. This person is truly a professional and an experienced leader for colleagues.
  • Makov A. Yu. - a young specialist, graduated from the University in 2006 with a specialization in surgical veterinary medicine, since 2007 he has been working at the Aurora Center.
  • Zolotukhina E. N. - ophthalmologist of the center.
  • Filatov M.A. - cardiologist. Leading narrow specialist not only in the city, but also in the region.
  • Bezuglaya N.P. is a laboratory assistant.
  • Galiullina O.V. - dermatologist.
  • Krasnoshchek V.N. - dermatologist.

In addition, there are also specialists who make appointments in the clinic. This should be clarified by the therapist at the reception. The opening hours of the Aurora veterinary clinic in Lipetsk do not always coincide with the time of admission for each of the specialists. Each of them has a weekend and time to relax. But the schedule is drawn up very competently, there are always those in the clinic who can provide your pet with the necessary assistance. In extreme cases, a specialist may be called in urgently.

veterinarian aurora lipetsk

Admission Rules

This is an important point that allows you to optimize the doctor’s working time, and the patient to avoid queues. The clinic has an appointment by phone. If the patient is not registered with a certain doctor, then he can be admitted in the order of priority, if the specialist has free time.

But this rule is not rigidly fixed, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. The Aurora Veterinary Center in Lipetsk is the place where you will always get the help you need. Reception of seriously ill animals is out of turn. Therefore, if your pet’s condition deteriorates sharply, or is injured, immediately bring it to the reception. If an emergency patient arrives, then he immediately gets help, including surgical. In this case, the entire staff of the center can be involved.

All animals must be on leashes, in carrying or in cages, if it concerns parrots or rodents. If the pet is under stress or expresses aggression, then the examination can be carried out using sedatives.

aurora vetclinic opening hours

How to get there

This moment was decisive for the formation of the popularity of the clinic among the population. Reviews about the Aurora Veterinary Center invariably began to contain information about its availability from anywhere in the city. In addition to the office on Titov, 29, there is a main building, which is located at ul. Gagarina, house 129.

You can get there by public transport, buses 1, 3, 11, 17, 119, 179. Of course, it will be more convenient to travel with a sick animal by personal transport or taxi. Someone lives nearby and can afford to go to the reception on foot.

Visitors reviews

As usual, unequivocal responses are difficult to find. If the owner has lost a pet, then the doctors are to blame forever. Unfortunately, such cases also happen. Not all fluffy patients can be saved, even with all desire. But if you compare the positive and negative reviews, then the first is much more. Visitors warmly respond to the perfect order in the clinic. If we do not talk about emergency cases, then the reception takes place at the scheduled time, without the need to lose time in the queue.

Visitors note spacious corridors, a large amount of space in order to sit and wait for the doctor’s opinion. But most of all, the availability of all the necessary equipment pleases. This eliminates the need to donate blood in one laboratory, undergo an ultrasound scan in another, and then collect the results and go back to the doctor. Everything is in one place, under the supervision of your veterinarian.

Veterinary Center Aurora G Lipetsk

From birth to old age

If you take a puppy, it’s best to immediately decide which doctor you will go to. Specialists sometimes find themselves in a very difficult situation, when the owners start treatment in one clinic, not seeing any positive changes, go to another, and when the condition becomes critical, they turn to Aurora because they heard a lot of good things about it.

If a puppy has a card here and is maintained throughout his life, it will be much easier for the owner to diagnose and understand what is happening with the pet. Judging by the numerous reviews, this clinic may well be your choice.

veterinary center aurora reviews

Instead of a conclusion

Aurora is a leading veterinary clinic in the city, which attracts a wide range of medical services. Here you can get any help at the moment when it is necessary. Patients are attracted by the presence of a hospital in which you can leave a seriously ill animal or in the postoperative period. Currently, you can get the most complete range of services in the city.


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